Do you really believe the SEC will continue to let inexperienced investors evade FINRA margin requirements by buying crypto on CC? How much longer will that last do you think? That's just one example of new "regulations" coming soon. The Korean ploy is the start of something much bigger. Most of you don't even know what FINRA is because you've never had a brokerage account or traded on margin. Have fun, you're on borrowed time.
your system is on borrowed time
come at me bro
post more miley
>he thinks the police are going to go to war with the citizenry
they'll be on our side. the establishment has broken its own laws. all those missing children. justice is coming
what is CC?
Credit Card?
They are here to "protect you" just like FINRA will soon with more regs
i wonder if any of those cops would rather earn btc than dollars??
really makes you think
I want to fuck miley in a rough manner
oh i see, you're still stuck on the smaller picture and have no idea what's actually going on. once you figure it out you'll be on our side by default unless you're evil anyways
OP, you're assuming way too much. I would never pay taxes
you want some nigger's sloppy hundredths?
I'll always be on the winning side, I believe in self preservation. When .gov decides to shut it down they will, it's as simple as hitting a switch to destroy the market - not the coins - but the markets definitely. I could be wrong, sure, but if you're not scared you're not being realistic. Crytpo creates far more problems for government than it is worth.
How would they destroy a market that is becoming more and more decentralized?
it's not just the fiat blood money system. everything is going to be replaced. not with violence, but with ignorance. why would we take orders from an elite cabal of satanic pedophiles? why would we play a game rigged against us? because if ignorance. but now that ignorance is changing, soon we will just ignore the system. it bores us. we'll be doing our own thing. and we are the police, we are the military. we are 7 billion people increasiungly sick and fucking tired of this bullshit.
you think you're on the winning side? they will destroy you. they destroy themselves. they are destruction and evil. and they are not happy people. even if they win they lose thats the nature of evil. the question simply is, will we lose with them? or will we play a different game
Nothing is "decentralized", what are you talking about? If you ever want to withdraw in fiat you will need a bank, which means a legal jurisdiction to operate in otherwise it would just be constant rip-offs. That means government control. You could keep Monero and just use it to buy shit, sure, but you'll never get fiat for it unless you trade it online or in person with an unsanctioned group who could easily rob you. Even if that is not "criminalized" it will attract criminals and normies will shun it. If You can't get "rich" off crypto why trade it? You just buy it when you need to buy something in Crypto.
What's your endgame yid?
So, you're saying to buy DEX coins? Will do
No, just worldwide financial system since Bretton Woods, retard.
"There is activity on the horizon," Pitt says.
Yeah I'm just having fun while it lasts
god I want to believe. fuck my gains, I'd be happy enough just to live in a world where central banks and politicians lost
how many people would shed a tear if those systems were replaced?
no one. no one wants it. now we're starting to figure out we have other options, that we can go it on our own and we never needed them.
they are the least popular people in human history, they have no allies. they are all alone. and there are 7 billion of us
Why would I need a bank if SALT exists?
Why would I transfer into fiat when we literally wont need any fiat in 10 years?
Crypto is literally taking money (power) away from governments, and so far they've totally dropped the ball on seeing it coming or reacting to it. I expect big crackdowns and bans in the near future, possibly delaying the market for a few years. But the cat is out of the bag.
What are they going to do, ban the internet? Ban decentralized exchanges? Monitor everyones devices to see if they run anything crypto related? And the more people accept crypto as payment, the less they can tax it because eventually nobody will even need fiat money anymore.
What will police and military do if suddenly everyone they know is dealing in cryptos and the fiat money the government pays them becomes more and more worthless?
Just a warning pleb. These are the final hours so make smart choices, if HODL worked 100% of the time, forever, why doesn't everyone do it and all get rich together? Simple, right?
>Muh USA cryptodestructo switch
>.gov noes all user u neber Hyde
>u will need fiat exchanges
Motherfucker do u even blockchain or did your family fondle your fontanel like niggers did Miley Cyrus
nothing is forever
all systems eventually collapse, wind down, or are replaced.
You must be 15. Yes, and if everyone just stayed home and we had a "general strike" we could bend the politicians to our will. So simple! Crypto is not a "revolution", if you believe that I guess I can't help you at all. Good luck.
its funny because cryto needs fiat to be even be worth something kek
how long do you think before it all comes tumbling down? Q4 2018?
Just tell me how government will tax p2p transactions that are anonymous.
Or tell me why they would fight the most massive boost the economy could see since the internet? With crypto, literally anybody can invest into literally anything.
no it doesnt
just like fiat needs nothing to even be worth something
professional FUDster here. user pay attention! this is boss-level fud. sell everything for us
wow because we're not smart enough to figure out how to print our own paper dumb monies? really? it's fiat currency, it's worth less then the paper its printed on. it only has value because people accept it and only because they haven't replaced it yet.
psychopaths can't see themselves losing until they've already lost. but none of the systems they created are irreplacable
This is the beginning, of that I'm certain. It could be much sooner. Central bankers and regulators don't act independently, they coordinate. It's already been reported openly that Japan, China and South Korea are working together to "regulate" crypto. When the SEC moves so will the UK and EU. That is one thing I am CERTAIN of, and it won't be long now.
like I said, they can try and "regulate" it but it will only slow down the process for a few years
So be a fucking anarchist/libertarian and print your own money my dude - why even bother with crypto? I'm sure you'll do fine, everyone will get in line to fuck with the government, no problem. You just don't get it but I tried for the fuck of it.
just keep posting miley.
>small milkies
i don't need to do anything. it's just going to happen. systems will be replaced. its the old corrupt system that destroys people vs the new hotness made by the people. its not a hard choice and once people realize they have the option to tune out of the oppresive dinosaur systems they will. did you seriously think it could keep going on like this forever? how naive
OP you're 100% right but a lot of us have gamble and just don't give a fuck. you're trying to be the ultimate big brain nibba nocoiner but the real big brain is the guy making money off the herd mentality not trying to convince the 90IQ herd to all of a sudden start making smart decisions in their life.
government, media, financial systems. all of it. nobody wants it. nobody likes it. nobody cares about it. it's over
YES! The system will not defend itself. I mean, how could it?
its funny how shallow peoples understanding is of the financial world
just hodl while the smart ones get your money
it really is the greatest transfer of wealth from gullible millenials to other millenials, were screwing ourselves over fellow juden
>we the juden now
"Though E-Gold would fail to change the world, libertarians and privacy-conscious netizens liked the service, which allowed them to open accounts anonymously. And international sellers appreciated the ease with which they could transact across borders."
"E-Gold was now second only to PayPal in the online payment industry. At last, Jackson says, he felt relief.
“We had been stuck year-in and year-out on whatever crisis-du-jour required our immediate attention,” he says. Now “we felt like we’d finally achieved a turning point.”
But E-Gold’s increasing popularity with customers drew less-welcome attention as well.
The federal government began to take notice in 2003, when the Secret Service launched an undercover operation against a website called Shadowcrew — a legendary forum for “carders” who trafficked in stolen credit and debit card numbers. Cyber crooks in Eastern Europe were stealing millions of card numbers in phishing and skimming scams, then passing the data to accomplices around the world. The low-end cashers coded the numbers onto blank cards, then siphoned money from ATMs and transmitted the bulk of proceeds back to the former Soviet bloc.
When authorities monitored the criminals’ communications, they discovered that E-Gold was among the carders’ preferred money-transfer methods, because the system allowed users to open accounts and transfer funds anonymously anywhere in the world."
Sound familiar?
How are you even attracted to her. Sure she is pretty in the face, but her body is like a boy's.
>started in 97
>one centralized company
Nigga do you even know what the blockchain is and that today 3 billion people carry around a little computer everywhere they go?
>think for 1 (one) minute
>it's the 1950's
>do you really think radio companies will allow small TV networks to invade their markets XD XD
crypto as a concept is far bigger than any government. they could shut down a few exchanges, but it would be physically impossible for them to shut down crypto trading and development. i'm sure the prices early on will depend on regulations, but sooner or later it's just going to consume any industry or government who opposes the tech. and i'm skeptical that it will happen sooner, i'm just not a fucking idiot who thinks the same government that builds the obamacare websites can even imagine how to stop cryptocurrency trading.
it will defend itself by trying to kill of as many of us as possible. but like i said, we are the police, we are the military, we are the scientists, we are 7 billion fucking people and quite frankly we are less and less impressed with what legacy systems have to offer. a small group of people are at the top, they're not invincible. we wont have to destroy them, we'll just ignore them. they're boring. they only have power when we notice or care that they are there. and we are becoming increasingly apathetic about the current financial system, politics, all of it. nobody cares anymore. it's amazing to believe we once did.
it's like humanity has been in bed with the nastiest cunt possible and then suddenly we roll over in bed, look at this monster sleeping beside us. and we think "ewww" and we walk out of the house never to return. she's an old fat bitch and this hot girl down the street, she's so decentralized, she seems kinda hot. we may tap that. and as we're walking away the old cunt screams out the window "you can't do it without me, you need my banks! you neeeed mmmeeeeee" and we can't even hear her, already tuning her out. walking away.
so you just totally forget the 100 years in between and the present where we still use fiat
nobody cares
the people running the systems you love, they're pedophiles. they're going to be arrested. just on that crime alone. it's over
>and as we're walking away the old cunt screams out the window "you can't do it without me, you need my banks! you neeeed mmmeeeeee"
That's the thing: I DON'T WANT FIAT! I'll just hold, and wait for the current system to be replaced, it's already starting at the fringes, and there is no stopping it now.
>3 billion people carry around a little computer everywhere they go
Yes, and they all run a full node, mine and trade crypto, right? You lack perspective and experience but you will learn the hard way how quickly shit like crypto can be razed. 99% of normies don't even know what a proxy is - they sure as fuck not going to own or trade something the government says will get them extra attention from federal three letter agencies. Lots of people trading Crypto have a NEET mentality, that's why you fail to understand what is happening. This is just a fad for most people, they will not mourn its passing. They don't even understand what the blockchain is and you coudn't explain it to them. If they tried to buy something with crypto they would fuck up the transaction and lawsuits would be in the thousands - hundreds of thousands class action and more. You think the Feds will allow that? No. No. Get real. It's ending - don't you see?
buddy you're too optimistic. 99% of people give no fucks
>people wont use what they dont understand
they use fiat don't they? people are used to not understanding money
and the technological argument? well we'll just have to invent a way to deal with that. you don't think there aren't already people working on it? we'll find a way to trade crypto without computers
you are looking at the crude beginnings of the future. you can not even begin to estimate what our systems will accomplish
thats where my optimism comes from. nobody has any attachment to existing systems. everyone thinks they're kind of gross. wave some new hotness in their face and they'll be on it like pancakes
>we'll find a way to trade crypto without computers
well there will be computers. but some kind of paper money that works with crypto. printable crypto. may not be practical yet, we'll just invent a way. physical bitcoins are already a thing they just need to be improved and made practical. once everyone can mint their own coins backed by crypto its over. how hard can it be? some nerds somewhere probably already got it figured out.
OP is right. There will be regulation. The question is, what will we do about it? Most of us are so indoctrinated that once the news hits, we all scramble for the exits much like earlier this evening. What you need to ask yourself is: Are you willing to die for this? Will you fight for the life you deserve, to free yourselves from the financial oppression we live in today?
>Yes, and they all run a full node, mine and trade crypto, right?
they could, eventually
>extra attention from federal three letter agencies
I'm from germany. You know what happened two years ago, when suddenly millions of people just started wandering into this country? The authorities had no way of dealing with it. People have to wait years for their asylum application to be handled. And that's just from a bunch of sandpeople they could have seen coming years in advance.
Now what do you think will the german IRS do when people begin filing their crypto trades in their taxes? What are they going to do when tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands of people give them hundreds of pages of trade history from exchanges all over the world?
They dont even understand what they are dealing with. What will they do, monitor EVERYONE?
Fuck no.
They will create something like Ripple and try to control it. They will FUD as long as they can. Like I said, its going to be a long battle still. But unless they literally delete the internet, they can't win.
they may win that battle. but it will only make them more unpopular. they can't win in the long run
you know the best part of this all is justin trudaeu will not do anything about this shit except push weed stocks
>then hundreds of thousands of people give them hundreds of pages of trade history from exchanges all over the world
That's why it will stop very, very soon. OH and your government INVITED those sand people to the fatherland my German friend. I don't think the intent was to handle the influx in an orderly manner but instead to get as many in as possible before the native population could react. It's pretty much an open secret.
Many of you are fucked, you haven't been tracking your trade data, you have bought in to erroneous interpretations of tax rules, you aren't properly reporting your gains, and you aren't filing the necessary foreign asset paperwork with your tax returns. Good luck
oh look, i can agree with op on something. neat
>many of you
try basically all of us. nobody even understands whats expected of us in terms of taxes. basically nobody is keeping track of or reporting anything. they'll have to what, arrest everyone in crypto?
No you get a letter from the IRS which means you will need an accountant to fix it. Otherwise they will assess it themselves ans send you a bill. If you don't pay it they issue a Levy and you pay it or run from the IRS forever until you do. That's how it works.
OOPS, forgot to mention the penalties and interest charges that compound from the day you should have paid your taxes. Sorry about that.
yeah nobody will do that though. you think tens of millions of people are going to hire accountants? millenials who don't even know what the word levy means are going to rush around trying to figure out how to bend over for this irs system nobody cares about hmmm. i think they'll issue their bills, tens of millions will shrug in confusion and get on with their lives, and they'll have to arrest all of us. it's not going to work, and they know that.
it's like movie pirating. they can't practically stop it from happening and at this pont they've basically given up trying
It’s going down
Why are you so focused on "arrest"? Being arrested and imprisoned would be getting off the hook easy. An IRS levy is like slow poison. Once you grow up and decide you might want to own property, have a bank account, have a family, get a job "on the books" it's all right there for the IRS tied to your SS# and then they come and take it from you. Usually at a bad time when you're struggling. You won't be arrested, you'll be ruined and embarrassed and yes it can affect your credit and you'll never be a doctor, lawyer or in any sort of heavily vetted position in the civilian sector until you pay - forget about government work. Arrest, HA! You will be begging to go to prison just to make it go away.
They can put a levy on my dick, They are just jealous nocoiners.
>own property, have a bank account, have a family, get a job
i'm a millenial. you're talking to an entire generation thats given up on life basically and doesn't care anymore
and they'll have to ruin tens of millions of people the same way. which just further fuels the inevitable replacement of the dinosaur systems.
>hey do you wanna play this game where you get kicked in the balls
uh no
>well you have to
oh ok
>"hey don't listen to that guy, we play games without anyone getting kicked in the balls. wanna play with us instead"
yes, yes i do
>you can't do it without me, you need my banks! you neeeed mmmeeeeee
There aren't 10s of millions. Binance for instance, is in China....they just hit 5 million users worldwide.
They don't arrest you, they garnish your wages, freeze your bank accounts, ruin your life. You will be forced to deal with it. Lots of "normies" don't day trade crypto......they bought BTC on Coinbase, continue to hold it, and won't have to deal with any of this. Most of Veeky Forums on the other hand, has been actively trading on foregin exchanges (China, Hong Kong) and have money from foreign accounts incoming to their personal bank accounts which can sometimes considered suspicious activity by the bank.
why do you keep posting pics of justin bieber?
oh, and millenials aren't going to grow up. funny how our socially engineered arrested developement is actually going to be the systems undoing when they can no longer threaten us with taking away things we no longer care about.
i thought we were the most worthless generation. now i see that very worthlessness makes us impossible to manipulate
the generations after us can restart the old house and family and job thing. gen z is already kinda conservative in comparison. millenials in their apathy will pave the way for future generations. we finally have a purpose. our purpose is to not give a fuck about your threats
garnish the wages i dont earn and freeze the bank account i dont care about? oh no!
>they'll have to ruin tens of millions of people the same way
They do it everyday already. You don't seem to understand how the world works. You've compared movie piracy to tax evasion - I think you're forgetting that Jack Valenti is not Uncle Sam. They're not even comparable. The IRS has powers that make the FBI jealous. Do your own research but I think you're going to have a tough life.
and there will be tens of millions
and normies aren't retarded, they see a coin plummet in value, they'll pull out. you think crypto is fucking rocket science? normies are going to be daytrading, i'm more worried about that then your scenario where they are not daytrading.
i mean seriously, it goes down too fast you pull out. another coin is about to go up and everybodys talking about it, you throw in. normies can figure that much out
i didn't think i was even going to have a life, i'm a millenial. you're threatening to take away what i wasn't even sure i wanted and was pretty sure i couldn't get anyways
buy a house? lol. drive a car? houses are too expensive and so is insurance. lambos are a meme, millenials take the bus. you gonna take away my bus pass?
the irs is one of those dinosaur systems nobody needs. it does nothing for anybody. it just takes and takes and gives nothing back. i have a debt to some private organization called the federal reserve because they have a printer and print that gross fiat shit i dont like anyways?
once alternatives present themselves, and they will. why would i stick with my old abusive ex wife that got fat and hates me? i will divorce the old wife system and get a new hot decentralized waifu
old fat mean wife systems are getting divorced for the hot decentralized waifu systems down the road. it's over
and all she can do is screech threats at me and nag me like that will bring me back to her when it just makes me hate her more
goodbye old systems, we're moving out
muhmuhmuh, but crypto is the new nwo digital money, and the nwo is taken over by the right side. pedoelite and other fuggheads are soon a part of history.
I get what you are saying and I was afraid too these past days
Am I not going to make it user-kun