Why is this still on their front page? Do they wanna get sued?
(((CNBC))) Fake News
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hillary has a 99% chance of winning the presidency
I’m more pissed at Jews and MSM than I’ve ever been.
Nah, they are just selling clicks. Bitcoin is hot right now. If it crashes they are going to love it like they love double murder homicides, celebrity grabass, and hedge fund billionaires getting busted with transexual hookers.
By who? Putting your name out there will only bring the IRS knocking at your door.
get sued by whom? They're reporting on an event: SK banned BTC and BTC is falling as a result. Same shit happened when they reported on VZ's currency collapse.
This is what the big leagues are like. Think this is bad? Try waking up in 2008 to find that your bank is not operating because it doesn't have any money left. That shit was front page news and it nearly caused a bank run on the jew banks.
just the news doing what news does best
their whole job is to spread fear
It's not time for phase two yet
>t. cnbc shill
Because it generates clicks and money for them
>selling clicks
Fuck no, they're buying bitcoin. Isn't it obvious? When you have the power to affect people's minds on such a large scale you use your influence for profit. Those clicks are just a tiny fraction of that.
You're mad because it's outside your control. Guess what, this is what playing finance is like, events are reported on and emotional investing (or divesting) occurs. This happens with every venturebeat hype article and every MSM crypto crash report. Big boys who trade real stocks and not monopoly money deal with this shit every day, now we are being subjected to the same standard and it is fine. Buy the dip.
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
>and hedge fund billionaires getting busted with transexual hookers.
>SK banned BTC and BTC is falling as a result.
Dude, do you even do your own research? They’re banning anonymous trading because people aren’t paying taxes. They are NOT banning cryptos.
Their owners, board members producers , anchors, writers etc. Should be drug out on the street and
>SK banned BTC
(citation needed)
Thank I just bought 100k write in votes
this is all that needs to be said
let's get real, people are into cryptos because it's a way to get out of taxes
>SEOUL (Reuters) - The South Korean government on Thursday said it plans to ban cryptocurrency trading, sending bitcoin prices plummeting and throwing the virtual coin market into turmoil as the nation’s police and tax authorities raided local exchanges on alleged tax evasion.
If one cannot buy or sell BTC, it is defacto banned.
It's not fake news. In ten hours Americans will wake up to SOUTH KOREA BANS BTC, CRASHES 10% on their TVs. Brace for fucking impact and get ready to buy.
M-mein führer?
saheli roy choudhury is a dirty whore.
this is a oldfag fudding hard to make normies panic sell and fomo later
i shouldnt have said that
The SK government already clarified.
Normans need to be shaken out of the market so we are immune from this kind of manipulation
>let's get real, people are into cryptos because it's a way to get out of taxes
I just wanna make money. I'll pay my capital gains dues when I cash out.
Baby boomers 100% mad because some neet who never did TA is getting 200% gains on bad weeks while they need to spend buget and time of just planning to get a 10% a year.
A random journalist citing an unnamed anonymous source on twitter is not "clarification". It's a rumor unless you can substantiate it with a link to a primary source or an actual news agency.
That is literally what it is. Boomer stock traders make what,10% in a good year? We’re making 10% in a fucking hour. Boomers and bankers are pissed.
And some anonymous source on a taiwanese rice forum is more credible?
>this is the end of bitcoins campaign
sshhh, let the redditor have his delusions for now
This time it will be funded with Monero
I posted a Reuters link. Reuters, as in the organization most American newspapers, TV studios and pundits copy from because it's cheaper than making their own content.
how many Veeky Forumstard are actually old /pol/fag ?
I'm not delusional at all. We're going to 10-11k and I'm buying. Every single major American news outlet is running "SK bans bitcoin, down 10%" as top news tonight. As we speak, print newspapers are going to print and crypto stories will be the front page news tomorrow. The price will crash further and now is the time to buy.
i abandoned pol because the red pill is useless it cna enhance your quality of life, and browsing pol just made me more depressed
biz has made me rich(er) and bought new joy to my life
Bitcoin is dead at last!
>The price will crash further and now is the time to buy.
>bank run on the Jew banks
Implying there is some other kind of bank?
>Lets pass laws requiring positive ID to exchange on crypto trading platforms
Week later
It'll dump down then spike back up. We're going to be at 20k by march and 100k by 2019.
The perception is still the same.
Let's finish what Uncle ADOLF started.
everyone visits /pol/
most people dont feel the need to autistically virtue signal our political beliefs on the other boards though
the nazi posting outside /pol/ is pretty obnoxious desu. cant even have a proper discussion on Veeky Forums about taxes without getting a million (((THEY))) posts and other nonsensical bullshit. cant discuss a movie on /tv/ if it has a black actor. cant discuss a video game on /v/ if it has micro transactions. enough already, not everything in the world has to be about race and calling out the jews. god damn.
Sieg Heil.
shut up cuck faggot. fuck jews and fuck you
We all are
I agree, but (((they))) are responsible for tonight’s short crash. Blaming the Jews is acceptable right now.
In the coming financial revolution, antisemitism needs to be turned up to 11 and then cranked up some more. Jews must not control crypto.
I maintain the coincidence detector.
You really thought the kikes wouldn't steal all your money?
Except your not because then you'd be a millionaire off $1 within 6 days.
>pol made me hate the jew
>biz made me the jew
you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain
I made more than 10% during this crash
I stopped going to /pol/ after it became a colony of r/The_Donald. Baby boomers are unironically browsing /pol/ and driving down the quality of discussion as we speak.
Wir mussen die juden ausrotten
so true. same here.
in /pol/ you fight together maybe for some redpilling, but your own life struggles. whats the point when at the end you are depressed and did nothing do for your own better life?
Veeky Forums is taking care of that part. money CAN buy you happiness, even health and fucking all on earth.
maybe 90%?
Veeky Forums is the redpill of the redpill.
it teaches first take care of your own life (get a lot of money for a safe home and more).
afterwards you can go back to /pol/ if you want to.
>let's get real, people are into cryptos because it's a way to get out of taxes
People are in crypto because of the insane ROI.
Not paying taxes is one of the worst moves you could do.
>The final redpill is some chunky autistic kid buying fake internet money in his mother's basement.
Story of my life.
many many many
Dude is there any way to make it not lag the fuck out of my browser every time I load a page? Like a more efficient text matching algorithm or something?
The thing I want to know is if there will be another dip today as all the western normies wake up and start panic selling
who's gonna sue them, satoshi nakamoto?
Check out the book "Trust Me I'm Lying". A summary of the book:
>News/media outlets will write an article about whatever bullshit you send them basically as long as you're good about lying to make your fake source seem credible
fake news is perfectly legal m8
media companies, like sports companies and movie/music/theater/radio/etc companies, are classified under "entertainment" law. Most laws you think of don't actually apply.
daily reminder that Hillary won the majority of votes but didn’t play the electoral college game well enough
It isn't fake. You are being meme'd by people long crypto who are dumping on you. China FUD caused 35%+ pullback over the course of several days.
reminder that at least 3M illegal voted for here
and the votes were all from california
You guys gotta learn how to buy the fucking dip. I'm basically Jew proof.
The delusion and stupidity in this thread. Do you think cryptocurrencies have a future? No government nor banks would ever accept cryptocurrencies. It will be an illegal currency and by buying and trading this would mean that you are against a government that does not condone this ponzi scam, in which case all the government in this world. Yes, you're against all the governments in this corrupt and rotten world. Are you willing to go against the guns just for some imaginary tulips that you cannot even hold?
>1 post
m8 you're under the impression that anybody truly cares about crypto. Maybe 5% of people on this board do. The rest just want sick gainz before it all comes crashing down
They are throwing another pajeet under the bus
Teach me your ways senpai
holy fuck theyre trying to save that fugly woman
It's easy. Watch the market for a panic. You'll know cuz the coin will be headed straight down. Here's the thing. And you have to get a feel for it. There is always a bounce. Literally always. Buy when the coin has dropped at least 10 or 15 percent in a couple of minutes, wait for it to climb a few percent and sell. Wash rinse repeat. You don't believe it be what it is. But it do.
Hillary, president of California :^)
le ohs noes it's oger for cryptotrade
Obama won in 2008 without the popular vote, the electoral college exists to stop the election from being just 3 states.
>Arjun Kharpal
I googled the guy....
This is him.
A big nosed Pajeet.
This is pure pottery.
LMFAO I forgot that Obama won because of the EC.
I can't wait to drop that on any stupid woman who loudly complains that only CA and NY should decide elections (cuz you know tons of food is grown in LA and NYC)
Most of biz and pol are actual Jewish people. Duh we post on both.
ITT: retards. they're simply reporting the news, not trying to predict or spin anything. you're all too stupid to even bother replying to individually
Nope, the guys is a Pajeet Jew. He's a Pajeew.