I don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it of. That being said i’m trusting you with your advice for LINK. I’m not going to blame you if it doesn’t work out. Nobody can predict the future BUT it’d be pretty shitty if you knew that it won’t work out just so that we’d be bagholders. I did do my own research and it looks super promising so i’m hyped either way. i just bought some link 20 minutes ago. I’m officially a stinky linkie, give me an upvote or somethin XD :D :O
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nigger who the fuck is Autistotle
How much is "some Link"
Welcome to the marines, bro
Learn how to fuckin be patient. It's time will come, and very soon. 1-3 months is nothing when you're talking about changing your whole life from a single investment. Stupid pea-brained nigger.
You sound weird in a bad way..
More than what i can afford to lose
Thanks brotha
I wasn’t expecting a quick x10 in a month retard. Obviously it’s a long term hold
Pajeet pls
You’re a retard and a newfag. If you’ve been around for longer than 3 months, you’d know that ppl on here have been planing to build up hype then dump their bags on newfags.
Suck my dick you stupid nigger.
>More than what i can afford to lose
Why be bashful about it? Just say how much you bought.
Nobody knows it's you, Evan.
He's a 17 year old faggot probably just asked his mom to buy him 200 internet tokens
FAGGOT wants a UPVOTE, think your on the wrong place FAG-O
All aboard the Link ...
4k link will i make it lads?
For real?
Yeah ... if you don't sell your bags ...HOLD
>he actually fell for the link is going to make him a millionaire meme
I know the shilling can be convincing but come on guys, you aren’t that gulible right?
One of the most undervalued coins. It's hard to grasp the concept around it. Just bought more. Solid pick 6/5.
he's a shit coin saint with a qt3.14 waifu
MOBI stole the idea and has a real team.
When MOBI hits market, linkies gonna hang
EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
his wife is so malnourished from anorexia she doesnt even have periods idk if thats qt3.14
yes, sell now
>When MOBI hits market, linkies gonna hang
Look at this guy ... tryin his level best to break ya ...
>Nobody can predict the future
I am from the future of the 80's, when Wall St. tycoons ruled the world. When I was shot forward to 2020 suddenly after sorting too much cocaine off of a transvestite hooker's ass with Charlie Sheen, I was a fish out of water.
Suddenly, everything revolved around this "block chain" tech that I didn't understand. They were using this thing called "middleware" and were obsessed with frogs and fences. My former Wall Street brothers had all either burnt out or suicided.
In my vein attempt to return to my own time by shooting Heroin with Warren Buffet with some traps, I accidentally returned to 2018, where I plan to stay in order to make my fortune again, using this knowledge of the future I have bestowed upon you all.
Do with it what you will.
Why would I do that
Autistotle is a good boy.
I like i said earlier, i’m not going to fucking blame him if it doesn’t work out, he can’t predict the future but i just hope that he isn’t trying to create a bunch of NEET bag holders that are poor as fuck and desperate.
I'm majority LINK myself friend so I'll either see you on the otherside or at the docks for the yacht race.
Yeah man look through the archive and see for yourself. LINK is a scam
Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
he's cute, I jacked off to his pic at least 2 times a day
Autistotle if you’re reading this: I don’t mean to put pressure on you because you can’t foresee the future but i just hope you’re genuine with your help. That is all brah thanks again for all the advice it’s done me good so far and best of you luck with your gains in the future
Bought my stack for 88k total.
This screen is a few days old. Moon hasnt even started. Will sell part to regain initial and ride house money too the moon.
Was in at 40 cent, then the crash to 16 cent.. discouraged I put everything into nuls and broke even on my investment. Did some more trades, made some coin, put half of it back into link, now with 3 times my original links. That's right, back in after it fucked me harder than I've ever been fucked. That's how much I believe in it. And I'm not fucking selling even after already 3 timesing.
is this some link illuminati group?
quarter milli+ here, set me up with a discord so we can shop talk
Who's autistotle? ChainLink is the most promising coin ever seen in crypto. Unironically bigger than eth. Dyor in APIs and the money involved. SWIFT too. No one wants people who sell at 10-50 in tho, so you better be in for a long hold. 3-10 years
Invite plz just so we can have banter while we're mooning and have a network of neet linkie millionaires in 2020
You guys need to learn to stop sucking eceleb dick. Even if he is right about link (he is), his next shitcoin pick would plummet 80% while you sob holding your limp dick.
Do your own research and don't buy shit because some fag who made a discord said to.
He's basically the Jim Jones of LINK.
I've been hodling since october.
Welcome to the family link friend!
As soon as any of indication that CL will work becomes public, we will approach the Chad singularity. Institutional smart money will flood in, and most linkies don't intend to sell.
I'm selling some at 3 and then the rest at 5 and 10 if it ever does it. I don't have high hopes it'll get higher than that and I have 35k of these bags.
if you sell it at 20$ you will regret it later
There is no "smart money" in any of this. SWIFT has 10+ blockchain projects. Jewmen Sachs has already a high speed trade blockchain working. Those groups have infinite money and decades of knowledge. Since most of this is opensource, they have full access to anything the crowd creates for free.
If this is a rocket, then not on fundamentals.
You realize that more investment in blockchain technology research increases the likelihood that swift will work with chainlink and not less, right?
How will these blockchain projects safely get their external swift data?
the manimal fawks neets’ moms
yeah and none of those 10+ projects (citation needed) are decentralized oracle networks like Chainlink. what's your point pajeet?
about open-source, in case you havent noticed ethereum and bitcoin are, in fact most projects are. the value is through consensus and network effects you fucking pleb