You will never get a girl like this unless you own at least 25 ZCL.
You will never get a girl like this unless you own at least 25 ZCL
>wanting a girl like that
you mean girl(male) right?
Sorry but I'll keep my virginity.
My hard earned money shouldn't be pissed away in bad investments or STDs
literally a barista skank
you might as well be buying a hooker if you're going to pay for something
Who is this and why does she always get posted here?
Thank god my taste in women and coins isn't literal shit then
she looks like the loyal type
>have 75 zcl
>22 yearcold virgin\
dont listen guys;-;
Is that a tranny?
Stay pure, user.
No but she is underage
Pump and dump.
I can't bring this home to my moms
feel comfy with my 0.0005 ZCL
He's CUTE!
k ive seen this chick to many times...sauce now
Looks like a filthy whore OP. Better get out my wallet.
She looks just young enough, I'll buy her with my VEN-gains.
Who is this fishnet sloot
2/10 fucked up fish mouth would not bang
Can you explain why you wouldn't want a girl like this?
i would pump her full of cum then never see her again if that's what you mean
When we all make it we should rent out a nice house on the coast furnished with lambos and rolls royces, Then find these thots lie about our names and knock them up then vanish/ rinse and repeat.
out tripfag
Fuck this whore
>tfw 26.1