Hi 4Channers, Ryan here trying to get the REAL inside scoop on today's recent crypto dump.
Feel free to post thoughts on the matter in this thread or email me at [email protected].
Thanks and toots!
P.S. Hi Matt!
Hi 4Channers, Ryan here trying to get the REAL inside scoop on today's recent crypto dump.
Feel free to post thoughts on the matter in this thread or email me at [email protected].
Thanks and toots!
P.S. Hi Matt!
Buzz feed is the reason our up and coming generation is so fucking STUPID. FUCK YOUR BUZZ WORDS AND SHIT STORIES FAGGOTS YOU'RE NOT JOURNALISTS
Yeah man, that's that motherfucking trill shit that I
be talking 'bout Bandanna tied like 2Pac to the side nigga It's that A$AP life It's that trill wave right here, man Get your surfboards ready man That's that pretty flacko man nigga
hey Ryan why dont you show us your tits? everyone knows buzzfeed has no testosterone so you probably have some nice boy titties.
kys faggot kike nigger
I remortgaged my house to buy a ton of DENT. I'm down $50k due to this dip. Please help me.
hello gaylord
go choke on a nigger dick faggot
I have it on good authority that all men named Ryan have sucked a cock at least one time in their life.
ummm, ryan i should warn you Veeky Forums is the TV-MA of internet forums
my name is dan and i hate niggers
Shut it nigger
fuck off, roastie
I know it's a LARP but I hope to Christ that it's not just for the very, very slim chance that I get to tell you to CATCH BONE MARROW CANCER YOU FUCKING PARASITE
Get your nigger friend Matt back here... I wasn't done telling him how much of a nigger he is.
Diapers are hot, especially girls that wear them.
Yikes, I might've made a mistake in coming here!
You should buy ripple ryan
burn down the building you work in, punch yourself in the throat and buy trx, faggot
Please don't leave.
Please leave, BuzzFeed doesn't belong here. Don't you guys have more BS to write and Yahoo answers to rip off?
Welcome to Veeky Forums, Ryan. This is where it all happens, home of India's most rich and powerful men. Pajeet here will guide you through hacker Veeky Forums's board for a special price.
this fucking thread
Fucking jej
DENT barely even moved fuckface
I've got the scoop: youre a soy boy faggot with low testosterone!
fucking kek
I want you to know I hate bizzfeed with every oz of my heart and boycott your advertisers.
Post tiddies boy
nice larp
wish it was real
How many of your kids did you have to get aborted before they would accept you as one of their own and give you a job?
Kill yourself Ryan. I know it crosses your mind more often than you would ever admit. Because you’re a scared little faggot. Do it Ryan. It’s the only way.
The biggest mistake was the one your mom made by not swallowing your dads cum, therefore giving birth to a faggot like you who comes to Veeky Forums got get a few
Are you happy now? Has the amount of replies filled your empty life? Or will you return to your cycle tomorrow and attempt suicide once more before pussying out and coming back to Veeky Forums to shitpost?
Hey Ryan! Don’t leave! We want you here!