>Only 3 days in crypto.
>Already made 17%, despite playing it safe.
Fuck me, I wish I would have gotten in earlier.
>Only 3 days in crypto.
>Already made 17%, despite playing it safe.
Fuck me, I wish I would have gotten in earlier.
You're in, that's what counts.
Yeah, I guess. I just wish I would have informed myself earlier.
A year from now there will be TONS of people who wish they would have gotten in now.
How much more do you think the market will growth? Multiple trillions of dollars? That would be awesome
Youre not supposed to play it safe, your supposed to go all in on the coin with the best memes
go all in bazingacoin next time whales are accumulating
>Only 9 days in crypto
>Already lost 40%, despite listening to Veeky Forums
2 trillion, minimum
I got in late 2013 and wish I got in earlier, just know when to run because this won't last forever.
>in for 1 week today
>up 50%
Why couldn't I just have listened to buy in earlier... FeelsBadMan.
>>Already lost 40%, despite listening to Veeky Forums
I'm surprised you only lost 40% listening to Veeky Forums
In for 12 days, 3.8x so far
And I'm up 600% when I could have been up 50000%. If you don't make your lambo money now, you'll regret it. This won't last forever.
what coins?
Dude, binance, which is the most active platform, has just 5 million users. That's literally nothing. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Cryptos are the future.
Time spent lamenting wasted opportunities in the past is time not spent considering opportunities in the present.
Just wait until you feel the rush of seeing your coin go 500%
Nothing quite like it
Wise words, thanks.
11 days; up 20%.
At least I'm not in the red. I'm sitting on appc hoping for my first actual gains once the sellwall breaks over the weekend. Am I dreaming or destined to be poor forever?
I got on Bounty pretty early so most of my gains are from it, currently also holding canya, and dbc since yesterday's dip. I would advise you on Bounty as it definitely has future, canya for some short-term gains, but I think dbc was probably a mistake
am I the only one who started this shit with losses???????
absolutely this. Don't worry OP, this is still early. 99% of the normies out there are still nocoiners.
you ain't seen nothing yet kiddo
you can lose all that and more within a day
>3 weeks in
>100 % up
>not even trading, just hodling a single shitcoin
adc mb?
First month: -75%
Second month: +25%
9th week: 3x
10th week: 16x
Thank fuck I held.
>listening to Veeky Forums
I really suggest everyone to hold and not to daytrade
Even super shitcoins grow up after dips
Dude take profits and put that into other shitcoins that haven't mooned yet.
Don't worry, 9 days is short time t. 2 days in
Well the dot com bubble adjusted for inflation would be around 10 trillion in today’s dollars.
I personally think that we have a bit of time left since the total market cap is still under 1 trillion.
Plus normies don’t even try to do this shit. Every one of the people I’ve told to get into crypto hasn’t because that they’re stupid fucking normies that can’t use google to figure out how this shit works.
it will hit 10 trillion this year
>been in crypto a few months
>up 1000% only listening to Veeky Forums
Depends if people will start getting into the market en masse, like astronomically more than the current state. I think their stupidity will give us another 2 years before everyone and their mother is buying cryptos, and not just bitcoin and other common shit. I’m talking about millions of normies hitting the altcoin market, shits gonna get intense
I started and bought ChainLink at ~35c when it first hit Binance, so no you definitely aren't alone.
>only use Veeky Forums to find tiny mcap coins in the last 3 weeks
>total portfolio compared to initial investment up 16x from +30%
Any sort of use case warrants at least a few hundred million mcap, so just find stuff under 10M that will have a use case soon and you're golden.
How many people play penny stocks? That is the only traditional high risk . high reward comparison I can think of.
The FUD that the news perpetuates should keep them at bay for a while longer.
Most likely
It would definitely be my next trade if I hade any more money that I can afford to lose
>tiny mcap coins
So scamcoins
Here's the thing, cryptos are still WAY too hard for the average person to get into. If we draw an analogy to internet communication we are in the IRC age and normalfags need an equivalent to facebook. At some point buying and trading cryptos will be made so easy that everybody can do it, and that it will become a viable option for everyday payments and that's when the market will fucking explode. People who say cryptos won't take off are the same kind of people who said people wouldn't buy TVs because they will prefer to go to the cinema instead.
Fairx tho.