Now it's the time Veeky Forums we sailing to the moon
looks a bit scammy to me
Lol ok stay poor then.
>Decentralized internet for heavily censored countries.
gtfo with your FUD pajeet
>goes up 50 sats
You people make me more sick than my 1500 TRX bags
omg wow thats a lot!!!!
I wake up everyday feeling physically sick from holding this coin.
Try holding 200K
Almost there....
Coin is worse that pajeet diarrhea - its going on a mini run so normies can drop their bags on you faggits
I just want to make my money back.
Someone pls take my bags ;_;
>plagiarized whitepaper
Yeah, good luck with that.
The more people spread this fake ass meme, the more I accumulate.
Ill see you faggots in my space-rated Lambo as I activate Black Sun Drive and teleport to Aldebaran.
fucking pajeet scum always just lurking around like the smell fucks they are.
it's 50k bought for 1500
Friendly reminder that it doesn't matter that tron is absolute garbage because it's now a household name and justin can just buy the UP of a better coin to use
>fake ass meme
LMAO, you tronfags are absolutely delusional.
Good luck.
How does it work ?
It doesn’t
If he creates some next level network for chinks, we get rich.
If he doesnt, we still get rich.
Anyone saying otherwise are just no-Troners or Ripplefaggots who think some shit moneygram partnership is a bigger deal than Trons partnership with the Time Warner of China.
nah, filt we will see BTC climb back to 15k, ETH double top in 1350 range (then it's going to retrace below 1k for sure) and only after all that happens the bear market in alts will be over, not sooner than next week
These threads remind me of those delusional litecoin threads. You have officially convinced me to cash out. I've been in since .03 because I figured it was a good ride, but I don't think it's going any higher.
My condolences to any bag holders out there
Thanks for making crypto worse faggots!
>crypto is worse because there are hyper-intelligent Aryans out there who are seeing right through pajeet FUD and not playing PnD
Eat shit faggot.
this pos missed my buy by 50 sats last night zzz
probably still a chance to fill before it breaks out of this wedge
>Tron is attracting high end developpers
Devs will not come anywhere close to something that is based solely on stolen products and without actual technology or theory behind it
If they had to make up everything on their own, they would just make their own company which will grow with their unique working product or proven idea
>buy the intellectual property
There is no intellectual property
If I come up with the idea of "teleportation device that would revolutionize the world with many practical application that would use that product", without any theory of how it would work, that's fucking nothing
That's science fiction and that doesn't prevent anyone to make their own research/project
>tron is making connection
Which you white milk cow retards don't even know anything about
I wouldn't be surprised if the chinese version of the website says "Don't invest in tron, it's just a scam to get money from the white man"
>or Ripplefaggots
"Troners" are also "ripplefaggots"
You are right, but please don‘t tell this microsoft..!
You spelled Apple wrong
Don't forget bill gates was a computer scientist and made working products of his own
just saying
please create more fud if you want trx to make you big dosh
Dude I don't care
The FUD is to buy something at a lower price
I'm not wasting a penny on that crap
There are better projects out there that are still in the shadow with actual developer teams behind them and well written whitepapers
I'm just having a good time making fun of those delusional bagholder normies
Tron has become something I will FUD every chance I get now because of how fucking annoying and retarded the bagholders are. When the normies figure out partnerships with alibaba and m$soft (apparently) aren’t happening and the project isn’t going to having anything happen for years they exit in mass.
pls don't scare all of them away, there won't be any of them left to make money off of
My only goal is to piss of the faggot tron bagholders on Veeky Forums. I’ll let the normies figure it out on there own time.
>t. Ripple holder who thinks some faggy moneygram partnership will do anything more than pnd
No, I don’t baghold normie scamcoins like some of you faggots.
keep dreaming
tron has a nice bullflag atm, not even looking to hold this shitcoin - flipping this quick and transfering to my longterms.
"bullish flag"
technical analysis is about as real as santa claus or allah
no risk no reward
Normies hands are getting weak...