Been sitting on 300oz of silver for 7 years. This pile of literal shit gained 0.3% in 7 years

Been sitting on 300oz of silver for 7 years. This pile of literal shit gained 0.3% in 7 years.

Had I put that amount of money to buy BTC, I'd be a millionaire now.

What should I do with these pile of literal feces? Sell it and go all in on TRX?

Who elese still hanging on to these worthless rocks?

Other urls found in this thread:

I will take them off your hands.

Trade with your TRX or BTC

traditional 'precious' metals are useless. invest in cobalt.

I was about to sell off all my stack of 100 oz of silver to invest in Cryptos, then my shitcoins mooned 3x the past week and decided not to sell anymore.


that's the way buddy buy high and sell low.
Precious metals are about to repeat 2000-2012 returns

Which coin has the least amount of milk spots?

Oh shut up, had I buy crypto with these, I would have 1000x my money and can buy 3,000,000oz.

Higher risk, higher reward moron. You have silver coins right there in front of you, what kind of risk is that?
You brainlets saying :((((( I should have invested in bitcoin!!! make my brain hurt. 4 years ago you heard about bitcoin and thought it was a stupid geek idea that pedophiles and drug addicts used, there's no way in a million years you would have invested in it.