CNBC making MASSIVE crypto purchases

This is too fucking obvious.

Korea isn't banning Crypto, they're adding a tax and ensuring reclassifying what crypto is.
CNBC however took the headlines and translated it (incorrectly) as "KOREA BANS CRYPTO"...
I would not be suprised one fucking BIT if the MASSIVE buy orders that just suddenly appeared are made from large jewish bank accounts that control CNBC.

Crypto cannot be stopped, it can't be regulated.. If a government could shut down crypto trading, do you REALLY think bitcoin could've reached 19k? With HEDGE FUNDS investing in it?

ggwp to all the noobs that sold.

There's 1 rule to this game. HODL. No matter how much the loss, just HODL next year it will 10x. That's the rule with crypto.
First Ripple bank scam, and now CNBC media fud. These are the same people that pulled that disgusting shit in the last election and were CLEARLY in league with the DNC, which was in turn basically funded by Soros and other jewish influencers.

If you want to be wealthy there's TWO rules:

1) IF it's jewish/Bank/Government related: don't fall for it.
2) HODL things that can't be printed.

Other urls found in this thread:

> fuck you, you fucking piece of trash

My hatred for jews is now @ ATH

BUMP. Keep this up top.

Is half of /biz fucking new? Every other post is about the end times. Good god do you all just add the coins of whatever is mooning to your Blockfolio x1000 and say you're millionaires yet the whole damn catalog shows crying little bitches?




Just wait until Ripple Triples!

>tfw you will never be part of the most successful and easiest FUD machine
i shouldve became a news anchor or journalist

I'm sorry but this is just retarded. smart investors are buying the dip not some dumbass tv station.

Most of the people on Veeky Forums right now probably came here in November and December. Just look at the blockfolio threads. No better than the "normies" they love to make fun of

with jews, you always lose. Now be good goyim and sell off all your imaginary internet NEET bux into our kike fiat

I'm voting Trump 2020.

>My hatred for jews is now @ ATH
Just wait for the burn later in the year.

my hatred for jews is off the charts

they have the nerve to wonder why people hate them

I'm new myself, at it since November and I have a brain so it's quite easy to spot this orchestrated dip brought on by media manipulation.

Weak hands for these idiots. I got some ZCL so day = made.


I know this is CNN, but don't think the other networks are any different

Thanks, just bought 100k

bad bot

Wait, so you are saying XRP is gonna go up?


just bought 100 icx coins, this will go back to 90 cents tomorrow

Its polfaggots, they blame the jews on everything. When they fucking stub tehir toe they blame the jews, when mc donalds gets tehir order wrong they lame the jews, when they fart at night and wake up the dog they blame the jews. Everything is a conspiracy to polfaggots. Absolutely everything.

Retards who fell for this deserve their losses



I bet these kikes didn't buy any TAU.

Its not CNBC, but they are involved. Its the entire Korean government.

lol the cryptomania is going to produce an entire generation of antisemitism

back to plebbit with ya, soyim

yup. the new chairman news came out, they knew we were buying, they leaked this news so they can buy our panic sales...textbook

Its not a conspiracy retard. How are you surprised a market as volatile as this is having major dips.

let me clue you in on a little secret:

>half the govt officials in south korea are gambling cryptos

Jews got to where they were because they hodled together. Don't know why you guys despise them so much, their entire religion is about serving their common interest and winning.

is the theory true?

did they buy up all the low sat coins by the millions?
did they pump them and dump heavy at the top to stack btc?
do they now have what they need to orchestrate a nice rothy market crash?
does jewry know no bounds?

We're just getting started, race war by the end of Q2.

No you retard, XRP was the scam.

--> Banks say "Yes we support this shitcoin, get given 60% of the XRP as a 'signing bonus' to the platform".

--> Banks realise that XRP has all the problems of fiat. If you want to print more XRP you can do it, all you need is a few bullets to the kneecaps of Ripple Labs devs and theyl'l print as many as you want..

Can't do that with bitcoin.

---> Realise that the ripple they hold is worthless

--> realise that crypto at the moment is extremely shallow, with *JUST* 500Million dollars one could wipe out the whole buy/sell orderbook of a shitcoin (except Eth and BTC).

--> Decide to slowly start buying up Ripple to make it look like the price is going up.. They invest maybe 100M into Ripple, showing as steady increase..

--> Normies start barrelling in.. Normies want to buy ripple. Who has ripple? THE BANKS have ripple.

--> What do the banks want, what are they going to trade? They want BTC>

The deal is structured-->

Normies get worthless controllable ripple,
Banks get unprintable, decentralized, unregulatable Bitcoin/Eth.

XRP flatlines at $3.. and then falls rapidly as the banks make out with thousands of BTC and ethers, that they essentially got for free (because they got the ripple for free see?)...

And normies are left holding Ripple that's dropping to sub $1 soon.

Then comes phase 2. media FUD and collect even more, buying the dips of people that literally think the whole shit is crashing..

Phase 3, is clean up the sell side orderbooks sending BTC to 500k, and Eth to $1M per coin (as McAffee predicted).

They hold most of the BTC and Ether, they continue to control the world.

Meanwhile the normies and weakhanded fags that sat in their mom's shack's basement obsessively pouring over graphs... are left holding worthless ripple as it descends into $0.50 etc.


The dip is already over on my alts. But I did buy some more at a low price.

((("smart" investors))) own the news station


This chink knows more than you, this chink has more money than you, this chink is Korean, this chink has connections. He says the word conspire multiple times, and is very dodgy about the whole thing. I know who to believe.

Europe is going to wake up and dump some more

>i dont know why you guys like to lose so much to a group of people who want nothing to do with you and play outside the normal ethical bounds

I genuinely don't know what's true or not. Are they banning it or not?

Im down 5k
Someone needs to get the shit beat out of em for this

Warren Buffet makes a statement about cryptocurrency having a bad ending JUST A DAY AGO. This isn't a coincidence, CNBC and other news media is using the Korean ban as an advantage for (((then))) to buy in low. Fuck them.

Nah, the alts have recovered a lot plus the CNBC FUD article has been debunked. People sold because their shit dropped 5% in 5 seconds. People who were asleep during that time won’t have the same reaction.

Basically this. Crafty fucks literally got in massive positions FOR FREE. The only hope people could possible have is to sue Ripple Labs and their CEO for fraud. However that's not going to happen. If you read their website, they are under no obligation to XRP holders. Literally zero and as you said hand out XRP to partners and get free fucking crypto from retards.

No. CNBC and Reuters literally spread fake news. Check the CNBC author’s twitter. Everybody is destroying her for publishing that shit article.


No, it's just that Jewish people are different than everyone else.

Throughout history, they have been persecuted.

That basically tells you everything you need to know about Jewish people.

Everyone ends up hating them, and for a good reason. They like to fuck over everyone who isn't Jewish, while propping-up their own.

Mankind has hated Jewish people throughout recorded history. It is not a conspiracy. It is a fact.

Oh it's a woman? Why didn't you say so.

>being so assmad that you can't spell "their" correctly

yeah, welcome to an unregulated world

I want to fuck CNBC so bad, those motherfuckers.

Jew here. Yes. We control all the money. Please give it to us in an orderly fadhion via XRP.
Thank you and have a pleasent day.

The absolute state of journalism. I doubt she even cares she cost the market billions of dollars.

Sorry but it's being shut down soon... it's been fun.

""Seoul’s official news agency Yonhap quoted South Korea's Financial Services Commission (FSC) Chairman Choi Jong-ku as saying that vice ministers from the three countries had recently concluded a high-level meeting in the nation’s capital, and exchanged ideas on new cryptocurrency rules.Choi said Seoul wants to "set up a detailed system of cooperation" with China and Japan. The official also warned the public against "irrational" trend of investing in cryptocurrencies, and added that a "fever of speculative investment in cryptocurrencies is ongoing."

CNBC trying to get in on XRP cheap. Thats all they ever talk about.

>parroting back kike generated FUD

good job faggot

Will the Jews use Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash? Since Bitcoin Cash is pushed as Satoshi's original vision, and assuming that Satoshi Nakamoto is the government, then it's Bitcoin Cash that's going to $1m right?

Here you go m8, some evidence to back up your claim.

>kicked out of countless nations
>everyone else is the problem

>weakhanded fags
>are left holding worthless ripple as it descends into $0.50 etc.
But wouldn't weakhands sell as soon as it started dipping, thus avoiding most of the dip? Also, how many people around here are all in XRP? Probably nobody. If BTC goes to 500k and ETH to 1M, the average Veeky Forumsreali will be fucking rich, regardless of wether the status quo for normies is any different.

I'm up in Eastern Europe. I hodl!

Oh fuck Europe's waking up and seeing the "news".

That dude's senile. In the same quote, he says he'd like to buy a five year put on every coin out there, but he also says he doesn't understand crypto. Then he says it's going to end badly, this thing he doesn't understand. Like, what?

I bet it makes her feel important

>There's 1 rule to this game. HODL. No matter how much the loss, just HODL next year it will 10x. That's the rule with crypto.

Or you sell so you can accumulate more...

Some of us want profits NOW, not in a year from now. If I wanted profits in a year from now I'd be a wagecuck.

They reporters can literally only own indexes... and the traders on the shows are guests, not employees. You’re feeding misinformation yourself

I want to smash that mug into her stupid face.

>this chink is Korean

1 full minute, doesnt even have an actaul clip of the guy saying anything. just CNBC's own filler shit.

clearly they are up to something

Pretty surreal mate

OH SHIT! I'm going to contribute a sound track for this shit! Now read my post and this at the same time

Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida DAH DAH DAH Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida DAHAAAHDAAHDAHH, chaiint chaint ................Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida DAH DAH DAH Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida DAH DAH DAH Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida DAHAAAHDAAHDAHH, chaiint chaint ................Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida DAH DAH DAH Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida DAH DAH DAH Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida DAHAAAHDAAHDAHH, chaiint chaint ................Dadadida Dadadida Dadadida DAH DAH DAH Dadadida Dadadida

Well that one fuck at ABC got demoted over false reporting that dipped the stock market, maybe she can be held liable for this in some fashion.

>I doubt she even cares she cost weak handed retards who can't handle babby's first fud episode billions of dollars.

if you guys have twitters make sure you discredit this bitch to her face. Don't be fucking /b/ about it just fucking court room destroy her ass.

should have known it was a pajeeta

I'd like to courtroom destroy her ass, if you know what I mean.

Europe here.
woke up to a lot of red candles and checked Veeky Forums. This thread made me comfy however. HODL as usual.

I wouldn't mind being on that jury.







No you tard they're trying to get normies to buy XRP with BTC.

I'm beginning to suspect that the (((news media))) are not being completely honest

>chinks and gooks ban crypto at least 6 times every year
>Veeky Forums falls for it, every time

Absolutely disgusting. couldn't even watch the whole thing.

>unironically thinking pol is wrong
Son I...

fun fact faggot not only am i jewish but i also bought ripple at 14 cents then probably sold you my bag at $3

faggot slave nigger


and you faggot
why are you blaming jews and not the chinks
you dumnass slave nigger

You'll regret saying that on the Day of the Rope.

>(((cmc))) removes korean exchanges
>news about korean jews banning crypto (for the 7th time) comes out a day later
>publicized on korean media 24 hours ago, no one gives a shit and market stays strong
>publicized and over-exaggerated on (((western media)))
>retards immediately start start panic selling
>all happening while ripple constantly being promoted on msm
jeez it's almost like the kikes are bitter about others making in the jewish game so they are trying to get their hands on as much crypto as possible to have total control over the market.

i mean, it's just a coincidence


someone should take down the CNBC web page and teach those asshats a lesson here.

only blame yourself for not buying ven you stupid faggot stay poor

>>race war
Go back to /pol/. Come here for investment tips ffs

lol just had to sneak Peter Schiff in there. Fucking classic.


Time for another shoah
