When it comes to casual sex with women who aren’t hookers, is it better to be Veeky Forums or rich (Veeky Forums)?
Assuming you can’t be both
When it comes to casual sex with women who aren’t hookers, is it better to be Veeky Forums or rich (Veeky Forums)?
Assuming you can’t be both
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Both work, but if you're /fit they don't expect anything in return compared to being rich where they just want to sponge shit off you
>tfw both Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums
>split up with gf because wanted to experience ONS and tinder
>now that i am free the thought of hooking up with some random slag on tinder makes me puke
how do i get her back
Just be yourself
It's better to have good genetics
Genetics beats money everytime
t. See that criminal dude who married the billionaires daughter
Rich obviously. I have hardcore sex every day and I'm s skinnyfat NEET. I'm a poorfag by Veeky Forums standards but my gains are still enough that they got me a fuckbuddy and I barely spend shit on her. Money matters much more. I would even give up the sex if it would somehow increase my gains.
neither. you need to have game.
lost my virginity early 2017, fucked 9 girls without really trying.
not chad or rich (technically rich but didnt tell anyone)
just dont be a fuckup loser and dont say stupid shit like "come back to my place baby"
if women see that you're not judgmental about sex then they'll have casual sex with you.
when I meet a new chick somewhere I throw in innuendo within the first couple of mins. if we're not talking about sexual stuff within 2 hours, means shes not down for something casual.
Varies, of course. Only thing I can guarantee that you'll be much better off after you leave Veeky Forums, whether you're rich and fit or poor and fat
and inb4 Veeky Forums neets start saying shit about my posts, now I constantly get girls apologizing to me if they don't want to have sex on the first date
like "sorry for being so weird I hope you understand"
like they are coming on a date with me (or after we've met at bar/club) they expect to have sex that night.
>Varies, of course. Only thing I can guarantee that you'll be much better off after you leave Veeky Forums, whether you're rich and fit or poor and fat
Yeah, this.
Or you can still use Veeky Forums, but don't take it seriously. If you ever catch yourself thinking about chads and staceys and such IRL, you have to leave immidiately.
Just be confident brah
(not even kidding)
Rich is the ultimate cope, followed by fit, if you think that alone will bring you girls. What matters is how you utilize both of them to your advantage.
Both help if you have a confident, positive character, being DOM helps aswell if balanced well with humble.
Neither, being rich or attractivness just gives you a potential (!) positive feedback loop increasing your self-esteem and self-worth. These traits are just effects not causes. There are enough fucked up insecure betas who could get a model contract.
better to fuck a woman you love properly as though you own her and care for her. Casual sex is for weak men and faggots.
>i settled for the first woman that had sex with me
Casual sex? Probably Veeky Forums.
But in terms of attracting a lifetime partner, wealth and personality are more important than fitness, although being obese will hinder you.
Casual sex is worthless, though. Try to find a quality girl rather than wasting your time chasing after sluts.
To paraphrase something my grandfather would say, being fit will get more bites on the hook, being rich will keep them on the boat...just dont drag a gator or jellyfish into the boat
stick with casual sex, don't get married. 50% divorce rate, women initiate 75-80% of divorces
you fucked up deg
depends on the weight of your beloved #fatty
i dont want them to run away you fuck
>women who aren’t hookers
all women are hookers.
some admit it upfront.
the rest just pretend.
The difference is just in the time invested.
Hookers: scalper ~> day trader
Girlfriend: swing trader
Wife: hodler
Neither. You just need big dick.
post this when /bizfit comes in april 1
C) don’t be degenerate.
idk. i just want to kill myself. im not bad looking but i have no fucking idea what im doin with women. im a fucking loser. they like me, maybe even want me. but im a fucking socially inept socially anxious piece of fucking trash and i cant do anything right. i never will. im a fucking piece of trash.
im garbage.
>is it better to be Veeky Forums or rich (Veeky Forums)?
Fit and smart.
She’s moved on. Girls move on very quickly. You fell for the degenerate sleeping around ‘it’s only sex’ meme. You deserve this sadness. Next time, get married and have kids before it’s to late. Before you know it you will be mid 20’s and you will end up alone until your late 30’s if you miss the pre 25 woman window. After 25 it’s only thots and single moms. All the good ones get taken. Your best bet after is a 40yo widdow. This is what the MIGTOW and hooker/ONS leads too. Sadness. The ones bragging about it are either fantasising or dead inside and they don’t even realise it.
Get married and have kids before you are 25. It’s what your youth and good looks are for, for both sexes.
Sex is easy to source.
Don't be a buttmunch, and don't overrate its importance.
That's my advice.
>How to not stay Veeky Forums nor Veeky Forums
i cant even fathom that guys here actually get laid regularly. its completely beyond my comprehension that that is even possible. i hate women. i have no fucking understanding of them, or the human race. i have no understanding of guys either. i have no fucking understanding of anything. i am a fucking miserable outcast failure piece of trash. i am disliked by everyone and everything. women fucking disgustined with me and would never fuck me. i have no game, no ideas, and i hate HATE HATE game.
i HATE game. i HATE life. i HATE people. i HATE social skils. I HATE emotional intelligence. I HATE humans. I HATE social situations. I HATE society.
I hate my fucking empty shitty fucking life and I HATE how jealous and confused i am about everything. life is so fucking confusing and fucking miserable.
Wait a bit longer for full drop VR and none of this shit will matter ever again.
jesus christ
Send my your crypto before you end it, cuck.
the thing i hate the most are human beings. i despise them. i hate their movements. hate their faces. hate their eyes. hate their brains. hate their ideas. hate their retarded behaviors. hate their sentences. i hate their lives. i hate their words. i hate their voices. i hate their social ideas.
i hate their philosophies. i hate their books. i hate their fucking retarded fucking bullshit. HATE. and do i hate myself... lets see... what does it seem like? yes. i think i do. i think i fucking do. i hate myself. HATE.
everything is simply so confusing and misex up to me, that i cant work it out. i am so jealous of guys that actually understand life and can get through it easily, i dont understand a fucking thing. everything is a monumental obsessive fucking anxious confusing shit for me. i am mentally illand everything thinks im a fucking freak.
human beings are so fucking stupid and irritating it boggles my fucking mind. all of you are fucking cunts. i hate everyone on the internet, i hate everyone in my real life. fucking cunts. so fucking annoying. people annoy th shit out of me.
nice try faggot, i'll NEVER end it. I'd rather eat shit than let faggots like you win at this world. i'll be around for as long as I'm alive watching you faggots from afar, laughing at you, hating you. but i will know in my heart of hearts that i hate you, and dislike you, and want to vomit all over you. nigger.
send me YOUR crypto you fucking cocksucker
>hating yourself
that's why you deserve it
brutal user. at least I followed that advice. sorry op
This is a lie based entirely on fear. Life is hard. Marrying some slut isn't going to magically make it better. In fact, it could make it worse. Let things happen naturally, never chase any destiny.
I'm not religious but go to fucking church or something or kys you pos
i wasnt always this mentally ill. i wasn't always such a narcissistic suckface nigger. i used to be normal. something happened to me. lsd? maybe. something went wrong. and now i am like that crazy guy from metal gear jacket. that kills the dreill sargeant.
"this is my rife! it is a nice rifle!"
i am completely bonkers. everyone makes me so fucking disgusting and irritated and i wish i was just normal, like you guys. and just sane. and able to get pussy, and joke about it online. "lol u just have to be tughff1!! lol!! dudeee i gto crpyot1!!"
that would be so awesome. and i could think about the last 9 girls i fucked over the last year. "lol dude i get hardcore sex every day ahhaha just be normal dude"
yeah right you fucking cunts. like its that fucking easy. life is hell, women are fucking TRICKS and you are getting played by the pussy. these pussies will extort you for your soul. you are being GAMED, you are not the one doing the GAMING.
then again, im a fucking faggot and i have no idea what im talking about. i am the pathetic garbage on the bottom of your foot that you scrape off and throw into the grass. and it sits there for years. rotting. thats me.
at least i can feel comfortable knowing im not a complete fucking retard. at least i know to hate myself. at least i am ok in that way. at least i have that much. i want to kill myself but i never will because i always know that some day maybe out of some complete random chance a woman will throw herself at me without me having to jump through hoops and play games, and maybe by some freak chance ill get rich. ill never ever ever ever kill myself.
and when im rich and have a woman, ill never have to talk to anyone ever again and i can do what the fuck i want and i wont ever have to slave for anyone else or give a shit what anyone thinks.
but until then ill be fucking dreaming, confused, suicidal, and miserable.
It's better to have a good-looking face.
But if you had to pick one of those two it's obviously fit.
Why would a girl care how rich her casual sex partner is?
Fuck u too asshole
10/10 eat shit
Veeky Forums for sure
did you not see that thread about the guy using a fake tinder to girls before?
He literally called them fucking stupid pajeets and they would not get off his dick because the guy he used as his fake profile pictures was Veeky Forums and had a 7/10 face
Grow up you little faggot. Go get a handy from an asian massage parlor. Think about your life.
>Get married and have kids before you are 25.
That sounds absolutely horrible. Go back to pol and leave us to make loads of money and lead lonely lives of degeneracy.
What a fucking cuck.
This guy has a hooked nose
>t. roastie
Holy shit that analogy
Shut the fuck up Donnie
Really wanna do this senpai, used to slay before I fell for the gf meme and now I'm only richer and more Veeky Forums
>good genetics
Yeah hes a wog but hes clearly half white
Has white features , etc
Jus b yrself
You hate humanity but expect humanity to love you?
Learn to see the good side of humanity and it will give 10x back
this is not your personal blog, fucktard.
stuff your sob stories up your ass, kys and leave us
You fascinate me. Care to talk some more?
theres this girl at work. shes a 9/10 in my book. i love her. shes so sexy. she smiled at me two days ago. it made my day. and she stands in my vision outside the room. im not dumb, i doubt shes into me. but i think she knows im into her. i always look her in the eyes when we pass in the hallway. she used to make a "ew" face kind of when i didi t but now she smiles
(there are another few girls that check me out in the office)
i know im a complete faggot. anyway. i think about her alot. her ass is amazing. she wears these jeans and she passes my desk and i just cant help but notice.
i thought last week, "i can't go home alone again, i cant be alone all weekend again. i need her." its so pathetic. but i know in my heart that ill never have her or any of the other women i like.
i know that she will fuck chad, i know that this weekend while I'm at home crying and sleeping she will be out with her boyfriend who has fucked 10 other women this year and will be sucking him off, every day, and spending so much good time with him. i know that she fucks chad. i know that she will never fuck me.
and i know that even if i tried to fuck her, id hate jumping through hoops that ih ave to. playing games. and i know that id fuck it up, ruin it. or get frustrated and give up. or be too much of a "BATA" for her. so i cry instead, whine, and dream of a day when things can be better. dream of a day that women are fun for me and life isn't lonely and sick.
i will be alone this wekend, again. i will be by myself. no sex, no nothing, for the 1000th straight week in a row. and she will be fucking chad.
but at least she smiled at me!
Another way of asking the same question would be: Who would do better on Tinder?
The average 4channer with pics in his penthouse and next to his lambos or the 6'2" 10/10 chad jock.
I think the latter would get more matches and even if the former had a lot of matches, the women would more be trying to extract your wealth than casually having sex with you.
although i agree about the marrying before 25 part, having kids before 24-25 is a sure way of never getting rich.
Met my Gf playing Vidya
She getsa job and moves in
She fuckign pays me to invest iot into crypto for her
MFW she has even more gains than I
Sucks to suck
You are emotional which means you must be young. Remember time heals all wounds, even of the heart. Also understand if you dont take a risk now and try you will feel regret later and really want to kill yourself later rationally.
33yo with loads of free income, all my friends are overworked, despising thier wives, and thier kids are all ADD assholes who looks at them as human ATMs. Not falling for the marriage meme might be the best thing i've ever done
that was a pretty good read. i also read this in the voice of that screaming hobo from birdman. i hope youll eventually find peace user
At least she still sucks your cock, right?
Jesus, user. Get an escort or something. You're too thirsty. Wenches wear out really fast. That super hot chick will be completely used up in 10 years, and you'll be hitting your stride. It's not a meme, it's the truth. As long as you take care of yourself (i.e. don't be fat, lift some weights, get your money right).
Hate seems to be the main motif in your life
I think you’re right except for the last part. Women are instinctively attracted to power. Rich dudes getting laid is related to that more than it being an extraction scheme
thanks lads
This is mostly true. Dating and sleeping around are very different. If you chase girls just to fuck, you're damaging your brain chemistry and associating sex with promiscuous behavior. It will take several years to ameliorate. I'm dating the woman I'm going to marry, but I would be lying if I said I haven't cheated. I'm a horrible faggot for doing it, but it was because of my poor decisions listening to fucking Jew propaganda and linking promiscuity with masculinity. It's not worth it, don't do it. I haven't cheated for a while and I never will again after harsh introspection.
And you don't need to get married before your 25. Just don't give yourself brain damage by living a life of hedonism. It gets old fucking hot bitches, trust me. If you're intelligent, it gets old very quick.
You can get married, just don't have kids unless you're mentally and financially capable. yet again, who wants to conceive a child in this kike hell. I'm just gonna buy some dogs with my gf.
Good advise which is why its important to avoid giving into your lust.
I sometimes had these days where I just hated how fucked up the whole world is and how retarded 90% of people are. I'm in highschool atm and I'm not even an outcast or anything. I somehow got good at bantering as well. Quite fit as well. It's just so retarded how everyone tries to study hard so they can become a wagecuck. All they do is go partying whenever possible and it's not even partying, they literally drink until they pass out. They have no clue what they want in life. Fucking retards.
Thankfully I started learning about business and entreprenuer stuff and got into crypto. Got 40k invested, so I'll probably never have to work again if I don't suddenly start doing retarded trading.
Now I just laugh at the retarded world.
fit or rich doesn't matter, confidence does
Both are great, they give you confidence, and admiration (from both sexes). The downside however is that they give you too many options which can actually become a problem.
Man you sound like a total gay fag desu
Rich. Veeky Forums only works when you're in a hook up culture like college
>cant even fathom that guys here actually get laid regularly
they don't. everybody is incel, but they bought into the "if you believe and act like x you will become x" meme.
You realize if you're rich you can seriously just sign up to a sugar baby website and have endless hordes of
>You realize if you're rich you can seriously just sign up to a sugar baby website and have endless hordes of
this. this is an excellent analogy because a harem of women is one of the best burly for igniting the interest of potential fresh catches. Veeky Forums can help accumulate this and net you momentum in situations where there are people who know you.
however, Veeky Forums is kind of like a big dick, it can be very powerful when people find out on their own or just smell it, but you can't always just walk around with it flopped out or it can be counterproductive. in the solo type missions Veeky Forums is probably going to be the better lure merely because it is ok with everybody to use that way.
Wow so many red pills dropped in this thread.
Valid point but so is power/control. And money gives you the ultimate control.
And as much as society tries to deny it, girls are incredibly attracted to wealth & power.
Having said that there's no reason why you can't have both. If anything being wealthy makes it easier to be /fit.
neither, you have just to be a player. if you are poor and ugly doesnt matter (but of course it helps).
but with game you are the real winner. check out pick up artist stuff and get redpilled. or keep being a looser.
whops i meant if you are rich and a good looking guy helps, but doesnt matter at all
Casual sex makes you a degenerate. You are essentially fucking up the live software each woman you're with. Unless of course they are complete sluts. In which case why do you want to put your dick in it? You're the problem with the modern west, op
You're paying for it either way, weather you realize it or not.
That Chick is a 5/10
Yeah autism is a helluva condition.
Hi mom
don't get back to her, it's pathetic
that depends on how good the other skill is.
game or social skills, looks/fit and money are the most important when it comes to women.
good social skills and money? you most likely trump the poor fit guy with average social skills.
it also depends on what a women values more. does she value looks or money more in a man? the younger she is the more she will go for looks in a man, the older she is the more she will go for money, because its more security for her checkmate.
when it comes to pimping, you really gotta be everything at best, there is no excuse not to hustle. you gotta be on top of your finance, you gotta hit the gym hard and you gotta go out there and approach a shitton of girls, if you really wanna get the top notch women.
this comes from a dude who fucked 250 girls
Definitely Veeky Forums for casual sex. Unless you're absurdly rich ($100MM+) then the wealth will out weigh the body in importance, but good luck making that sort of money.