This thing's been rejected at the $12 price point 3 times. Now it can barely hold $11. Should I be worried?
Not spreading FUD, it's like 30% of my portfolio. Just wondering if it'll ever do anything or if I'm wasting my money HODLing it.
This thing's been rejected at the $12 price point 3 times. Now it can barely hold $11. Should I be worried?
Not spreading FUD, it's like 30% of my portfolio. Just wondering if it'll ever do anything or if I'm wasting my money HODLing it.
im all in, missed every moon and now its tanking
This is the real fucking deal. You want to gamble go to a casino. Who cares what happens today, this month or this year.
Oh ye of little faith
Korean exchanges have been raided by feds
>dump it
lol it literally only entered $11 like yesterday
All this FUD is getting ridiculous. Suspicious af. Buying more. Suck a dick OP.
Sold ICX for VEN in the near term. That's probably what's tanking it for now.
That's a good trade. VEN is mooning. Look into getting to WTC as well for more korean coins.
Holding. This is a serious project with a working product. I'm holding 25% of my portfolio in ICX until they make announcements the 31st.
Idk I sold my ICX for LINK. I figured this was a best case 100x from here, seemed like a good time to pop out for a 1000x opportunity.
Not FUD, retard. Just wanted Veeky Forums's advice. Eat my ass
Monster hunter will be out by then. It'll kill time til the 31st. and we'll all be rewarded for holding ICX.
It's at 50% of my portfolio. I'm comfy. Just let it ride. You don't have to sell every time it takes a 20% beating.
Sell BAT, its shit. Trade it for VEN or ENG.
B-but pewdiepie
25% of my portfolio, not worried at all. If it dips hard i will just add to my position
The only reason why the price is high is because people are buying it so they can dump it to the gooks (Thinking that the gooks actually would buy icx => pure speculation). Hold icx for another 2-3 days I'd say before selling it. Shit is about to tank in the lead up to 24th.
I sold this coin yesterday. Very disappointed with Icon and all their broken promises