Anyone else make 760k on that dip?South Korea news dropped on /biz first as it always does, immediately went 50x margin short and then 100x when the freefall began. I must thank the weak handed new faggots. I hope this happens again so I can literally retire at 19. Thanks
Easiest Gains I've ever had
margin short?
Jesus normally I'd rage at you for being a newfag. But you guys made me so much money today I'm not going to. Thank you user. Keep buying TRX and XVG, you'll get a lambo in no time.
nice LARP
nice LARP. Post screenshot
nice try but i just looked at bmex's chart and there's no way a 100x short would've worked for more than like 15 minutes so sure thing bud
I would but americuck not allowed to trade on bitmex using vpn. I'm sure as shit not gonna risk my account so you fags can see the screenshot. And yes you're correct its not 760k that's an arbitrary number which is smaller than my actual gains because I can't get my account closed faggots.
larp confirmed
err you're an idiot. Shorted at a time between 18:46 and 19:03 of course the short held.
Bitmex is so volatile that your short would have been insta liqd
you don't need to show any identifying information to post that screenshot
some people are having sex right now. others are shooting heroin. Everyone has their pleasure. And you LARP on peruvian basket weaving image boards for validation.
OP is a lying faggot. You literally just have to open up a shell to margin trade on BitMEX
if you went 100x you would have been insta liquidated, nice larp
I posted that news. You're welcome
True if big!
>they can't identify me by my exact amount traded or anything, or the time stamp of the trade or the price when the short happened, on the fastest exchange in the world.
Not lapping but you're right theres no reason for me to waste time on this stupid thread and get called a fucking larp. Just sharing good news with the board that made me the money that allowed me to short today. Good bye bros, I can finally join all the other oldfags who got real money from crypto and move on with my life. LRCX warrants and MU calls coming up. Good day.
Why not just show a screenshot you lying 19 year old retard
it's okay buddy, i looked, and there was no one who made 760k off that short.. nice try though
You did not short shit. You are a lying retard. I am on BitMEX and I just set up a shell in Switzerland for $150.
Go drive your imaginary lambo