Without posting panicky pink wojacks, what do you realistically see happening to the crpyto market after the shit show this week?
Without posting panicky pink wojacks...
going back to normal or better. just wish I had waited to spend my money cause now i have bags to hold instead of gains to get
>what do you realistically see happening to the crpyto market after the shit show this week?
bouncing back
The board resets. The game begins anew.
*cryptocurrency market reaches 2+ trillion, bet.
This. Nothing happened, just cheap coins for now. Buy the dip
Lots of faggots will lose their asses selling low to try to stop-loss.
Lots of jews will make a lot of money buying their weak hands.
You know, same as every time.
>just bought another ETH.
nothing, this shit has happened almost identically several times this year and each time, after the dust settles, everything reaches ATHs.
Remember this dip in BTC is nothing (yet) compared to even a month or two ago when it peaked at like $19k+ and then crashed to ~$11-12k
Now its been hovering around ~$14-15k for a few weeks, a crash even to ~$10-11k isn't as bad as the previous one.
After every week like this, everything ends up recovering and reaching ATHs. If you managed to sell before shit started crashing, grats, rebuy cheaper and make some profit. If you didn't sell yet and everything you're holding is already down ~20% then I'd just hold indefinitely until things recover, even if it drops another 10-30% it's too difficult to time the upswing and you'll end up losing if you try.
In all of my 8 days trading I've never seen such a dip. We're done for fellas.
Sweet, this is just a sale! Also, is Kucoin Korean? Should I get the fuck out of there?
>coins dip
>everyone gets back in due to low prices
Everything will go back to normal. Crypto is still legal in like all other countries on earth.
this x10000 I thought i was so slick buying stuff cheaply yesterday when today is the real fucking bargain
BNB will soar if korean exchanges really are going down.
It's the end of the road for the high MCAP coins that have been getting a bad rep on the internet. (TRX, XVG, ADA, etc) No one's gonna buy those dips.
Everything else will recover and there will be plenty of moon missions to chase.
so what youre saying is... DRGN and CAN all in?
I went all in on CAN at $4.50
Jesus christ my portfolio is bleeding. CAN better bounce back.
I got in at 4.37 with 25%
it if doesnt bounce back ill be good but still booooo
It's Korean, I haven't heard anything regarding to it yet, but it is probably safer not to keep anything on the exchange, especially at the moment. This is also why things like the shares that some people kept shilling about are a risky investment.
>Bubble popped.
>Lots of normies got burned
>low adoption
Gonna see the market steadily bleed over the next few months.
Please God be true.
This is just a flesh wound,
it will recover to new ATHs very soon.
Source: Am time traveller from year 2028.
Get into IOTA, VEN, ETC, QTUM, VIBE, TNB for nice recovery.
Hope this is true because XVG and TRX deserve to die
Realistically what is the lowest BTC will drop to?
5k? this would be reverting to November, before the last big run
i am going to keep being self employed working 60 hours a week making about 60k with no boss and not giving a fuck with a few good friends and minimal regrets / wagecuck
It's going to be a while before people trust it again, but I think today is the beginning of a beautiful journey, as exciting as knowing about html in 1991.
QTUMs easy money, solid as a rock.
I've been in it since ~$9 but whenever these dips happen I rebuy more. I sincerely expect ~$150-200+ in the longer run, and it's easy as fuck to swing trade.
I just went in with 1/3 of my stack on viacoin a little while ago. It's barely moved through this second dip. Rode enigma through the last dip. Those two coins are pretty resilient. Might switch to substratum when the bleeding stops. Also for small steady gains, some YouTubers think it's litecoins turn next
Is now a good time to buy? How long do I have? I am looking to put a couple hundered dollars somewhere.
it's not korean it's chinese
it's chinese
it's already going up again
binance just added 240 000 user in one hour.
congrats to those who could buy on the dip, too bad for the weak hands who panic sold.