How to get rid of annoying friend asking about crypto?

Yeah I made that huge mistake a while ago to talk about it to a good friend when drunk

Regretted it immediately

Only happened with this guy and I never talked about it with anybody IRL as I know how bad it is

Now he asks me for advice all the time and is always spamming me with messeges when stuff dumps etc

Problem is he is actually a really good friend

I've known him for years and I don't want to destroy the friendship

Other urls found in this thread:


Tell him you invested into the wrong coin and lost everything

Tell him to talk to biz and leave you alone

And while you’re at it get the fuck out normie cuck nigger

Simple, tell him you know about as little as him and you're both in this together to figure out what is actually worth buying and hodling

that's a good idea

will do it

And if you don't wanna lie, you can also do exactly the opposite. Find more friends to get into crypto and create like a WhatsApp group where you guys discuss stuff but where anyone can answer the question so it doesn't all come down to you

This is a good idea too.

Never disclose your Crypto gains to anyone you dumb normie soyboy. Become the jew.

This is a good idea.

I feel the pain OP - my wife told her friend (I don't know why she did that) who told her husband and now he hits me up all the time. The worst part is he asks me to show him how to use exchanges like Binance. I want to tell him if he can't figure it out or at least fucking Google how (I'm sure there are walkthroughs - I never looked because I'm only semi-retarded - but I'm sure something is there). He also hits me up with "tips" that are fucking well distributed stories that he's late to (see Kodak crypto). I would tell him to go fuck himself but theb my wife will bitch etc. Moral of the story, don't get married.

Tell him to buy ETH and hold. That's it. Don't let your dumbass friends trade they will lose money 99% of the time. I told all my friends months ago to only buy ETH and hold that and they all made out like bandits and didn't even trade anything but fiat to ETH.

Tell him you cashed out and that you only made a couple thousand dollars.

Just say u invested all in some shit coin and hoping it moons and that u want to hodl long term and because of that you are not checking crypto daily anymore

This other prick I know from high school keeps spamming me with this fucking altcoin advice scam called "Signal Profits." I don't know if you guys have heard about this but I can't believe anyone would be dumb enough to sign up for this shit - it's like $350 a month... Lol and his big claim to success was getting in on Tron... Hahahaha wonder if he's still touting that shit.

Why don't you just give him some guidance?

>all these idiots talking crypto at their friends giving advice
>SEC just ruled cryptos as securities

enjoy your practice without license suit

>my wife told her friend (I don't know why she did that)
because she's a woman and therefore she felt the need to try and increase her social status in the eyes of her "friend" by bragging about how her husband makes money by doing nothing
then the other woman felt endangered so you can BET 100% that she bitched and nagged and bitched and nagged her husband to step up his game
that guy is probably just as annoyed as you

Im not a burger

Jesús I bet you're right. I wish I was gay.

why can't normies google bros?

Thanks! just bought 100k.

I never understood this. Happens in all facets of my life. I swear to God if my dad asks me to help him change his signature in Outlook one more time, I'm just going to lose it. I don't even mind helping, it's the wilful rejection of googling and self-helping that kills me.

exactly what i was thinking. tell him to do his own fucking research. as for you, quit coming on Veeky Forums to get advice on your friendships because apparently you're too much of a brainlet to deal with something as simple as this on your own.

he should know not to bug you too much and be appreciative of whatever you give him. If he can't respect that idk. I respect + give space to friends that put me on to crypto for this exact reason...I value the friendship more than the gains.

Don't be a dick man. Veeky Forums is 80% shilling and 20% complaining. That's what we do here.

>Moral of the story, don't get married.

I've been puting my head in a crockodiles mouth for 8 years now and it has been delightful for the both of us. When men get their head crushed by their significant crock it always makes me wonder what their part in the ordeal was. If you have a loving foundating of trust and support with your crockodile you will always find a way to work things out. Sure me and my crock had some rough patches but when she starts clamping down on my spine I just stay very still and it passes after a while. Putting your head in a crockodiles mouth can work out perfectly if you BOTH put in the work and you first find a giant reptile that matches you.

Fair enough. I love my wife I'm just bitching. If the worst thing I have to face this month is this fucking idiot hitting me up for advice, things aren't so bad.

I just don't get it because both my wife and his wife (they work together) make very good money. Who cares what their idiot husbands are investing in. I think it does become a series of pissing matches for them though.

Well you could try this.
Just send him to Veeky Forums for advice and tell him it's an underground scene of traders. They may seem a bit off and poorly adjusted but autists and idiot savants make the best traders right? He will drive a lambo in no time.

You're right. I'm sorry OP, I was just frustrated for a brief moment because in my eyes this seems like a very easily solved problem that doesn't deserve a thread.

>not making your money in the very hub of financial innovation and infrastructure

lmao indeed

Lol I really thought about this. Here is the problem - he's a Jew, like straight from Israel kyke. I know if he comes here he will get offended and bitch to his wife and she will be like how could you send us to that anti-Semitic site!!! I think she knows I don't like Jews as it is so she's looking for a reason. However, if a Jew can get advice on finances, it might be worth the insult.

It's been a hell of a lot better than 90% of the threads that get pumped through this cistern.



>government takes 50% of your gains

it is truly the glorious land for financial wealth

Tell him you don't want business to get in the way of friendship

or just wait for him to adjust - he's probably just giddy to be involved atm. that will fade.

where the fuck do you think every American lives because LTCG is 15%-17% with no local taxes applied

Who the fuck cares
Short term is so much more inmportant for accumulating and now all that is being taxed. Every transaction is short term unless you hold everything forever like someone who's rich and doesn't care so much anymore and 10% per year ROI is good income with your chink of money or a poor person who mostly stays poor.

People are more willing to believe something if they hear it in person as compared to reading it if they think the person is knowledgeable. A doctor could give shit advice but since it's coming from a doctor people will take it for gospel without doing their own research.

Some of it also comes down to when they get burned, they have someone to blame for it other than themselves. "Well he told me TRX was going to explode! It's his fault!" The blame is off of them and onto the advice giver. If they did their own research, then it's on them if it's wrong. It's more of a subconscious line of thinking than intentionally acting like that.

Tell him you have a gambling addiction, and you can't talk about anything to do with crypto any more.

Fair points. I guess I should be flattered.

Tell him you are in the discord group and don't Need his lahmuslike "news".
discord gg/Z8P8VJp

It's safest not to get involved but if you do that's why you tell them to to fucking play easy mode and hodl. Atleast then you can stall idefinitely and it will probably turn out allright. Still heard plenty of stories about people having their advice ignored and having it held against them so yea..

Telling someone to goto biz is like telling someone to lose 20IQ, not that i had that much before i came here, but u get the idea