So how are those assholes doing, Veeky Forums?

So how are those assholes doing, Veeky Forums?

my picks for this week, SONM, BNT, MCO, DCORP, and maybe a blue chip like ETH

thanks pajeet, but nobody asked you where the designated shitting streets are

dead snake is dead

Sell your bags its going into 2000s soon.

Currently hodling 900k LXM, not the least bit worried

You think ass rape is funny ?

im going to sell at 3500 if these faggot whales dont stop

Shoved it into my ledger, will check again in a month

Completely fine, only faggots are checking theirs every 10 minutes

You are either a newfag or a Pajeet. There are still too many good projects coming which include Stellar, this coin is not dead.