It's just bitcoin but better in every conceivable way

>it's just bitcoin but better in every conceivable way

Other urls found in this thread:

I totally agwee

Does it have smart contracts/scripting functions?

Lol what is that gay shit sounds unimportant

No, it does 1 thing and really well. Instant fee-less scalable transactions

Who is processing them and for what economic incentive?

So it's not like Bitcoin

It's nice that it's fast but I'll be watching out for it's Ethereum-esque counterpart instead. Extremely fast decentralized computation

except it doesn't work properly a lot of times and is insecure

The funniest thing about XRB is it used to be the biggest talk and now its fucking dead and won't be going anywhere but down.

UMMMMM name?

If you read the white paper I believe the way it works is that every user is host to their own blockstream.

who cares ?I got 500% profits from it

>inb4 IOTA

When have you seen that? I’ve sent dozens of transactions and I’ve never had a problem

iota IS better tho

Rootstock can only work on-chain. It can not work on the Lightning Network.
Who is going to pay $50 for every single smart contract transaction?

Bitcoin effectively does not have smart contract abilities and will not in the future.

big pump incoming, stack up

its all theory
as of now it doesent work thus its garbage
use your seed twice? well too fucking bad your funds are gone now

hahaha dying

Lol. Its about to hit cryptopia and binance will follow. Why would you ever transfer between exchanges in any other coin?

Still XRB-gang here through all the fud and still extremely comfy

Yeah, but how the fuck do you pronounce it? Rai? what is this weeaboo shit

Also working on dex you constantly have to transfer between wallets incurring fees everytime. Once they start accepting XRB it will quickly become the defacto currency used in all exchanges

Top 5 coin within the year

It’s pronounced “Ray”. They’re rebranding tho. New name is Nano which does sound better.

you can already see it with the fact that exchanges are having massive problems implementing it

It'll fucking hit $100 in two months. Screen cap this.


Then why is this thread here?

>No fees
>Instant transactions
>Infinite Scalability
>future Quantum proofing
>Can handle 3+ Billion dollar market on a single node
And then less on the practical side and more on the potential for growth:
>Nano Rebranding
>New Wallet
>Hitting Binance
>New roadmap

Raiblocks is going to moon so hard it'll make your head spin. $100 by the end of the first quater, $600 EOY
>4 new updates this quarter alone

master race

Aww, normies are discovering altcoins for the first time.

There have been coins 'just bitcoin but better in every conceivable way' for the last 6 years and alot of them are dead now.

That's because xrb doesn't work with the normal hot wallet system that all exchanges are used to using. Look it up, xrb can only do 6 transactions a second PER WALLET BY DESIGN.

Other user said it but it has absolutely nothing to do with Rai. All exchange side issues.

Go buy $10 worth of Rai, create two separate wallets on, and send the Rai back and forth. If you’re not convinced then, don’t know what would. It will take 10 seconds to transfer (MAX but typically closer to 3-5) and you’ll get the exact same amount down to the decimal every time

yhea i used it It sucks balls , their wallet is garbage and nodes never catches up with the network(and it never will). I know normies will parrot anything for money but be fucking realistic. Maybe they can improve it in the future but now it's not there yet. So go ahead buy a coin at an all-time high.

>it's another liberal muh ""free"" transactions shill thread
Don't worry goy nodes will be run out of good faith goy

Now go suck president Hillary's hairy vag goy

>goy three times
2/10 work on it

>Raijeet takes break from poo in street to shill like pajeet

Did you download the ledger data files they update every day? My wallet synced pretty fast once I did.

And you don't even need it to sync, if you want to confirm incoming funds, you can "search receivables".

You can even do air-gapped offline wallet signing and submit the transaction on their online explorer.

It's all legit, just waiting on a better interface. Theer was an alpha release of an iOS wallet today.

Every wallet is a node.

People are incentivized to run nodes because it's their own money dickhead

>People are incentivized to vote because it's their own president
You are right goy now go fondle President Hillary's grundle

>Raijeets take a break from shilling to go poo in street

Is that why it's crashing back to a dollar?

So only big rai holders and exchanges are incentivized? Lol

Brainlets keep fudding. See you at $250

except it's a chink coin and called "RaiBlocks" by people who don't understand a shitty name doesn't help them market


If I need to run a node then it's not free

This shitcoin is an obvious scam

seeing all this low quality almost bait tier FUD in here just confirms me every fucking day that this will be a big one lmao
t. bought at 2$

I’ll still take the $2-3/mo cost over literally any other coin any day. Not to mention retailers/exchanges/etc. would not have a problem at all with that cost. Also considering how much one node can take, most regular users probably wouldn’t even need to run one.

Retard, you're the liberal normie.
XRB is ReichBlocks since the beginning. KYS.

Alright, I'm tired of holding these fucking bags. I bought in at 2 and this shit ain't moving anytime soon. Is it worth selling for under market price on Bitgrail to get in on Nav and Link?