500 to invest.
ADA OR UFR ? Looking for mid to long term gains!
done some research, but want to know y'all opinions (don't know if that's what i should really do here) but okay..
no hate plz!!
500 to invest.
ADA OR UFR ? Looking for mid to long term gains!
done some research, but want to know y'all opinions (don't know if that's what i should really do here) but okay..
no hate plz!!
Other urls found in this thread:
>done some research
>actually considering buying absolute shitcoins
Fuck off
Open a brokerage account and buy stocks you retard.
>Buying UFR because of pajeet shilling
Buy CoinMetro ICO. That shit will go interstellar once it hits exchanges is a few months.
Moon imminent
you consider ada and ufr shitcoins.. ??
what are you gonna suggest.. prolly dbc ?
i asked for opinion, not hate
are you mentally ill ? For 500..
Looks very weak after the moonmission last week ? You think IBM partnership is gonna pay off ?
i didn't buy yet, i just think there are some gains to achieve with UFR and ADA.. what do you prefer ?
buy the dip
with just 500 xD ? Thanks troll
This x9000
I own ADA also, but right now go XLM for sure
BTC/ETH/XMR are literally the only coins with any real value. 99.9% of the market is a fraud. Opportunist developers teams taking 0 risks shilling vaporware garbage to braindead morons looking for "the next bitcoin".
i don't think 500 is enough to make good profit on 1 of those 3 mid term.. you think it can ?
What you seem to be looking for is a x10+ moon mission for quick profits, not mid to long-term gains. ATM any coin is going to be a good buy because of the crash, what matters is that you buy NOW
UFR is a scamcoin. It's being P&D by a discord group.
xbr xlm dent or eth dont fall for the ufr shills op
500 is not enough to make a "good profit" on anything but your $500 won't go to $0 buying BTC or ETH.
Yes, you can make more buying shitcoin pump n dumps but don't delude yourself into doing "research". These things are garbage marketing campaigns designed to get the money and get out. You're deluded if you actually think any of these projects will ever be used in the world world.
You're gambling. And you're playing a rigged game. You're risking REAL MONEY to get, what, 5000 coins? Do you know what the developers put up? Literally nothing. They copy-pasted a whitepaper, copy-pasted some a website template, and shilled their garbage on a bunch of internet forums. You're enriching these scumbags and just perpetuating this entire disaster. I remember when I first got into BTC I was passionate about crypto and its potential to bring real change to financial systems. It stood for something. It's pathetic to see what crypto has become.
If you want to gamble go to a casino and put your $500 on red until you lose it or walk away rich. Don't waste your time with this horseshit. At least the casino is risking actual money when you walk in the door.
true that! But you think any coin besides BTC/ETH/LTC/XMR is a shitcoin ? Your portfolio only consists of those 4 ?
Its too late to invest now. Crypto is now a normie thing now. You should have started 2016.