The ultimate chad path of progression, beginning with /b/ in 2005

The ultimate chad path of progression, beginning with /b/ in 2005.

I know damn well some of you bros have walked this same path as I have.

The path of youthful inexperience and the thrill of freedom on the internet. The brickwall of realizing the harsh truths of the world. And finally now this glorious final step, where we ascend even further beyond to wealth beyond our wildest imagining.

How many people have walked this path over the past decade or longer? I know it's more of you than you think.

/b/ -> /g/ -> Veeky Forums

I'll start going on Veeky Forums once I'm rich.

we just had this thread, you fuckstick

boy this is old OP somebody reanimated the thread lol

Literal same path. And once I graduate university and make it financially I will go to Veeky Forums.

>Haha hey guys I too browsed the most popular boards on Veeky Forums while they were the most popular boards on Veeky Forums! I'm such an individual!

Literally neck yourself nobody loves you

b fit pol biz, all are shitholes now

no reason not to start now, the gains from getting Veeky Forums are mental as well as physical, and the most important thing you have in your life on this planet earth is your health

all that money won't mean shit if you a miserable shitstain

Why did you make this thread again? Here's a you, and a sage faggot.

Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums

alpha males do this

/b/ -> /x/ -> /v/ -> /tv/ -> /pol -> /v/ -> Veeky Forums

09 represent

/b/ -> /sp/ -> /int/ -> /g/ /a/ /jp/ -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums


New batch of faggots, demographic data of Veeky Forums needs to be kept up to date.

Facebook ---> t_D ---> Veeky Forums ---> bitcointalk

This is unironically me OP.

>Started in 2008 on /b/
>ended up on /pol/ fuck knows when
>start bitcoin early 2012
>shitpost Veeky Forums, the crypto containment board, on the very first day

It's been memes and fortunes ever since. I still go on /pol/ (brit/pol/) occasionally tho.

50% eth, 25% btc, 15% dovu rest in 10~ coins

fit -> lit -> biz

the ultimate gains model

>/b/ -> /g/ -> /int/ (main board) -> Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums


Literally me

Still lurk /sp/, Veeky Forums and /v/ tho

Me too reporting in.
> Maybe since ~2010 though

>/pol/ -> Veeky Forums
no, it was /g/ -> Veeky Forums
they kicked us out in 2014

/a/>/pol/>Veeky Forums> once I buy a lambo
At least I didn't come from reddit like the 99% of this board

Any advice for a fellow bong just getting into crypto? What site do you use to buy? I've checked crypotomate which seems best for the UK and then mycelium for my wallet. Is this right? Not sure what function binance has in relation to these two but I'm trying to learn. Thanks mate

Same path

/tv/ + /g/ + Veeky Forums
how fucked am I?

lit -> fit -> biz
i got u

/b/ -> /g/ -> /pol/ and then Veeky Forums


/b/ -> /int/ -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums

/a/ -> Veeky Forums

yahoo questions -> freerepublic -> Veeky Forums

/b/ -> Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums

I did it for the lulz.

/b/ -> [r9k] -> /pol/ -> Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums

/b/ -> Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums
I originally came here to tell you all that Lamborghini's suck but I never went back

The fact that /g/ is nowhere on your list proves you are a newfag, and explains most of the low-IQ bullshit that gets posted here nowadays.

/b/ back in 2006 but I fell off about 2009 when I got laid and heavy into the wacky tobaccy. Here I am 9 years later and I've dropped the weed to focus on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums. I love this place.

/h/ 2005
/b/ /v/ in 2006 to 2008
Veeky Forums (fronk yong) 2007 to 2009
/tv/ /pol/ 2016
Veeky Forums 2017

i dropped by Veeky Forums a lot of times but shit i missed out on a goldmine because Veeky Forums doesn't shitpost other boards

Where my /sp/ bros at?

>openly admitting you ever browsed pol
I guess you needed a low IQ to visit it in the first place, makes sense


go back to your nigger loving site faggot

Fuck off kike. We know

>muh contrarian beliefs, i'm so unique, guys.

>to smart too accept reality

no one's going to upvote your post here fag

you're right. praise our lord and saviour, one hitter quitter, hitler


I have also meddled with the arts of Veeky Forums and /int/



/b/ > /x/ > Veeky Forums

Judge me

The only reason why biz was created in the first place was because of crypto shills spamming /g/

/b/ -> /v/ -> /pol/ -> /bizpol/


Walked the same path, but im doing fit and biz at the same time. Nothing is better than coming home from the gym to a few k profit.

now they are the most richest, and powerful.

how about that.

/b/ -> Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums -> Veeky Forums

You actually browsed /b/ for 6 years? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm happy that there are more Veeky Forums anons here.

Holy fuck op i feel you too hard. Walked the same path. We’re a very rare kind. We will make it

/hc/-->/gif/--> /gif/ + Veeky Forums

I posted something very similar in /b/ yesterday. Nice to see more people with the same path as myself

Completely degenerate

Veeky Forums -----> /pol/ (Won 20k betting on Trump winning the election) -----> Veeky Forums (5x'd that amount already)

How to make money from Veeky Forums memeboards, the post.

pol is for inbred retards

b-> r -> r9k -> biz

I've never understood how anybody finds this place through anything other than /b/. Is this outdated chanlore now? Back in the day 4chans was 90% /b/, 5% /v/ and 5% everything else. Seems alien to me that anybody would ever visit Veeky Forums for the first time without the intention to shitpost.

Spotted the jew

are you me

Former /pollack here. /pol really needs to migrate to biz what better way to promote white nationalism than all getting rich af off crypto hehe

More or less the same path. /pol/ was unironically Veeky Forums for me. Seeing the refugee crisis unfold made me want to get ripped and kill minorities. Just wish I got into crypto sooner, but I needed all my money to escape abroad from my dysfunctional house.

/b/->/r9k/->/v/->Veeky Forums->/pol/->Veeky Forums