Is Binance's coin worth anything in the future? Any EOY estimates?
Is Binance's coin worth anything in the future? Any EOY estimates?
kcs and bnb moon...the next train is (coss coin) new interface next week, ponzi coin with dividends...look at the graphs on coinmarketcap of kcs and bnb...if you not on the coss train, u gonna cry.
You can't be serious? Fucking buy it you Pajeet, it's literally the most important coin if you want to trade on binance.
You should've bought this when the chunk ban was in effect, it dipped to like $1.5
bumping for any advice
the only people really winning in this game i exchanges....
also this
kcs and bnb moon, the next is coss...this coin will go to 20 dollars in 1 month...sitting on 1.49 as of writing, all inned kcs have 10btc, all in bnb have 10 btc, done the same now with coss...
also normies have come to the market, exchanges are closed fo like finex, bittrex...etc, they need to sell coins...where next?
Bibox Token (BIX) is a good one to look into as well.
got both, but i rate bitbox literally a carbon copy of binance...dedicated to chinks, coss...actually has a completely different interface with a dividends coin...maybe after coss...but if you dont get gonna ragrat next week...
u r GuD PeRsOnNn user
I like bibox for throwing money at random shitcoins and hoping for the best, they have a few interesting ones.
2 + 2 = 4....quik maths
1.40 into 20 dollars in 1 me another coin that does that...other than kcs and bnb
I have no reason 2 shill anymore...its just logic...exchanges win in this game...and more normies are comming, and this comming from an user who quit his job today because of it...
So will BNB go up this year or no?
yea moron. the based chinks had to suspend new user applications because they were getting too many. binance is a top tier exchange that even normies can use so yea, bnb is a smart investment.
yes it will, as will most coins, as the market cap will get bigger, as more normies come into the game...remember, we havent even hit 1 trill marketcap...but why are you waiting for it to go up say 10 dollars...when you can get another infant exchange like, who literally have the same bullshits coins with dividends...these are the tru winners in this game + you get paid every coin on the exchange for holding them...coss is the next mega pump, this comming from a guy who quit job today based on holding BNB and KCS in its infancy...Exchange coins..., people trying to chase the latest tech, these coins do the same thing...same pattern everything.
You literally holding Bitconnect, its giving you dividends on every do fuck all, its literally what intrigue's everyone to buy, and while you hold it, it goes up a fuck load...
Get Coss now...or regrat...tell me im wrong
How long does binance id verification take? I sent my drivers license like 10 hours ago
Also, new interface next week...and it looks Killer
buy coss now...
took me a day...they quite chinky on the pics...get rejected a few times...cause of stupid shit...
Holding KCS and BNB only won’t do it...You still need referrals to see maximum gains.
Ok. Just cuz i put in 0.5btc worth of eth and bought alts before new years. I'm now @ 1.1btc and growing so I don't wanna get fucked with withdrawals.
I have to say, i like this 2fa authentication thing
The QR code think felt pretty futuristic.
Though I'm probably out of touch
Shill to your normie mates...i havent got much, like 20 referals...spamming fb, twitter, as you gotta remember...the money hasnt come yet...all those friends you were like "join crypto much gainz" about a year ago...who didnt believe you, believe you now...after the ripple pump and TRX pump...they looking for the next train because they getting reeeed...shill them...might not help you in the short term, cause they have fuck all money...but give it time, those trust fund kids, who didnt belive, are believing...and comming with huge money...not even 1 trillion market cap, spam to everyone you know, shill to everyone, grandparents, friends, people you hate, who will be suprised how many people latch on and fomo...cause they missed the gains train...
always 2fa everything, my phone is literally a maze of 2fa...even suggest buying a shit phone just to hold 2fa's...cause its a fucking ball ache to remove 2fa's per exchange and re-add them to your phone...but 2fa is standard and essential...
what about cobinhood
exchanges win, dunno if the coin gives dividends...if it does, buy as much as you can...