Guys, I want to be part of the crypto currency fun. I downloaded the Bitcoin wallet. I have opened an account on Gemini and CoinBase. I am currently waiting on my $700 deposit to clear. I would appreciate any recommendations. Please no bully.
You're gonna need to join a real exchange first.
My personal favs are Binance and Kucoin. They've been reliable to me.
And sorry to spoil the fun, but don't buy XRP, XVG, or TRX
Binance and KuCoin. Got it. Thanks!
Spend that $700 on Ethereum.
60% Ethereum
20% solid hold
10% okay hold
5% shitcoin
5% shitcoin
Don't listen to advice on here, you'll get burned for it, but you'll ultimately learn not to trust anyone.
Don't trade with emotion, have strong hands. You better have some strong willpower and mental fortitude if you wanna last in this game.
Good luck user, feel free to ask me any questions
lurk moar you fucking faggot
Wow, actual advice. Good guy user.
Good you only deposited 700. You'll loose half that being a faggot. Lurk more.
Never use coinbase
Put it all on ETH and invest in some ICOs
Biz's flavor of the month are:
Thanks, user!
Get yourself some neo. Sign up for and scoop up some dbc. Deep brain chain. Also ven on binance and also enigma. Dont ever use bitcoin to transfer between exchanges it takes too long. Send litecoin its faster and cheaper to just sell it on the exchange for btc and then use the btc or eth to buy coins. Your welcome.
worthless advice for a $700 portfolio. 35 bucks on 2 shitcoins? why don't you just flush his money down the toilet in transaction fees?
I'm not him but I need some direct advice. I've got $260 in bitcoin, $660 in eth and $475 in ltc, I want to get into shitcoins, what moves do I make? The whole thing is a little overwhelming.
Since when did biz start giving good advice. Did you guys have to pay to get access to this thread
start playing on an exchange.
binance was an easy one for me to start with
my referral code is 20135916 if u want to help a noob too
I lost quite a bit when I first started. Made it to 10k recently. Mostly through recent ICOs.
You basically gotta lurk alot until you figure out what's going on.
Also learn about market cap and coin circulation. And if the coin doesn't have a legit project, it's extremely high risk.
What does market cap and circulation mean
many thanks you
Just start buying a little of literally every low vol shitcoin you can find and set sell orders at 10x. Inevitably some pump and dump group will target it and pop your order.
Utterly retarded advice in this market
>Diversifying 700 bucks
For what? He wants to get rich, he doesn't want to make 2 fucking dollars in a year
OP, buy a shitcoin or two at max and go all in. Forget about it for a month and come back and see whats up
Shitcoins to look at:
Good luck
Account opened on Kucoin! Thanks guys!
Google it yourself you retard, ffs
You want to learn? So learn then
I appreciate all the advice. I will continue to lurk moar. It is kind of overwhelming, but I'll learn.
take the entire $700 and put it into a SINGLE well-researched coin with a low market cap, good whitepaper, good team, good hype, good tech. ask tons of questions here and on plebbit and twitter.
in the early stages and in this bullish market you want to be very aggressive and take big risks, otherwise you are making the kind of moves in months that most people in crypto are making in days without much struggle if they've done their research. you should be trying to 3x-10x your money early on. and you should keep doing this aggressive strategy until you hit about 10K, then you can stash some of your gains in a more proven coin like ethereum and split the rest into the same quick-rising low market cap coins. but until you get up into that 10K mark you are shooting yourself in the foot to be as conservative as that other user advised you to be.
just to give you an example of what can be done in crypto, i put in about 300 bucks 3 weeks ago and have made 10K as of today. i've made about 4 total trades in this time. and i'm nothing special at all, lots of people are doing way better than me. don't be afraid to go big early on, just do your research.
this guy gets it.
but research all the coins. bbt seems solid, i personally don't fuck with ufr because of the way it gets shilled, haven't heard of the others
That's how I know you're poor. That or you're behind the curve
If you put $20 into BNTY 2 weeks ago you'd be at $500. High risk high reward. I would ask you what you're invested in but I know you came from pol last week and you're a condescending, negative, pessimistic neet faggot.
Lessen that LTC position. BTC should be at least equal if not higher than your LTC position. I'd say Go $500 eth, $250 BTC $250 LTC and then buy some good shit: NEO, OMG, ZRX, DNT, TRX. Diversify
>MC, the amount of money that is currently in the market or a specific coin.
>Circulation: How many coins are in circulation
>Market Cap divided by circulating coin supply yields the price of your coin
Don't listen to this fucking moron putting all his eggs into one basket.
i put 1K into BNTY 2 weeks ago at 8 cents you faggot. the 1K i got from putting 300 bucks into xvg before that. with your exact strategy i'd be sitting on what? i'm sitting on 10K now and BNTY is just firing up the rockets and will likely hit 2-3 bucks this qtr. so how about you get fucked with your shit advice kiddo
ufr just went 500%
who gives a fuck how it gets shilled, its irrelevant
Wait for a week OP we're going into a real correction right now. Alts are eating shit pretty much across the board and BTC is in freefall.
you've arrived at a perfect time
So you just admitted based on your advice that you got lucky on two coins, and your portfolio isn't worth shit. Welcome to the crypto world you fucking noob. You're trading with shekels "MUH 300 INVESTMENT"
Holy shit bro, you put ONE WHOLE ETH into Bounty. /clap Imagine someone with a week of trading experience and a measly 10 grand dictating and telling people how to invest.
Get fucked
OP this lad doesn't understand how it works in the early stages of trading crypto. his advice works for people who already have a lot of money. if you do what he says now, assuming the market stays the same, you will be making 10K by April when you could be looking at 100K in that timeframe. this crypto era isn't going to last forever and it is absolutely retarded to be that conservative with 700 bucks. even if you don't want to go all-in on a single coin, putting 5% of 700 dollars into two different shitcoins is mental. at the very least go $350 in two coins but if you've done your research there's really no need.
no one is disputing the fact that it is dumb to go all-in when you have a lot of money to lose, but in crypto it is equally dumb to over-diversify when you have literally less than 1K on the table. everyone here who knows fuckall about this will support what i'm saying
>gets btfo and beaten to the punch with his own shilling
>m-muh strategy is still better
What were your 4 trades? And what all-inclusive coin would you go into right now assuming you only had $1k.
My first buy order was .04 what are you smoking?
MCO ---> SALT ---> XVG ---> BNTY
One thing I did that is atypical is I wasn't afraid to back out of what seemed like a bad move even if I took a loss of up to about 10%. I got in and out of Salt very quickly when I heard some good rumors about XVG before all the Mcafee shit. I then 5x'd in XVG and got out as soon as all of that went down. I'm not afraid to get out earlier than the high as long as I am profiting. I also have iron hands when I'm in something super promising like BNTY even though many others got bounced after 4 days of stagnancy. It's not easy and yes there is luck involved but there's a reason that faggot above and I both independently mentioned BNTY in an argument with each other. Because we are both researching the right coins. He just doesn't understand that his principles are inferior to mine in a portfolio that is less than 10K.
I'd probably go into gems as soon as it gets listed on an exchange if I had 1K. Research them. The real advice is to start with a tiny amount of money and learn the ropes and not really give a fuck if you lose it all. Then after you've been doing that for a month or two and lurking and researching, go all-in on a promising coin. I learned a lot of lessons on the fly with small money that I might not have been able to handle emotionally if I had 500K involved.
How much money was your initial investment into crypto? If it was greater than 1K or if it was before this time last year you know fuck all about how to make it from the bottom these days so shut the fuck up. I literally just fucking made it from dirt to 10K. I am well qualified to advise someone else. A lot of shit has changed you can't just dump your peanuts into eth and hodl you fucking moron