SOMETIMES YOU SEE THAT CHART THAT MAKES YOU CUMSALIVATE. Just like APPC, this will go up 100-200 % more from where its at. Just look at the chart.
Goodness sake
I know user. Its money time
mmmm taking off. Its not too late.
Volume on this thing is crazy
Get in here guys
finally someone sees the light. they are going to kill themselves after 100% gain in the next 24
Okay in user, already up 200 sats, let's rocket.
Thank you user :)
up 2000 sats since post. easy 100% from start of thread
I fomo'ed in at around 16000 something sats. Where do you think this'll finish?
atleast 30000
By when? I'm holding this shit with iron hands lol. So glad I spotted this
already up 80%. this shit's gonna drop
Literally why would you FOMO into this? Already up 500%, don't be retarded and buy yet
how hi do u see this going tonight user?
got my bags a while ago. welcome to the party Veeky Forums
10k wall @ 18500
Volume is almost 35k, it'll come down I'm sure
shits gona go up 100% in the hour, Kanye is about to tweet about using it
holy shit this is literally the most normie of normie coins. and it's going to get demo'ed at the super bowl.
they have a black dev. LMAO literal normie gold mine.
Baby it okay I invest at too high now I sad. Buy back and be both only have temporarily lose.
>music coins
More like music to ears omg
I literally stared at VEN when it was 4.2$ and considered getting it
oh dear rused again
I actually bought ven and appc together. Fix up you faggot boy.
what's the best option to buy? VEN or VIBE?
VIBE, super bowl ad will literally destroy normies. The shits all over instagram and they have step-by-step guides on how to buy it.
HAHAH fuck im in the same situation. Both are on fire.
Long term Ven for sure. idk tonight
I'd be really surprised if this doesn't recover in a matter of hours
how long term, weeks,months or years?
Nigga your looking a Binance chart data since it was listed. Look at global data. lol get rekt.
Im not sure. I was talking in comparison to VIBE. It seems a better long term. Personally if 10x on Ven I would sell.
Yeah, okay. It's a toughchoice
Well, I guess I'm stuck with this shit now
I'll give it another few hours before I start panicking. A bunch of other shit seems to be down now too
because I started this thread, im going to let you know im out. Just saw the news on South Korea. I hope you all make money if it goes up but I remember China and im trying to get in bottom of crash
Setting my sell order for 20000 sats and abandoning ship too, gl anons
I almost bought this at like 20 cents and decided against it. Bought TRX at 3 cents instead... made a killing off that.
>VIBE, super bowl ad
source on that?