Normie hate thread

Die normies die

why does tron attract so many normies


Just sold all I had.

it sounds cool


I can't help but wonder how the average woman can even survive in crypto.

>yeah, I will put some money there, on that coin that it's +80% in 24 hours!
>oh no! It's going -3%, it's falling down! I am selling!
>cryptocurrencies are sexist

OP is a faggot.

"Its under 1$"

Normies... GET OUT!!

Don't we need normiebux to generate ridiculous moons. They are fucking retarded though.

Justin sun is the real winner here
Normie skank singlemoms btfo by chink genius
Next tron? I’m thinking CND or FUN

>hold spelled wrong


This is going to end well for the normies.

Eric's a lad

I thought it was a satisfying juxtaposition between the other two

Is crypto roastie the new ig thot?

LMAO, it's going to be a sight to behold. Even here there are plenty of faggots who actually fell for the shilling of this shitcoin. The pink Wojaks will feed my hatred towards normies.

That girl Nancy seems very nice

What the fuck

He’s a normie scum bag just like you


if her crypto sense is as good as her fashion sense i dont see much gains in her future

HODL is a nOrman word now anyone who use it here on Veeky Forums is a faggot and nOrman

Pajeets will still shill their scamcoins watch