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Idiot it dumps the second it hits kucoin you should be terrified
ofcourse I'll buy this OP but only after it dumps 50-70% on kucoin
kek. i didnt buy today.
What price?
Easy 10x in the next few days.
EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@
Is there going to be an AI Gang Good Guy? I fell for the BrainGangGoodGuy bot/shill.
why the hell is AIX dumping. CanYa mooned
People learned their lesson.
Everybody FOMO into the new KuKoin listing while all ED players dumped bags on them.
This time people wait for dump, then buy in.
What price should I buy in at boiz?
Bump. Wanna know this too.
I got justed so bad, lost 60%
I thought this would do the same thing as canya. This is fucking brutal, I should have listened.
Yes user it's doing the exact same thing as canya and every other kucoin listing, dumping to death for the first 2 hours
Are you legit retarded?
ahahah pajeet'd
bought for 0.000165 ETH when it got listed, and quickly sold for 0.000300 ETH
almost doubled my money in 10 seconds, and i don't care about this shitcoin anymore
same story with CanYa coin
i literally wait for every shitcoin that kuckcoin is listing every few days, and quickly buy, quickly sell
works everytime
You bought at an ATH, didn't you user?
thx for the 3x
skad wiesz ktore coiny zostaly dopiero dodane na kucoinie
Wtf did you buy at to lose 60% already?
przecież są newsy że dodają jakiegos nowego coina
dzisiaj przeczytalem rano na Veeky Forums że ten coin zostanie dodany o 15:00 więc jak tylko zobaczylem pierwsze oferty kupilem i szybko sprzedalem
English motherfucker
To nie wykop
I just clicked best price as soon as it got listed, 008 ether.............., i realized the mistake immediately fuuckkk, as long this does 10x this week i will be ok.
Im literally holding ED bags. I could have bought 40% cheaper on cuck coin
dirty pajeet
Wow i seriously got cucked. Canya pumped to 80k and i missed that one. I spend all morning preparing for this one and get JUSTED. Im honestly done with crypto at this point. i fucking bought on ED
nice mate, bought at .002 and thought it would push just a little more to 0.003500. almost sold at .003. didn't, sold at .0025.
bought again at .0017, sold at .0024
feels good bro.
why would you do this ever
you're the first candle. why. why?
I'm inputting the code from google authentication and it says invalid code over and over again. anyone knows whats up?
fomo is for homo
Well they say in crypto you make every mistake in the book, well i made another. Let's hope for 4x and I will be ok.
Lmao every coin that gets listed first dropped to the floor... Then does well. Without fail. Bnty, drgn, qlc, dbc
Pump startiiiing! I'm up 10% in 5 minutes.
Ico was 0.0005 eth w/ $4.5 million raised, shitcoin or not you're gonna wanna be in this one
Don't buy yet, wait a couple of hours at least
Bought half at 20k sats and a buy order for the other half around 16k. Am i gonna make it goys?
Dump CAN at a slight loss in hopes of making back with this? Halp
Except fucking CAN.
dont separate the numbers cuck
This is wrong
Check the chart
thanx for buying my bags this shit is going anywhere
Holy FUCK those are some massive whale walls.
Good luck with that shit. I almost bought.
What price should i be buying in at?, its starting wave patterns indicating a moon mission no?
lol. medical tokens are fucking hot right now. other exchange listing imminent. solid team, solid fundamentals. not even listed on cmc yet (though listing is confirmed. 60m market cap. This is an easy 100x you fucking brainlets
>medical tokens are fucking hot right now.
Looks pretty much under full whale control right now. They could draw a mona lisa on that graph if they wanted to.
What's the marketcap on this
Bought early, wait for their pump, sell early
around 50-60million right now
That's not too bad.
MC on KuCoin is rising fast. Maybe there's a chance to slay those whales after all.
when dip to buy? wtf
for all of your reference.
Looks like there won't be one.
Buyers are pouring in!
Fuck this. Going all in. Someone hold me.
i feel so bad, i bought in at 0.008 ether = 9,60 dollar, lesson learnt
Same here. I don't even care anymore. All the other coins are shit so this can't be much worse.
You guys have to find a base when a coin 1st get listed on its 1st major exchange. /im quite certain 20000 is the base for to 10x we go
Always check your crystal ball before making a purchase user. Glad you learned.
Same. I'm sick of holding that CanYa garbage. This will be my moonshot.
So this is why my 10x sell on etherdelta just tripped. Thanks guys, appreciate it.
good luck
Going all in with 1 full BTC, are we aiming for /10x/ ?
Godspeed friend
There is hope.
Look at DBC and tell me. AI is not even hot right now in the crypto world (Golem, singularDTV). Healt/medical/insurance is. I've never been more excited. Still waiting for my BTCs from bittrex to buy more. Not gonna moon for another day or 2 I reckon.
I was into DBC, made 3x
That's where my 1 BTC comes from kek
>Not gonna moon for another day or 2
Ofc, but we are patient... are we?
Hopefully right after my BTC deposit gets in ;)
We'll wait for you then Kukbro
This coin will definitely moon in de next couple of days. Great project. Looking forward!!!!
hory shet you might as well gift me 5 Ai gang for a good luck on that 10x man
guys how long does it take to change eth to btc shapeshifting? done it 1hour ago, on the blockchain it says btc sent, still no btc
why not just send eth
we all make bad decisions
just make sure not to do it again
How dare you... get off this board
Too late for 20000 or will dip again?
btc transactions are faster than eth right now.
buy high sell low! I just you buy right now to not make the same mistake again. pic related. it has based.
Speaking of which I just moved DBC from all time low into this and now this is going nowhere and DBC started going back up again. FML.
>these walls
what the FUCK
This coin has been out for 3 hours.
The absolute state of this place lol...
With DBC you get a __% chance to double. With AIX you get a __% chance to x100. Do the fucking math and have some patience fuckwit.
DBC GOES DOWN -> worst fucking shitcoin ever
DBC GOES UP-> go brain gang buy the holy grail
It's gonna take you two weeks bro. You're not actually supposed to be sending or receiving btc
It was more me being sick and tired of DBC dropping with no end in sight. Even if it turns back up now it probably won't go up very far or fast.
Good point.
I just hope this doesn't become CAN 2.0
DBC took 2~3 days to start mooning. fyi.
damn right, everything drops like a ton of bricks for a day or 2 after it hits kucoin. ill put a few hundred $ and see what happens
It appears we are slowly developing some thrust.
Let's go boys. Whales can't keep us down forever.
Whales never die, they just get enough from weak handed Pajeets that they can profit like they want.
>headphone jack
What's expected of this shitcoin?
what's expected off bitcoin?
We shall turn them into sashimi!
Whale sashimi is gross
And nothing