Coins to buy quickly before rebound? For 2x profit within hours
Coins to buy quickly before rebound? For 2x profit within hours
Same famalam
UFR is about to come out of its dip strong
LIFE on hitBTC. Not shilling, for every satoshi it rises is 33%.
You're welcome.
could kalysta be /biz'sgirl/?
BRD, If you don't know you don't know
You better be right. I went back and forth on this and missed the last pump. Very slightly up but holding on for at least the next 2x
UFR is still regularly below 2 dollars. I bet it will 2x within a week.
UFR buy low, shit will rocket once the market recovers, and it's already recovering
UFR is my comfiest hold yet and I bought LINK at 20c (AUD)
I’m in UFR aswell. I think it’ll be back to $2.40 by tomorrow now things have started to recover. And easily double that in a few weeks. It’s got a solid roadmap. Bargain now with it being around $34M market cap.
Also the normies want to buy it after the youtube video with 37k. Look also at Privatix, s blockchain VPN made by a VPN company.
UFR 5x within days. Don't think twice.
Honestly can't believe i've made at 3x off of UFR thanks to seeing another user's post on here.
Theres still so much room to grow and the project is super solid.
You should be looking at cheap relatively unknown coins that already rebounded. Look at Blackcoin. That shit is actually up.
I also think UFR will be worth looking into. :)
This. Bancor has had steady gains through the whole crash.
Stop being a poorfag
you shills have convinced me. I'm gonna buy some UFR
Upfiring for sure
Its literally being shilled by a pajeet discord group. Dont fall for their stinky tricks