has all the ingredients to be the top privacy coin

> has all the ingredients to be the top privacy coin
> made by top researchers at tech company
> controlled by the community and therefore truly decentralized
> conservative, stable, not likely to implement many changes, the way money should be
> doesn't leave a fucking trail of where you spent your money and how much you have
> set up to have an amazing launch as it runs up together with bitcoin, FOMO sets in, it trades over $1000
> excellent branding

To me, there are so many good things about this coin. I have problem seeing how it couldn't be a success. Am I just biased? Nobody sees this as a shitcoin right? Most people do see the potential? Why are people ignoring this fucking gem?

It's available on Binance already. I need to get some quickly

>Why are people ignoring this fucking gem?

The people who matter aren't ignoring it. Everyone else will jump in later, clown. Like you say, most normies don't know about it and the ones that do probably don't understand how to get it.

what coin is this?

200 tonight i feel it bro

BTCP. It's forking from ZCL.

where on binance? I just checked for btcp didnt see shit

Sodo we just need to hold some zcl to get these?

he was talking about bcpt......

Are there any comparisons of btcp and monero? Official website says whitepaper coming soon...

at this point you can just compare it with zcash

so good binance delisted it

zclassic is gay, zencash is what will free us from the financial chains that the globalists have shackled us with since the beginning.

you fucking idiots

what does zencash offer that btcp do not? are those things absolutely necessary? there is a point to keeping things simple true to the original

> made by top researchers at tech company
which tech company?

what coin is this?

decentralized governance (being able to vote on proposals, allocate resources)
DAO treasury (joint research with IOHK aka guys behind ADA)
decentralized publishing/media
6000+ secure nodes

people are still communicating off-band like sms / web platforms for conducting transactions that can get compromised and shut down. Secure nodes prevent interference and keep everything secure in band. It has the same capability as bitcoin private to do transactions since its a zclassic fork but with more features and a much larger team.

That sounds pretty cool and interesting
I will probably invest some in it because I like the idea of it
but not sure if it's a bitcoin replacement
whenever you add a new feature to something, you are making it slightly more complex and as I said, keeping things simple is really important

but hey, I know too little to say anything really

doesnt exist yet, bitcoin private

fork of ZClassic and Bitcoin

250 zcl baby dolphin reporting in...w-will i make it, anons?

Stop trying to mislead dumb anons
BCPT on binance is not BTCP

Anons, you need to buy ZCL or BTC to get the forked BTCP
Check Zclassic

I only have 42 ZCL will I make it?

I can't wagecuck much longer brehs...

The walls getting eaten right now!!