Is this just another shill or does it have actual potential?
How far will this go?
Other urls found in this thread:
Seems promising to me from what I've seen
Old people from the 90s think that making music can lead to a life of riches. This was never the case. Record deals were loans given to musicians to launder money through inflated services (much like how the hollywood unions work). Anyways, young musicians aren't really familiar with the making music royalties riches meme. Young people make music for free on their computers and give it away for free as a promotional tool to promote themselves. They understand that they are the brand not the music. Also, modern musicians make money in endorsements not music. CD baby failed. Soundcloud failed. Myspaces rebirth failed even with superstar just timberlake behind it. This will.....FAIL. Oldfags be warned.
nice fud it does more than allow artists to buy songs or albums from artists. I hope you enjoy scaring people off so you can fill your bags for when this 5x over the next week
It's going nowhere. Project was abandoned months ago. Just stop being retarded and losing your money.
nice FUD you got there
Indian project
>no one cares
Lot of talking on chan about this coin, lot of fud. Could only mean one thing. BUYYY
True and it's still not on reddit, they will buy everything
You are so transparent as a pump and dump drone from some fag discord group. No one gives a shit about filling bags and blah blah bah. Its shitcoin. Its in a shit market (music sales) music has no value in todays marketplace. I sell music for a living and know firsthand. Music platforms always fail. The artist needs to be business person and market themselves directly. Musicians are too stupid to ever make use of these platforms because they compete with them by making their music available for free. Pick better shitcoins to pump and dump.
honestly i bought at 150, watched it go to 200 and didnt sell, watched it fall to 100 and almost panic sold. thank god i slept on it and sold the next day at 260. shit seemed like a PND im staying away. the only thing is has is the connection to that bjork guy or whatever if thats even true.
Hold at least until they publish the partnership announcement in a few days, it will be also get noticed on Reddit, so it should go up at least 3-4x times more
I imagine that the news about this coin will spread more in media in next few days with its rise, so that should also help
please dont buy this is just like trx shitty ass hype do not buy thanks sir
How much we gonna gain from it?
I bet we gonna meet 250 capitalization before February
I'm already 100% on it
Poor man's OPUS
OPUS is a scam. They blocked me from telegram and slack when I asked about development.
Nothing in GitHub.
Bunch of fresh-out-of-college faggots looking for a quick buck.
Not FUD, facts.
Have fun with your bags man, sorry
Glad I got into AudioCoin instead.
Who pays you to post this in every thread?
You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@
OPUS is shit
Japanese are tweeting about ADC
>9 cents
too expensive
need more koreans
No thanks, prefer local pajeets