why does everyone here hate indians?
Why does everyone here hate indians?
Other urls found in this thread:
We hate everybody who isn't one of us.
which is?
dcorp did like 3x this week, think it can definitely do another 10x
>tfw Indians would rather shit on each others' faces than poo in loo
Pajeets tried to crash our beloved market today
Never forget biz
not indians
Plot twist.
Everyone is biz is a pajeet.
Most recent reason?
korean cryptoban fud article written by an indian that crashed the market as the market was crashing.
a few very pissed off anons are going to kill her by morning
everyone hates indians
even indians
indian girls will go for a white guy every time
not gonna lie, i actually really like indian girls
Upper caste Indians are tolerable (assuming they stay the fuck in India) and I would only call them Pajeets in a good natured mocking way. True blue Pajeets are not super tolerable...they are Pajeets...it’s the perfect descriptor
I not gonna judge you, even if scat is a bit of an eyebrow raising kind of fetish...
yeah this is true, i went to india a few weeks ago and as a white guy the girls are all over you. never felt more like a chad in my life
>brown ID
>why does everyone here hate indians?
they don't want to see /biz win and are burning this place to the ground with their pathetic attempts to swindle our shekel. they're not as noticeable now with all the retarded little newcoiners around, but it wasn't that long ago we actually tried to help each other here, then the pajeets came.
Idk user doesnt make sense to me given they are more white then the average amerimutt poster
seriously, they're annoying, cheap and not good customers/employees from my experience.
theyre disgusting subhumans OP
british shouldve slaughtered them all when they had the chance
Because they shill pump groups like thos one discord gg / ByQu54W
>theyre disgusting subhumans OP
>british shouldve slaughtered them all when they had the chance
They did give it a red hot go faggot.
This is bullshit, you obviously never went to India.
>Because they shill pump groups like thos one discord gg / ByQu54W
And milkface dont do it?
fuck off pajeet
Indians get used too easily by (((them))). It probably takes $2 for an Indian journalist to post a defamation article about a thread about Bitcoin supporting racial hate. But then again, whatever shit Veeky Forums says, it is the real sentiment of the majority of the users of this site. Nobody lies to protect their best interests.
>theyre disgusting subhumans OP
>british shouldve slaughtered them all when they had the chance
This sounds familiar, yeah reminds me of radical Islamists...
I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
because they anus, jelly anus at that
Also white guy that went to India.
>Slaves aka "Live-in maids" cost less than my electricity bill in the US
>Get any job I want in any industry because of my western education and whiteness
>Girls will literally fawn over you because you bathe once a day.
Well westernized ones. But they get white woman 3.0 attitude and values.
Tradional like their own ethinicty caste n relgion
Bs......rok rooshv singledudetravel all confirms it sux
He must be german.....can u imagine the scat between poos sharts n sheissa
We will hate you less of you stop doing shit like this
based Pajeet.
Became this needs to happen to all sub humans that can’t be westernised
Words the human race should live by
Indians shit in public.
also they're supergeniuses
America bewar
theres is a series of videos like that does anybody know the maker of these "masterpieces"?
Indian girls do prefer white guys. Had 1 indian housemate who said 'girls at the office always talk about white guys' 'how can we compete' ....and 1 indian house mate female who would compliment her 'big white boss'.
>1 indian house mate female who would compliment her 'big white boss'.