I'm starting to realize what Veeky Forums is We are the normies of the pump and dump and the worst shills ever >finally get a discord >join a few cryptorooms >they're all pumping and dumping >a few hours later, see someone make a thread on Veeky Forums to buy said coin >coin shoots up in value shortly after >anons from discord sell their shit >more hours later, coin stabilizes >next 24 hours the coin falls slowly >coin plummets next day >hodlers say to hodl because either will increase in price
Seriously, unless you are in on the pump and dumps, only buy coins with tech that will contribute to consumers. Most of those coins will have value because companies will want the tech and it will rise in price the next 1-2 years.
The idiots are finally waking up. Read your white papers and look at your marketcaps
wew lad you deserved every red candle.
Michael Reyes
does this apply to tron?
Tyler Bell
what's pumping and dumping?
Nathan Morris
well let's get into this quickly enough shill us your pnd discord
Josiah Murphy
No I always bought coins with good tech. I was almost fooled into memecoins because of how glorious it seemed but I kept myself from doing it in the end. The only one I consider myself memed into was DENT but in all honestly it might do pretty well long term
Carson Foster
Yes it's all a scam Veeky Forums is a board to facilitate scamming
Adam Flores
literally saW a group pnd DGB on binance from $200 to $500 in less than 5 seconds, and falling to $200 in the next 5 seconds. crazy shit