ZCL is still at a good price of $150. Once the fork date is announced...ITS GOING TO SKYROCKET.
1 ZCL or BTC = 1 BTCP
Get in now while it's still inexpensive.
ZCL is still at a good price of $150. Once the fork date is announced...ITS GOING TO SKYROCKET.
1 ZCL or BTC = 1 BTCP
Get in now while it's still inexpensive.
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Got in at $4. We're blasting to $4 soon. This is like $300 BCH
Already all in on this shitcoin
This is starting to sound like bad shills.....
Kek meant 300$ too much whiskey
My bad, meant to post more shit about the market crashing and the effects of my panic sale.
The elliot wave on this looks like it should enter the next leg up
what does btcp have to offer
Please someone tell me why people care about privacy in BTC when they can just use different tokens for said privacy?
BTCP offers more gains so that we can sell it and move on to the next pump
because they would rather use something with the Bitcoin name it in. Normies would be more familiar with something called "Bitcoin Private" with a blue B logo than "Monero", for example.
Man... are we really just riding this year on normie hype predictions?
What a sad 2018.
what does bch have to offer?
That is how it goes.
It's privacy coin within the bitcoin family of forks. Say what you will but the bitcoin name is still the way people identify crypto. Until that changes, take advantage of these offerings.
This is free money being dealed out.
I did not feel sad when I ride tron x4,
its not in the bitcoin family in any way, its just another pajeet shitcoin trying to take advantage of the bitcoin name. it's going to bite them in the future though, when people wise up and dump everything that has "bitcoin" in the name but isn't actually bitcoin.
Neither did I. I, in fact, do not feel anything.
I'm simply trying to project an emotion in a futile attempt to remind myself what emotions really are.
I am become copy/paste of humans.
Thankfully you are not forced to invest.
I am confident in it performing well.
Who cares? Push it and make money. The facts don't matter.
Sell wall is gone and it's still going down REEEEEEE
Sell wall at 0.0122 on cryptopia
Still dealing with this dip unfortunately.
This is time to accumulate friendo.
You guys told me that at 180 :^(
Because Monero is shit and people prefer the Bitcoin name.
I can't fucking wait for my gainz, I'd usually be mad at dips like these, but holy shit I can buy more
It's become a brand name.
People don't know the fuck any other privacy coin is or what it's use case is.
But they know what bitcoin is. Case closed.
When is the fork supposed to occur?
>not in the bitcoin family
>is a fork of bitcoin
Yeah ok buddy
Lol fuck off trying to pump this shitcoin, it's beyond boring now
does bittrex support the fork?
I can't wait for 90% of posters in this thread to eat their words in a few days.
Already ahead of you
They will. Would be a terrible business decision not to. They’re one of the only exchanges with ZCL.
Hold it. It will hit the floor at 0.0101 and can only go sideways after, which it will then inevitably hit the resistance and moon.
The whale has it all set out, he is planning it exactly for the fork date announcement. In my opinion, we're looking at the 14th-15th.
I’ve heard whispers of the 16th so you may be right.
I really do hope you're right. Put 40% of my portfolio on this and even BTC has been outperforming it the past day.
im about to dump all my 20K ZCL.
my hand is weaking
Price right now doesn't mean much. People feel like they still have time to get in before fork date announcement and exchange announcements. Once those happen it will be straight up.
20,000 ZCL?
We will see if I'm right in 24 hours. If the price stays within the channel whilst remaining above the floor of 0.0101, it will move to the next leg up on the 13th-14th.
Screencap this, if I'm right I'd advise you to liquidate your entire portfolio and throw it into ZCL. You will not see a price like this until possibly post-fork date (and even then, ZCL will live on - you'll see what I mean).
Most of us bought this shit at sub $10, I don't even know how the fuck I'll unload it
t. 50.000 ZCL dolphin
it was my pa's money anyway. He thinks I'm a fuckin god now
Why the fuck do people do this all day long? They bitch about shit THAT ISNT EVEN OUT YET.
My money is being invested so I don't give two fucks what you consider a shitcoin or not. You literally cannot lose in this market right now unless your stubborn hands won't let go of a dismissive coin.
You don't like this project? Then GTFO and go buy bazinga coin.
Do you guys think below 1m sats is a good re-entry point? The price shouldn't be going up for at least another week, but you never know.
You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
Why do people even bother responding with total bullshit.
>pa gave me half mill
>bought 500k worth of ZCL at 10
>worth 8.5M now
Honestly, why do you go on this board just to fucking lie about random shit? So weird.
Comfiest hold in the sea of red. Can’t wait to see where the market prices my BTCP. Even if it’s just at BTC gold level, that’s still 2x. And BTC gold is utter shit.
Stop promoting that scam coin! Have you read their "white paper" ?? no you have havn't or you would know its only fucking 7 pages with gaps everywhere ... wtf. Spelling errors on their profile and they claim to be based in Melbourne. It's never getting off Etherdelta.
Fork date is this month dumbass. Reports are as early as the 16th...
my sides
Ive reported that faggot like 5x
It's actually holding surprisingly steady above 0.011 sat.
It's just the price of bitcoin being a bitch.
retards not realising how cheap ZCL is right now and will be kicking themselves when it 5x in a couple of weeks when they announce the fork date and exchanges start to support the fork. FOMO WILL BE REAL
buy high sell low is the Veeky Forums way
those poor fgts. This BTCP will make me rich af.
Once ZCL pumps it won’t go down either. Holding ZCL is the key for becoming masternode on the BTCP network. ZCL $500 by Feb. BTCP $5000 by 2019.
asking for source for a claim on Veeky Forums? Where do you think you are?
It's basically a guaranteed moon mission. Now buy or cry.
how many units of zcl would a masternode require?
>believing you need to hold zcl to host masternode just because some Veeky Forumstard said it
A whale said it but it would make sense if the team didn’t want ZCL to fucking crash to shit after the fork.
i mean...asking in theory doesn't hurt? idk. you prob have like 12 zcl, rofl. go away, faggot.
Because BTC holders get a piece of it and they're greedy as fuck so if they like it and find that it's better than BTC, they'll demand it be its replacement
Also, a lot of Roger Ver haters
ok, so nobody knows shit, got it
don't know what i expected