you said $2 EOM Veeky Forums, I have over half of my last year's savings on this.
Who here is getting REQt right now?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not doubling down on the dip
REQ will provide, do not doubt
>tfw I kinda wanna sell all of my link and get in on req
I honestly don't have liquidity to invest anything else. this also looks like a huge correction from the 1.15 ATH, I think it might drop quite a bit more.
REQ isn't going fucking anywhere. I regret wasting my time with this shitty ass market in the first place. Have barely made shit. I make more money being a cashier at my local grocery store you niggers. All i do is stand there, too
> he didn't buy at 0.10
stay mad. at least I bought 3k of rec at sub 0.10.. I'm just mad I sold a lot of ethereum to buy 2k at .95
just kys
In case you didn't notice retard most coins got shat on twice yesterday. Go ahead and sell
You're a stupid fuck. If your coin doesn't stay green during hard times then it isn't going to make it. That simple you stupid black ass nigger.
>sell low buy high
the biz way
that's the most retarded fucking logic i've ever heard, I hope you get monkey AIDS
Where were you in the past 24h, crypto market literally took a U$100bi market cap hit because of Korea FUD... calm your tits
lol you're going places with that mindset, you literal retard
good point friend.
VEN was literally the only coin that way green 8 hours ago m8
Boa tarde
I sold a bunch of ICO tokens for BTC at 14,700, but now I'm torn between getting in on this REQ dip before it ends or waiting for BTC to recover before selling it.
be patient nigger
> (OP)
>Boa tarde
Comprem SophiaTX e VEN caralhoo
Depois pagam a rodada
Mais tuga é impossivel hahaha
Utilizem este link para receber o airdrop do IOS, grande projeto que vai fazer airdrop em vez de ICO..
Sim é um referal mas so podes aceder com referal
Como fazem com os impostos?
My bags are so heavy.
Also missed so many moon missions holding this coin. I hope its worth it in the long run.
>muh empire
Also this
Em Portugal nao há impostos sobre ganhos em criptos
Por enquanto é tudo nosso ^^
no brasil tb (ate um limite)
Nice shoes
> I regret wasting my time with this shitty ass market in the first place. Have barely made shit.
How is this even possible? Don't sell you nigger and you will never lose money.
I bought LINK at $0.30 which was the ATH at that point watched it go to $0.50 and then crash to $0.15 for over a month. I kept holding and I more than tripled the money I had in LINK.
You only lose money in crypto if you sell good projects. If you just hold through the harsh times you are going to make it.
chupa-mos filho da puta
I'm definitely holding
its what you get for going half in
REQ is dead, I am going to sell 3/4 of my stack and go into better coins.
gasto tudo na tua mãe
You want to know how anyone could lose money? Have you ever thought about the source of the money you're making? You're getting it from people who are losing money. Which are probably 50% or more.
it will take off today or tomorrow. Sure, go ahead and sell fag
Just bought 100k
thanks, just sold 100k
And this is how Exchanges work.
>he didnt buy at $0.04
it's like you don't even want to make it
>Someone saved my picture
I'll fix it one day
False, new money is pouring into crypto at incredible rates. Now obviously people lose money but every $ earned is not necessarily a $ lost for someone else.