You have finally been found out for the frauds that you are Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
So is it.
Very sad. Just gave away 100k
>100% of the population of biz are pajeets
You need to go back
Fill up on ADC it's going to burst 100% within the next two days.
I believe Veeky Forums warned you and others not to fall for the Tron Trap.
And I'm sure you are a Tron Bag Holder
This isn't Veeky Forums. This is capitalism as a system itself. If you think the way to make money is by being honest, you are naive.
I think you are a pajeet
Cool story poorfag
If you can't research your own coins you're going to fall for every scam that comes on this board.
If you're so concerned about losing money this game isn't for you or buy something like DENT where even if you get stuck holding the bags even though you bought it at a high mark up, you have coins to trade in to pay your phone bill.
Cool story OP hey buy bazingacoin btw
Guys it's not hard really. Fuck the shitcoins, buy popular coins like ETH, BTC, LTC. Then just HODL. Is that so hard?
Fuck that chain link Tron bullshit...
it's a zero sum game but biz is small, the losers are the normies
lmao stay poor faggot
Possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read concerning crypto with the exception of the shilling done on this forum.
Coins have inherent worth based on the demand just like all goods and services. If you can decide what coins are going to be wanted by the mass population of people in the future while simultaneously think about the probability of the market cap for that coin and the market as a whole and times that by the amount of coins that will ever be circulated then you can come up with a pretty accurate number.
Nothing is absolute, but the same thing could be said with fiat. The George Washington in my pocket is worthless unless someone will trade it for something.
Cryptocurrency in objectively more useful than paper cash because of the technological applications of blockchain. Just removing the middle man of the bank alone makes it worth more than fiat.
This is the worst type of FUD because its lazy, moronic and shortsighted.
I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
thanks just bought 100k
Is that why the most capitalist countries have the highest standards of living and pretty much created modern civilization? Capitalism is the voluntary exchange of goods. Sometimes one party benefits more than the other, sometimes it only seems that way because long term if they hold onto it they win.
this post presents of little knowledge of crypto and many use cases it brings , of course there going to be losers but there's going to be winners too. nobody is forcing anyone to buy these coins.
1. Crypto gets lost all the time, this deflates the economy
2. There is a use: dark web. Black markets increase its value: investors are happy because they have returns and druggies are happy because they have drugs
3. Bitcoin is not real, if coinbase tomorrow said that a bitcoin is worth 1 million dollars, it would be worth one million dollars. There would be no one to challenge that claim, investors don't care cuz they made a bunch of money and druggies don't care cause they just use it as an intermedium. This can't happen to anything real, nobody would buy an 800 dollar coke can
4. It also has intrinsic value. It's the same reason why gold is so expensive, it has intrinsic shininess, bitcoin is intrinsically attractive because it's a new technology. It's the same reason why apple can charge so much for their shit or why everyone is excited about space.
blah blah sage
>Is that why the most aristocracies have the highest standards of living and pretty much created modern civilization? Aristocracy is the voluntary exchange of goods. Sometimes one party benefits more than the other, sometimes it only seems that way because long term if they hold onto it they win.
The eternal exploitation is real, don't get tricked, fatburger. Only, in the last 500 years, exploitation was outsourced on a global scale.
there's wolves and there's sheep in this world
I have so much more to add to the OP but first I need to trick other suckers into buying my VEN bags