>when you stop overtrading
When you stop overtrading
Any advice on how to do this? How much should I limit my trades?
user ive been in this game since Dec, and its too much.. I just put my Dbc, and xlm in wallets. I'm just gonna hope for the best. I hope I made the right choice, its too much stress
Honestly me too tbqh
Hold squad. Jumped on rai and then kcs and now idk where to go
it was literally buy low sell high
just buy shit like stratis and komodo and wait
Holding mostly XLM and some Kin. Nothing to do but hold now I guess. I don't know what else to do.
This game has taken over video games for me, and originally I was overtrading and making small gains.
Then I split my stash into thirds, 1 for 6months-1year holds(this has made me the most money by far), 1 for
I told ya mang, december was gonna be the month for kmd
i havnt sold komodo yet
I know the feel user 2 coins ive held since end of November both mooned hard and corrected same time looking ready for round 2
Same. I stopped bothering and suddenly I'm up 3x. When I tried day trading I only made about 20% on my initial even after months. Unless you're an excellent analyst and completely unemotional, being patient is the way to let things go
>When you sell ARK
let me guess lumen and cardano
literally just made the same observation after going through EVERY trade from the last year
Gvt and arn
thats why im waiting to buy just about every good masternode coin on cryptopia right now
Same desu
>ITT veteran day traders getting rekt by WoW trading bots and MEME trading
>When you're in a bull market
Anyone is a genius in a bull market
Gvt hit 50 corrected to 30 and arn hit 9 corrected to 4.50 was thinking by eoy gvt would hit 50 and arn would hit 5 so i am very excited for what they will do eoy
i knew that argument would come but i got in since march and made no money during the last greatest bull market cause i was retarded but people not knowing the difference between a bear trap and a down trend are the biggest factors to losing money id say
Buy something and don't sell until you make a profit. If it dips 20% sell instantly. Literally all you gotta' do.
Everyone's portfolio looks like this
well there are only 3 possibilities for which way your portfolio will go but there are many reasons why
Its been a great year
how to daytrade
1. go to coinmarketcap
2. sort by 24 hour % gain
3. pick out five coins from the top 25 slots that are beginning the hockey stick, or have been at a steady trajectory but have recently dipped, and are now correcting. even better if you see some buzz about them on biz.
4. put into each of the coins evenly.
5. hold until you see a 5-10% gain and then sell them.
6. take the rest of the day off. if your portfolio is already 5000 dollars, congratulations, you just made more in a few minuets of clicking buttons and jacking off while you wait for the money to roll in than most Americans will ever make in a day of working for 8 hours.
7. repeat. 5% gain per day on average = more than a 500k in a year if you start out with 2500
people want to chase moon missions but the only real way to make money at this is to take it in steps.
$6.75 KEK did you buy a single ENG or something?
Umm sure lol.
hello norman
That's BTC not $ you fucking mongaloid
Heard that
K, so what do you think of POE right now? Would that fit your criteria user