What if the USA decides to ban crypto next
it could happen any moment. one second you're happy with your 1 million portfolio the next second Trump bans crypto and you're homeless
What if the USA decides to ban crypto next
I think that Europe won't.
We're not retarded.
you think it's gonna be instant like surprise motherfuckers?
They're going to give you at least a week before permanently banning retard
think before you post more dumb shit
i ask you does banning drugs make it worthless?
you moron. the moment the news comes out the price will drop 95% as everyone online instantly dumps everything they have.
>dur they give u week notice
>coinbase has temporarily decided to halt all outgoing transactions indefinitely, the jews thank you for your contribution to the Zionist State
if you can't /makeit/ by next year in this market, you deserve to be homeless
>a country where guns and in some places marijuana is legal is going to ban virtual coins
Yeah right.
>implying they wouldnt just put a 5 dollar charge on viewing the exchanges URL each unique time you accessed it
what is tor
>50 dollar charge to view the download page of tor
you don't get it. You can have guns and weed and booze and whatever else. In the end to get all of those things, what do you need?
If you start paying with something other than the corrupt fiat that they control and monopolize to enslave us in debt, the government will take notice. if you fuck with their money, that's when you start to see legislation. these greedy pieces of shit don't want us, the wage slaves, to break free of our chains.
Trump is invested in this stuff
don't even joke about that
Yes ban 800billion valuation that will surely help the economy and give investors so much confidence in the markets. It certainly wont cause a massive shift of wealth to offshore locations that would put china to shame.
no he's not you faggot. Trump is a piece of shit, dumb puppet just like the rest of the politicians. you faggot alt right retards think "hurr we won we got our man in" he's not your man, if the corporations and lobbyists who put him in power tell him to ban/regulate crypto, he will get on his fucking knees and do as he's told.
Trump doesn't care about you, he'll never build that wall, and he is not interested in helping the alt right realize their goals, his only goal is to make money and gain power which you retards already gave him
I will say he was far superior to hillary though. Choosing the shinier piece of shit.
He is DEFINITELY not in crypto.
I think it's more likely for Europe to ban crypto than it is for the US
We're actually fucking retarded
chill the FUCK out you goddamn sheep
>"Don't tread on me"
Nah, Trump won't ban crypto m8. I'm pretty sure Barron's been mining Vertcoin since the start.
>trump is a puppet
why would they ban crypto when they just issued tax guideline for cryptos? use your brain
if the US bans crypto I'm legit going to find the first boat I can board to the Bahamas
I'll buy 86k worth of shit off Overstock.com.
>lmfao they were literally showing people on screen step buy step how to Ripple on Poloniex two days ago and not they're propagating fake news about a total crypto ban
Simply a coincidence, you stupid goyim.
>What if the USA decides to ban crypto next
the ammonium nitrate market will soar
every politican, especially the president, is a puppet you basement dwellers. You ever notice how, no matter the campaign promises, democrat or republican, once they get in they just do the same corrupt shit as every other president? it's the money and connections that got them there talking.
The bankers, corporations, and lobbyists control this country to the core. You can't fuck with them or they send the most powerful organization in the world, the US military, after your ass.
no, Trump won't ban crypto, he probably doesn't know what it is. But if he's told to ban crypto, he will like the good little pet that he is. the last president to have some balls and stand up for the people was JFK. We saw how that ended.
I wish you idiots would stop worshipping trump, he doesn't care about you. at. all.
Hello friend, TATP reporting in
Out of all developed, 1st world countries, the USA is the least likely to ban it (besides, like, Switzerland or something). USA is the OG asset speculation market anyways, been like that since the fuckin 1800s
Jesus christ you're a fucking retard
*tips PETN*
>tfw you're cozy in Bitflyer
The jew fears the samurai.
If you really think they're going to ban crypto right after deciding to milk it for all its worth via taxes then you are retarded.
your love of importing shitskins to rape your women says otherwise
you go to slovakia and become mega rich
>crypto is only in america
> no argument
> ad hominem
ok pussy. You are just so typical, opposite side of SJW's, on the same coin. normal intelligent people don't like you, you are all low IQ it's a fact
you imported niggers from africa 300 years ago and jewish refugees from germany during world war. nothing can beat that
>Trump bans crypto
He won't, but seeing the /pol/ contingent here continue to suck him off after this would be top comedy
Its almost as if Jews control the USA.
>normal people dont like nationalism
Ok we get it shlomo, now leave.
intelligent people realize that nationalism, socialism, social justice, "race purity", all of it is in the same category of groupthink and collectivism. collectivism is for weak, beta men who can't handle independence and freedom. I still believe in America as a bastion of individualism in the world, but it's under attack by the moronic SJW's and the unathletic, virgin alt right.
please leave america.
Wouldn't believing in america being a bastion be a form of nationalism because you are proud of something your country is able to achieve?
>Trump is like the rest of them
>Trust me goyim
> using terms like “beta”
Lol and you think you have any right to lecture people about “groupthink”. Everything you believe was spoon fed to you.
no Gorean banis for you, bervert XXDDD
t. pic related
I don't think americans are somehow superior to other people. I just think that this country has a beautiful system that allows for free, open thought and innovation, which allows us to prosper more than other countries, and it is a individualistic system that I really like. that is all.
> race baiting
wow, so original and unexpected from a low iq alt righter. maybe update your repertoire retards
you're basing your whole argument off of one word that I accurately used. You're the spoon fed one, too stupid to think for yourself so you have to follow the idiotic hive mind of the far right, a hive mind that believes everyone should be the same. You're a coward I can smell it
Cause you know, you can't find it anywhere else.... On the entire fucking internet.
oh and, I'm not jewish. notice how my arguments are far better articulated than all of the shitposting alt righters, who consistenly race bait and really don't have the brain cells to think farther than that.
>I don't think americans are somehow superior to other people. I just think that this country has a beautiful system that allows for free, open thought and innovation, which allows us to prosper more than other countries, and it is a individualistic system that I really like. that is all.
And that system was formed by a collective of white men exclusively for white men.
crypto trader on tumblr thinks it will all be OK. Don't panic until he finds his counterparty...
Checks out!
Race matters. 94% of libertarians in the USA are white. The negroids, Amerindians and other assorted non-whites that you love hate you and have no interest in supporting your political agenda.
"for us and our posterity"
but that's not what nationalism is, you can google the definition right now.
That's just an attribute of a small group of people that you choose to attach to the word
% F I F T Y S I X %
dude. race does not matter. show me one respected scientist or research team that has PROVEN, not theorized, that races have different brains. Do certain races seem to have horrible cultures? Yes, for example the african american community, horrible values. But that doesn't represent the individual, would you say you're smarter than Neil Degrasse Tyson, who has a PhD in astrophysics? I'm an engineer. I have met a few intelligent black students who are extremely smart. Your world view is limited.
You're not special or superior because you were born a certain way. You just want to believe that because you and your group were never really good at sports/with women, so you have to tell yourself your superior just because you were born a certain way. I bet if you look at the accomplishments of your "friends" they will be few and far between.
>100 dollar charge for viewing google results for the words "tor download hush hush"
>extra 50 cent fee for "Faye Reagan gets knotted"
Well im white so idc
damn I was hoping that crash would purge all of you reddit normies. guess not
america is for everyone dude. no race is native here except for the native americans. It's a land of opportunity for everyone and that's why it's great. If you want to live in a wonderbread, cookie cutter society, well you missed the 10 year reich buddy. Hitler and his population were raped, slaughtered and humiliated.
>We control Trump
>trust me goyim
>you have no power
>show me one respected scientist or research team that has PROVEN, not theorized, that races have different brains.
All of them have. The egalitarians theorize that the differences are due to environment, or that the brain morphology is disconnected from brain function.
> the african american community, horrible values. But that doesn't represent the individual
Regression to the mean will tend to bring the offspring of "exceptional" individuals back toward the horrible values of the aggregate community in time.
> would you say you're smarter than Neil Degrasse Tyson, who has a PhD in astrophysics
> You're not special or superior because you were born a certain way
Yes, I am.
>look at all these black people on the right side of the bell curve
IQ is inherited.
Whites on average are smarter than blacks.
That doesn't mean there aren't dumbass whites
And it doesn't mean there aren't genius blacks.
You can be both a race realist and an individualist
> america is for everyone dude
Says who?
>Look mom I posted it again
Aaaahhhh yes. Please make your next point about Black on White crime for me please?
>america is for everyone dude
No shlomo. America was literally made for white people only and it was in law. You are a kike larping as a libertarian. Now go away.
And worse you didnt learn anything from the USAs mistakes.
It matters in how they vote you dumb fucking faggot. Muds vote against your libertarian ideals
>reality triggers me
Look, I know it's easy ignoring reality when you live in 99% white neighborhoods and the only blacks you interact with are county brownies but those of us who live in 30%+ black districts understand reality as we see it.
Only if another country gains top control of a currency would i go fash.
ok. clearly this great board has been infected with pol virgins. it's ok, I'll hit you with some of your own medicine. Look at the chart. In fact, look at any medicine or engineering field. It is dominated by asians. Yes, I'm asian.
Pic related, if you really think because of this you are superior to blacks, then admit right now that asians are superior to you. After all, indian/chinese americans are the wealthiest and most educated population in the US, and their average IQ is higher than whites. So admit that asians are superior. They have to be according to your logic.
will you admit it?
Nah I'm just asking a simple question my man. Dish out all the memes my dude. Black on white crime. IQ. Prison rates. All those juicy memes.
Everyone already knew gooks were superior you fucking idiot.
Is that what we are calling the failure of the black race now?
Asians are inferior, which is why your family left left the Asian dump of your ancestors and came to this country.
America was made for Europeans. Jews destroyed nationalism world wide after the world wars.
This. Except nothing is wrong with being patriotic and loving your countrymen. Restricting access to those who you deem unfit to have the privilege of citizenship. Although you did say Nationalism but it has different forms
And who came up with the most important inventions of the last 500 years?
lol why are you acting so triggered? I just want to be redpilled like all my white brethen in here? Know what I'm saying?
I don't dispute asians having a higher IQ
You're a cognitive supremacist that is iq reductionist, i.e. you're projecting your own views of cognitive supremacy onto me.
>Harden seems to me to be a luck egalitarian. But a great many leftists – or at least progressives, liberals, whatever – are not luck egalitarians but virtue egalitarians. Consider the impetus behind Laurie Penny’s statement that “Public ‘career feminists’ have been more concerned with getting more women into ‘boardrooms’, when the problem is that there are altogether too many boardrooms, and none of them are on fire.” Adolph Reed Jr. has said similar things about anti-racism as a middle-class ideology. The credo of virtue egalitarianism, which informs the upwardly-mobile, corporate-friendly identity politics that dominate the current left, is “to each as they deserve”. This is why it’s possible, for instance, for “leftists” to express hopes that poor rural voters, “deplorable” as they are, suffer from the loss of healthcare that their Trump support helped cause. Similarly, deBoer has spoken critically about the surprising fervor among leftists for harsh criminal punishments against certain kinds of defendants – those, that is, who truly deserve it. And this isn’t a “leftist versus liberal” thing, either. Think of far-left attitudes toward shutting down expression, toward mob violence, etc. Some people deserve free speech; some people deserve safety. And others – the unvirtuous – don’t.
But there wont be any normies anymore, no normies = no money for us.
This is fun watching you cope. Dont worry, if you play your cards right and work hard enough you can move to a white neighborhood some day.
Man these fucking SJW's don't have any facts or logic.
That's not what nationalism means you lolbertarian cuck. Grow the fuck up and realize that hyper-individualism is retarded and immature. Take your retarded ideology to its maxima we'd be enslaving our neighbors children to work in our asbestos factory because they broke the NAP.
any idiot knows that east asians have a higher IQ on average. know what they dont have? innovation or creativity. everything they do is taken from the blueprint of a western, white country. why are there asians in western countries who have european or american accents but no whites who migrated to east asia?
>In closing I should note that there is probably a large degree to which the question of genetics is a non sequitur for certain kinds of leftist politics, too. For instance, the Vox authors – with the support of Ezra Klein, Dylan Matthews, and so on – seem to say all of the following: (A) Intelligence (maybe g) is a coherent and robust scientific notion; (B) IQ tests measure it accurately and with predictive value. Add in the fact (C), which the Vox piece doesn’t deny, that (e.g.) Asians score higher on IQ tests than whites, whites higher than Hispanics, and Hispanics higher than blacks, and you can deduce the following: (D) Asians are more intelligent than whites, whites more intelligent than Hispanics, and Hispanics more intelligent than blacks.
>It should go without saying that this is a bridge too far for many leftists. The question of whether there is a leftist explanation for (D) won’t matter to many. They will be busy trying to rebut (A), (B), and (C). And you know what they’ll say, the really committed leftists. Intelligence isn’t real, or maybe there are multiple intelligences. Perhaps you’ve forgotten about emotional intelligence, about “lived experience”, about female “ways of knowing”, about the special knowledge that comes from the “standpoint” of being oppressed, etc. IQ tests are culturally biased. All they measure is how well you take an IQ test. Their results are simply fabricated by a supremacist conspiracy. Asians score highest because white people are trying to set minorities against each other and inhibit solidarity. And so forth. Do you really think what people minded about The Bell Curve was its brief and inexpert discussion of genetics? Do you think avoiding the topic entirely would have saved it from being called “race science”?
okay it goes something like: blacks commit way more crime against whites than whites commit against blacks. But it's cool, since you "inb4"d this fact, it's almost like it's not real! You are so smart. I would love to hear your very smart and sophisticated counterargument which totally doesn't reach Rube Goldberg levels of conspiratorial retardation including such gems as "imprisoning blacks for crimes is what made them commit the crimes in the first place"
the US literally banned private ownership of gold in living memory you dumbass
bitcoin's way easier to find than physical gold, too. just make microsoft and apple release a patch that tells the feds if you have bitcoin installed, and game over
why would I post facts? you already said its all just memes.
They are bug people user. From birth they are taught to think in patterns.
>claims everybody else is just following the group think
>Parrots group think of his group
what a grouper