I fell for the shill early on, but this coin is actually looking at another breakout after Cryptopia paused its trading.
Project isn't 100% pajeet, and can easily double your money this week
I fell for the shill early on, but this coin is actually looking at another breakout after Cryptopia paused its trading.
Project isn't 100% pajeet, and can easily double your money this week
Other urls found in this thread:
Why was the trading paused?
>unknown project team
>no code on github.
project is 100% pajeet
Cryptopia has so many moonshots right now.
THey just opened up reg's again.
I picked up some UFR along with ZEC and ODN
This will go up, shills or no. Alpha release is later this quarter, with a beta release coming right after it in Q2.
Remember: this token has seen steady gains over the past few weeks, and even during this slight dip it's only fallen to around 300% gains from when it was first shilled here (from $2.5 to around $1.8). The same people trying to FUD this coin are the ones shilling you their shitcoins that haven't moved in months.
The shilling does seem strong on this. But at least it’s got some new releases coming up. Is it still worth buying?
desu i just bought some it looks like it’s gonna break out in the next week
The price increases have been pretty good. But i also think there is a lot potentiel in the technology behind.
Getting a good decentralized torrent system have been needed for a long long time. So yeah, i think it is a good investment.
Google tyler fallon upfiring linkedin or a similar permutation of those words FUDster
stop shilling this shit, torrenting is for pajeets and will die soon together with this coin