Lambo gang
Over $7 and no threads?
gang gang WE aint even rebranded yet, the mind belowing news is YET TO COME, this shit is gona go fucking INTERGALACTIC MOTHER FUCKERS buckle your fucking SEAT belts cuz shits about to FLOW like the streets of bangladash
I slept so well last night knowing I was holding VEN. It literally dipped for 5 minutes before everyone bought the dip discount lol, incredible
mfw i listened to biz last week
it's not unreasonable to expect 3 digits EOY and 4 digits 2019-20. chinks won't let this shit fail
why will the rebrand increase the price? cos there's zero marketing now/no point?
>see ant shares
Guess what will happen If the rebrand to Marvel? Then we thor and hulk and spoderman
i need 10k minimum gains in 6 months. How much VEN am I gonna need bros.
Bout 3.50
Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@
you're basing this off ONE rebrand?
A rebrand itself won't change shit. Only diff I can see is VEN cba to market right now cos it's pointless, in a month normies most ppl won't recognise them, so they'll start after.
$500 eoy, ez pz.
wait and see faggot , it might moon with a rebrand it might not but this fucker is definitely on a upward trend.
do some research on this coin , it is more than just a simple rebranding, the scope of their operations has been drastically increased, and they have the biggest / best partnerships in crypto that will enable their product to be used by 1000s of enterprise businesses - i dunno why im even telling you this, people should be rewarded for doing their own research
If you hold VeChain, make sure you read this
i'm 45% in on this coin buddy
>dunno why im even telling you this
>keeps typing and hits post
The rest of my portfolio could legit crash to nothing overnight and I wouldn't even care. Us venbros gonna be aight. Time to hodl hands and wait for the singularity aka when VEN is the #1 crypto and we're all driving lambos
Maybe there is hope after all.
nice trips faggot
in retrospect, its a win-win, you help fellow anons make money ,and you build hype for a good coin which will benefit the holder as well(me)
This is going to keep going up on a steady trajectory. You have to have severe autism if you think VEN won't be a top 10 coin Q2
true I would have liked to buy more at a low price though
its being pumped, dont let op dump his bags on you
watch these p&d discords
lol VEN...
>$222M daily volume on VEN
>lots of announcements planned, rebranding, Breyer capital investing
>he thinks some poorfag pajeet p&d group affected the price somehow
neck yourself retard
Bought another 200 at 6,99 for some quicker cash, no ragrets
Considering going back to BAT later, since it seems it will take a while for it to moon
Sold my BAT stash in the proces