How many Veeky Forumstards have escaped the race?
How'd you do it?
Financially free
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whats this shit?
Im trying to escape the race by the end of 2018
But i keep getting justed
mother fucking XLM better come back stronger than ever by the end of january.
We all know crypto has a very limited time left.
and i dont want to spend all that time holding XLM waiting for a POSSIBLE recovery with fairx when I could be gambling on shitcoins and 2x'ing.
who is this
same here, 2018 will be all about pnd, it seems
i just regret i didnt start in nov 2017
Then buy VEN you fucking retard.
Just buy VEN and check back in Jan 2019
to live your life, just with financially being independent and do whatever you want. no luxury - but having enough money to live, to eat and enjoy until death without working in a cuck society.
I bought 79 VEN at the last ATH on Jan3 and now its finally back to the price I bought it at.
Sucked mad Dick for colx
Just buy B3 it is too cheap to go down... the only way is up!
I was in the same boat, user. Bought at 0.25c sold at 0.65c when I got sick of it bleeding my gains. I reckon it'll continue to bleed until the 20th or so
Dunno mate, saved from /b/ a while ago
Iv got 600k and if I can get to 1.5m I’ll take out 200k quit my job and try and get my folio to 3m
What the fuck this girl is in my class how did you get this photo?
I'm at 800k in gains, now how do I use this fact to bang hot chicks?
Truth is that it really doesn't help much. Money mostly gets you more free time and / or the ability to buy more pointless shit. You'll still have to work on your mannerisms if you wanna be socially "successful"
I guess I'll just call an escort
You use that money to get plastic surgery and leg (for height) surgery. Casual sex, women do not give a single fuck about money.
A literal dirty homeless man sleeps his way into womens home who spoil and care for him. Your money doesn't mean shit unless you go to a literal prostitute and pay up.
Why the hell not
kek I'm not that ugly, I'm a pretty normal, athletic type person
new phone. who dis?
>height surgery
6'6'' here, have fun with that
Don't bring an escort to your home, don't go meet an escort at a shady motel, only meet at good hotels.
These are the ways of not getting your ass robbed.
I've called an escort before, she came alone and didn't steal anything. I agree you have to be cautious though.
she'd be a perfect 10 but her hair is a little thin, 9.5/10