Started 2 days ago with £500 giving up how do i fix this shit to get to about £520 to cover transactions and go back to /a/?
Started 2 days ago with £500 giving up how do i fix this shit to get to about £520 to cover transactions and go back...
Just wait.
You bought in on the worst day
wait 2 weeks and you'll never leave
lmao what even are those amounts and choices.
Just wait a month and you'll probably have at least 100 profit idiot.
you didn't make 3x in two days??? crypto is a scam!!!!
Sell it all, and put it in ETH. Move it to a wallet and come back in a year. You haven't enough capital to make millions in a short time. So don't bother.
Kill yourself
1) Why the fuck are you diversifying with that lunchtime money?
2) Why the fuck are you buying right now when the whole market is tumbling?
listen to quads OP
no wonder. look at your shitcoins. cringe
Tip 1
>only hold 1 or 2 cryptos with that low portfolio
Tip 2
>only hold coins you trust, and will likely moon soon concluded from your own research
Tip 3
I seriously don't understand all these newfags who think they have to diversify their lunchmoney.
Bro I started around 45 days ago with £380, right now I have £4,000 in crypto. Just wait a couple of weeks and you should be fine. You bought at the worst possible time.
This is the best time to buy, and then sit. He should pick one cheap coin to sit on to 2x or 3x though. Fairx is at the end of next month right?
Fucking kek
>KCS moons 1000%
>make $100
You have a lot of coins in your portfolio for the money you invested user.
Bet on one or 2 horses till 10k
You over invested user. Don't mind the shitposters. I'd hold for a decent profit, then sell. Invest it all on one coin. I made the same mistake when I first started. Veeky Forums is filled with shit posters.
They think basic financial rules apply to this fucking dice-throw of a market.
>dubz say listen to quadz
wut the fuck m80s, is this some kind of magic?
Pretty much this OP.
Build up your funds and don't listen to mongoloid shills on here shilling stupid shit.
fellow /a/non here
stop being a retard and start buying coins that aren't scam
I started with almost the same amount and after less than 3 months am sitting at $40k
but honestly, if you get weak hands after being down -10% to the point of wanting to cash out, you should just fuck off
I'm disgusted
I am in similar situation as OP
which coins do you think are good to invest in right now?
im looking at CAN RLC the most atm
Put it into TKN.
>Global Card release soon.
>ETHFinex listing soon.
Relatively small cap.
I can do a longer write up if you're interested.