I predicted many other lowcap moon missions, and thanks to some other predictions from Veeky Forums, I've officially made it. To pay biz back Im gonna shill the next one - HPB.
Just added to CMC.
Other urls found in this thread:
CMC doesnt list the cap, what is it?
Also, partnered with union pay (largest bank in China, works w/ gov)
its actually 70 mil
Neo and China backed...its on a launchpad right now.
Total Supply is 100M. Lockup period is pretty short... Market Cap could be considered $400M already
That's correct, 70 mil. My mistake. Still massive growth potential.
how long is the lock up
Fuck off chink.
the absolute state of biz
price is irrelevant look at market cap brainlet
Price ×= potential value faggit. Look at mcap.
how do I even buy this
bibox is some chink site innit
What is the purpose of this coin? Why should it moon?
I am balls deep in this one and I still can't decide which lambo Im gonna buy....
but seriously this is the obvious moon mission Veeky Forums
And I'm not a chink, but their coins paid for my house.
Bibox is actually not bad. It's basically a binance clone. Just don't try to send ETH rn cause they're having issues. Mine took a few hours.
Devs said in telegram that kucoin is likely soon.
don't buy it...let others that actually understand the potential accumulate.
Smart money is already out.
Smart money's out, but smarter money is still in. I've been in since $1.
Shit man it's pumping a little bit on allcoin but Im really interested in this hardware acceleration shit
lol ok fuck off
literal dumb money to exit now...this is a guarantee
which is $400m for all intents and purposes
not circulating supply. still under 100mil
Are they going to use this with their NEX?
Hey, do you have any way to contact you? If you don't mind, can you quickly create a new e-mail so that I can message you? Wanted to learn more about this project and other projects you are predicting. Thanks!
Thanks for the hot tip, OP
My ref link is:
it's quiet
too quiet
anyone got telegram link for hpb?
What would you recommend sending, LTC?
>300 members only
this project ICO on June?what have they dont the past 7 months lmao?
watch this video guys:
it will change your life.