Warren Buffet just shitted hard on the all cryptocurrencies
This and the South Korea banning crypto news may impact the market for a long time,
what do you guys think?
Warren Buffet just shitted hard on the all cryptocurrencies
This and the South Korea banning crypto news may impact the market for a long time,
what do you guys think?
Who cares about Cuckett, he has been wrong since the beginning
Shaking off all the new Christmas money, be fine.
post the link retard
>shits on the all cryptocurrencies
at least he has a toilet to shit in lmao begone pajeet
I check blockfolio no my blockfolio phone probably twice a month so it won't affect me whatsoever and i probably won't notice that any correction has happened
Although you have just made me refresh blockfolio so now i only have one refresh left for the rest of january
Less normies and less greedy sacks of shit. Crypto can finally be USED not just held by a bunch of queers. Im fine with this
This is the news, pushed on by CNBC, Yahoo, Bloomberg and some other large shitty television channels
the Korea news r fake, Buffet is just old, we'll all make it
>This and the South Korea banning crypto news may impact the market for a long time,
you do realize that the SK news was FUD and proven false... r-r-right user?
> Why in the world should I take a long or short position in something I don’t know anything about.
it will impact the market for about half a day
I literally just heard it on NPR
>"I get into enough trouble with things I think I know something about," he added. "Why in the world should I take a long or short position in something I don't know anything about."
Warren Buffet will die in 2018, who cares what he says
Old news
I am sure that we will make it, but if I sell now ETH at near ATH at 1180 $, and rebuy it next month at maybe 600 $ - 800 $ , I feel much safer
>"If I could buy a five-year put on every one of the cryptocurrencies, I'd be glad to do it but I would never short a dime's worth."
kek, savage & based old man.
Buffet only invests in technology he understands and that's what makes him one of the greatest investors of all time. He backs projects he knows work and have a gap in the market
The dude is trapped in his mentality though, he didn't invest in any information age era company until 2016. It'll still be a while before blockchain tech has enough of a public impact for ol fuddy duddies like him to back wisely
No hate on buffet either the dude makes researched decisions he believes in which is more than can be said for all the fomoing shits here
the South Korea news I read it on Reuters, CNBC and few other major financial websites.
Can you guarantee that despite everything, South Korea will NOT ban crptocurrencies?
>shitted hard on the all cryptocurrencies
if your english is this poor, then dont post. also you probably need to take a shower.
from the article
>I would never short a dime's worth
~Warren Buffet
>I get in enough trouble shorting things I know something about. Why would I short something I know nothing about?
~Charlie Munger
~totally (((unbiased reporter))) with no agenda whatsoever
Buffet has always been against countercyclicals and holding currency. His empire is structured so that he will barely be affected when people stop buying from his jets in USD and start buying them in XMR.
Based Buffet may not think much of crypto, but he taught me to HODL
>says he doesn't understand it well enough
>says he wouldn't short it
>invested in mySpace just before it got buttraped
yea idk why we should listen to anything he says
I am actually serious, can anyone guarantee me that a is not banning all cryptocurrencies?
The minister of Finance went on Live TV and promised this in front of all South Korea, so how can you be sure that we'll not have the same crash like with the China FUD back in the fuckin summer?
Buffet invest in things that have government protection, like goldman sachs preferred stock and oil trains that had their pipeline competitor blocked by government.
cause he's the most successful investor of all time
Where in the usa can I do pic related?
hes right to some extent, 99% of cryptos will end in either a final crash or a slow bleed.
Everyone is rushing to create their own crypto currency which flood the ballet with coins of various types. There is a relatively fixed supply of money supporting these currencies, so the end result will be coin prices greased to $0.
doesn't take a fucking genius to realize it's a bubble and the risks are high
every retard on this board knows it
between 95% and 99% of cryptos are overinflated scamcoins and shitcoins,
Taking my profits out now near ATH seems like the most reasonable and rational thing to do
what the fack does bbrap even means?
is there another thread about the South Korea banning?
Still noone offered any guarantees about this really being "fakenews"
Come on guys, why all the sources indicate an imminent ban in South Koorea on all cryptocurrencies?
Didn't he say the same thing about tech companies a decade ago?
He's right, like all markets, there will be ups and downs, but the technology is not going anywhere.
Nobody cares what some old alzheimers man thinks
Yep, true, Warren Buffet also said the same before the dot com bubble.
99% of the internet companies from 2000 died in the dot com bubble
and few who survived, lost 95% of their value.
Before crash, Amazon was trading at 110 $. After dot come bubble crash Amazon went down to 4$.
>implying Warren Buffett understands crypto
he understands stocks, crypto isn't stocks
and now AMZN is trading at over 1000 USD
His vague claim that it will have a "bad end", seems to suggest something finite. Which in turn suggests he does not know what he is talking about.
Unless he means the market will have ups and downs and even crashes, which is just a truism that applies to every market.
but all of us we are doing trading , and speculating them exactly like they would be trading stocks.
the same technical analysis , the same platforms of trading.
we are all in for speculation and price increases, and at some point, there is just no way up anymore
look at the fucking dentacoin ! Billions of market cap for a shitty website that has no product, and a bag of bulgarian scammers ... like this is shit... how did they get to Billions of market cap ? these scammers?
in 2000 after the dot com bubble crashed, AMAZON went down from 110 $ to 4 $.
It took 15 years for AMAZON to start growing significantly again.
Do you faggots have 14 years of your lives to spare, ?
HODL is the dfinition of idiocy in times of crashing collapsing markets
>dumb scams only appear in crypto
do you know how fast 15 years is in crypto time?
that's like a year to 2 years MAX
Scotland, KY
yeah I bet your ass off that proved scams like DENTACOIN or BNTY will totally and really totally be worth 1000$ sometimes in the 2 year future yeah right ... normies!
Its 18 years from the bubble
Don't ever listen to Boomers.
It's our time now.
Regarding the Korea news
Buffett isn't a boomer, he's from the Silent Generation
>you will never wake up from sleeping in a tent naked in a beautiful mountain area at 10 am with a pale white married-virgin wife which takes care of your children and household which you went backpacking with
why bother
OP's image hurts so much, I will never have that. All women are whores not loyal and out there to steal your money. They probably rode all Chad cock they could get before willing to settle down with a beta provider. Money can buy you sex but not real compassionate love.
Hello there I’m Alan Dreidelberg with planet money, I’ll be rambling about crypto with jazz playing softly in the background, so you know I’m legit
except that you posted an old tweet that has been debunked in the meantime.
Lmao fuck this old geezer
>crypto time
That doesn’t seem to be a real place.....I guess you are joking?
>I literally just heard it on NPR
warren buffet will influence though all the big investors and large capital companies, who will not invest in the crypto if they all think now that it is a bursting bubble
Not to mention he is exaggerating. AMZN returned to 60% of its ATH within 2 years.
Id rather fuck a pajeet than a degenerate
But 99% of the internet companies from the dotcom bubble NEVER recovered and died out.
See pets.com and hundreds others
Amazon was maybe the only one who recovered.
Let's say Amazon is the EThereum now, all will crash, and only ETH will recover in 3-4 years from now
Its like dog years, except we die first
> every tattoo is degenerate
lol no he won't. Every few days at least CNBC has another hedge fund manager or simmilar guy on who's had a big position for years and all of them say they're "looking at" other currencies. Nobody with real money has taken Buffett seriously when it comes to anything tech related for more than a decade now.
>48 percent of dot-com companies founded since 1996 were still around in late 2004, more than four years after the Nasdaq’s peak in March 2000.
I swear biz is getting better and better taste with women. Truly patrician shit here
btw lads if the market does fully go to shit, i mean every post is a redwojak for hours straight do you go full cashout or tether up?
whats to stop tether from crashing with the market even though its 'pegged' to the USD?
(Minus the tat)
>anons post girl butts to attract attention to their shit topics
>other anons make elaborate scat roleplay to reverse the effect
brapp is supposed to be the sound of that smelly shit fart
almost as disgusting as a stinky linky
S.Koreans Gov is NOT banning Cryptocurrencies. Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Finance are saying exact opposite opinions. It seems like they are confused, but for now, Gov is not going to ban coins. Trust me, I am fucking korean
I dont mean a temporary bear market or correction of 10% I mean like Bitcoin and Eth halves within hours type armagedeon shit
It's only natural that the older someone gets, the more out of touch they get as well.
Korea news was obviously not true. I'd curbstomp that faggot who wrote it, if I'd ever get the chance
Did you even read the article, brainlet?
So don't sell your fucking coins god dammit
>Can you guarantee
>I am actually serious, can anyone guarantee
>Still noone offered any guarantees
Bros, I think this is the first Veeky Forums poster I've seen who I suspect might be legitimately retarded. Like a downie or something for real.
They will once the blockchain is applied to certain industries, they will see the millions saved and adopt, mom n pop/ lower tier companies will have to set it off
>South Korea banning crypto news may impact the market for a long time,
He does seem retarded. Here is another example:
>Amazon was maybe the only one who recovered.
and when I posted this he didn't reply
>implying it isn't
and this is how CNBC reports on the tech predictions of an 87 year old luddite
I don't know who really gives a shit
He called himself stupid for missing Amazon. He knows nothing about tech.
tattoos without meaning and muh bootiful flower or muh scury tats or muh flag are degen I agree
but tattoos that have individual/family symbolism like the name of your dead child or your family shield in a non public viewable place arent too bad imho
Buffett literally followed up that line with "I don't understand crypto". Can we just fucking drop this meme?
I think we should be fighting and ridiculing it as a counterbalance to how it is being sensationalised.
post link faggot, what the fuck do you think this is, the "trust the bullshit that all OPs claim"? Jesus christ.
Old man says new tech economy will crumble. Also says he doesn't actually understand it.
Where is the news?
>i-i-if i post girls with posts, people will listen r-r-r-right
>only invested 3 dollars on crypto
It's been real.
Yea 99% of useless companies actually doesn't make it in a crash... breaking news dude.
Obviously all shitcoins with no purpose whatsoever will go away and most other crash hard, but that doesn't mean the solid ones with working tech and an actual useful service will die forever
I seriously only entered this thread for the pictures and this is the only reply without pictures I have read
what shitty tracking app u using?
lel. In fairness, it looks like you're seeing that in the sort of place where clickbait appears, so they're really just tailoring the message to the audience, here. The product they present overall is probably significantly different depending on where you encounter them.
It's the narrative at work, user.
A while ago, Warren said that cryptocurrencies were a shit investment, but Bitcoin was on a bullrun, so noone cared.
Now, Bitcoin has been trading sideways for weeks, there's no real momentum, and the normies who dream of lambos are growing impatient and touchy. So a round of bad news roll out on a local downtrend (2 previous red days). Technically speaking, the bottom of the dump was expected, it was the speed that wasn't.
The reason for the dump could've been the SK news, but similar ban-threatening news rolled out during rallies and Bitcoin's price just didn't cafe.
The reason could've been Warren's FUD, but the same as the SK news applies.
The reason could've been panicky investors (normies).
Or it could've been none of them, or all of them, noone knows for sure. But they're blamed all the same by people scrambling to find a cause for the price action (even if the historical precedent of events similar to the proposed causes shows no correlation to price moves) just to make sense of what is happening, and what to do.
A narrative for the cause is spread around , and people believe it, causing a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. Except half or most of the dump was caused by the narrative, not by what the narrative claims to have caused it.
I don't know where I was going with this, or if it was worth writing so fuck it, I'll just hit Post now.
we need some strong meming boys.
Get to fucking work.
Turn cuckett into the cuck he always was.
I think you're being too nice to them.
If you read the article he said "Why would I invest in something I know nothing about?"
So yeah
>Crypto is a bad idea guys
>I know nothing about it