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holy shit
I was laughing my ass off when I went to her twitter to see what people her saying and one of the first replies was a merchant account. /bizpol/ is really everywhere.
Nice, the poos they shit up things, this bad poo shit up btc market.
Pooskin, of course. They are as bad as jews.
this doesn't even make sense. some of it even made it inside the toilet?!
Does this fat pajeeta have a lady boner for BTC? All her twitter posts are anti crypto
grow up losers
She has edited the fud article countless times. Everyone on biz should complain to CNBC to get this fucking cunt pajeet fired!!!
obviously it's fuding to accumulate.
Where can I file report to CNBC? Link? I’ll write a 10 page essay if I have to.
Poos cucked you in IT. Now they're in crypto. Watch out soyboys
So how do we get her fired?
God I hope this bitch gets bullied to suicide
Guys, it says she edited her article 33 minutes ago but I can't find any edit history or her adding notice to any of her changes. I honestly find this completely unethical.
Does anyone have the original article? We need to archive that shit before she edits it more.
Well, it's me actually and you should all fucking grow pair of balls and do the same
someone on twitter has it archived ask them
She edited the drop in Bitcoin prices from 10% to 12%. I'm not joking, somebody try to get an earlier version of the same article and compare the digits. This was planned from the start
What a cuck
Was it really you? Based
I saw it change from 9% to 12%. It went to 12% because of her dirty pajeet ass
Get some rival outlet to write an article on this travesty!
is this literally the best pajeet fud of all time?
this is what us ironic pajeet fudders strive for
it was 9
Wait till the east coast wakes up and all the normies see another drop in their chadTron price. The death threats will roll in like a fucking tidal wave
>it's a pajeet
oh god I'm in pieces
Get out my board, /pol/ losers.
nigger, this is /our/ board. now, fuck off.
also buy zcl
Fuck off soyboy
You know what to do
its the life you chose good luck
oh shit
i know where this fucking pajeet lives
watch her twitter tonight im going to post pictures of her house
lost so much fucking money
now this bitch is going to lose her life
i always said i either going to make it or im going to end it
thanks for the laughs biz bros been a weird few years
"Your" board
Chill out nigger. Your alt coins will bounce back.
Looks like our squad is forming
>Hard fork of bitcoin and zclassic
Bitcoin trading at 20k a month ago
Zclassic traded at $2 a month ago.
This smells like a pump and dump of zclassic
Leave a piece of paper saying Veeky Forums on her corpse please
people are prob going to dump zcl after the fork, yes, but they're holding btcp in hopes of 1000usd+ prices in a few months at a 1:1 ratio. so, i don't fuckin' know, man. i'm scooping this goddamn dip, though.
Biz we're not letting this go right? She will be trolled to the end of time, this dirty fucking indian
you on margin or something?
if i were her i would be legit scared for my life right now
Don't hurt her wtf is wrong with you
poo outside her house or something funny and put a flag with Veeky Forums on it
i think being trolled is probably the least of her worries right now.
people that got liquidated im sure are irrationally fucking pissed right now
Settle down cucks it was a shitty article but no need to threatened some random pajeet
Looking at her twitter feed. Is she hired purely to FUD crypto?
Get off our website, newfag.
Been here since 2006. You are still edgy
I don't get. How can it be always pajeets?
>he doesnt have 4chanx
First one was user saying if he had a green ID (he did) he’d kill that pajeet girl. Don’t know what the other one was.
>I've been here since x!
And my dad works at nintendo.
Pulling imaginary rank doesn't work on anonymous basket weaving BBS. You're still a newfag.
get used to it buddy, oh and btw hitler did nothing wrong.
Im going to leave this here
47 mins since the article was published
4 Hours after the article was published. Yep, she changed it from 9% to 12% which was enough to cause massive panic sell of weak faggot hands
Didn't you hear? We're building the white ethnostate on cryptobillions. Enjoy the death camp.
Kek, she was watching the BTC charts while you faggots got Rekt
*casually sips tea while you faggots get cucked by your losses*
pol learned to this years ago because journalists and media organizations will routinely change an article post facto
Is there any government agency that can punish CNBC for this shit? This is peak fake news.
Proof yet again that nothing's so great that /pol/ won't try to claim it as its own and turn it to complete shit. Fortunately their influence has already hit the turning point of waning. They just don't know it yet.
Write to CNBC to get her fired. She and her cucked colleagues at CNBC planned the short
haha you literal fucking soyim
Learn to use the archive or get Veeky Forums x
she already updated the article 1 hour ago if u take a look. anybody has the archived version?
YES! Do it for us fellow user! Give her the Kalac treatment
Haha that’s great
>>register with my Reff
>>Post youre e-mail, like this (lk***@****.com)
>>Post youre wallet adress (and deposit tag)
>>ill send ripple :)
>>Why, i make about 10k (0.8 btc)a week from reffs and want more :)
MY REF CODE; 10720835
Fuck off
The absolute madman
>implying user death threat posts are not part of the msm-created narrative.
>"I am literally in fear of my life just for writing THE TRUTH", says pooinloo shitter.
We should all post poop emojis on her twits