How’s everybody holding up? What are your prediction for today and the end of the week?
Icon Gang: Wallivore Edition
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I'm impressed with how well this coin has held despite the news from Korea -- a testament to how badly people want to accumulate this coin
Yeah, but the news was fake, and I think people are just now starting to realize it was fake. I say two days to a new ATH.
I lost 500 ICX trying to day trade during the XRP pump. I told myself I would never sell my precious ICX but I fucked up into FOMO. I’m sorry my precious. I know I said last time I wouldn’t do it again but I lied. I promise I won’t leave you again. I had that comfy feeling and I lost it being greedy.
Learn from me friends. If you’re comfy, don’t lose it to greed.
Should I drop my LEND bags and buy some more icx for cheap?
Honestly, my hands are losing strength
Everything's down, no reason to sell anything anywhere, especially when stuff's going back up. Iron hands, guys. Pump more fiat into your stack while it's down, even.
i took refugee in this coin and it dumped on me now im waiting for it to go back so i can buy what i want without losing money.
Red everywhere. If just one bad news comes from SK in the next days we are going down with the whole market
lol. I did the same. Sold my ICX to FOMO into ripple. And then reversed all of it with a loss.
I am the best daytrader.
Whales are accumulating. Keeping the price low. Like I said, new ATH within two days.
>Whales are accumulating.
kek, deluded faggot.
If something else comes out of korea, it will take down this coin down to 1 sat.
There is no bad news coming from SK. There was bad fake news coming from CNBC and Reuters. That’s about it. Anybody who still believes any Korean FUD at this point literally must have a double digit IQ.
>something else
>implying any bad news actually came out of Korea
I just want it to spike to about .0084 so I can dump then have it sink into the .007s. Just one last time.
Go blow smoke up someone's else's ass, fagtron spreading already proven FUD. Castrate yourself with a broken beer bottle.
Nice, you lost $250k. What does it feel like?
You do know that “news” has been proven fake, right?
Really, do you speak korean?
1.1k ICX here. Holding from here on out and feeling comfy
Fake news giving me 20% off. Thx for the weak hands brainlets
>FOMOing into anything
kek, you fucking normie faggots need to go back to plebbit
I feel you user. We some dumb dumbs
Dumped mine for BNB about 12h ago :)
Are you that fucking dense? The SK government has had to come out several times in the past 24 hours to confirm that there will be no ban on crypto trading.
the next bullrun will take us to $30. I'm calling it now.
Daily chart looks juicy.
Oh, multiple times? Show me one of those times.
Meant for Literally retarded if true.
Whales accumulating? Are you kidding? Volume is so fucking low It can only be bots and margin traders
Whales already accumulated in december as soon as It launched
Im still waiting for the source that says they are not banning anything in korea.
I can speak korean, japanese and spanish, so, any of those languages will be fine.
Watch the buy and sell walls get posted and pulled. It's all bots at the moment.
Bought on the dip
Lets go gang
Why would anyone want to hold ICX when you can hold ADA?
ICX is like a toy compared to Cardano.
kek, good one faggot
thats not even korean dipshit
>I can speak korean, japanese and spanish
Kek, a weaboo wetback.
Oh nice, an absolutely unbiased source!
2018-01-02 10:46
Yeah m8, im looking for sources today, not 1 month or 1 week ago.
BTW, people outside india usually trend to speak more languages as it is encouraged, we dont have to pick cans from pile trash, we o to school and learn.
I should have double the ICX I have now when it dipped from $2 to $1.80. Fuck
All the articles today are MSM FUD fake news. CNBC still hasn’t corrected itself. That Pajeet bitch author is defending herself from the onslaught she’s receiving in Twitter. Actual Koreans are confirming that the news is completely overblown and that they’re simply banning anonymous trading and looking to get tax money out of crypto trading. Other user is right. DYOR and stop FUDding. It’s obviously clear that the whole “Korea is banning crypto” thing was fake. Regulating? Yes. Banning? No way in hell.
I ended up, after 14 - 16 hours of watching th charts to swing trade on a solid dip, so I decided to go make some dinner and by the time I watched some anime and ate, I could've up my stack. Never again, stop-limits are my new friend.
You're one of the dumbest people on this board. some of us build businesses others managed to get in early and Make a killing. Then there's you a lowly pajeet faggot incapable of using google. I don't know how you get on this board but leave immediately, find the nearest rope.
Well, then you must have a lot of proof
Why dont you show me some?
What is the point of stop-limit orders when you can just put in an order and let it chill there?
Now's the time to buy the dip.
And yet not a single ICX shill can provide a fresh link confirming that south korea wont bank cryptos.
I may be a pajeet but not a deluded faggot trying to sell his bags.
Do you know what DYOR means? Get news from actual Koreans living in Korea and not from some Jew owned media outlet that constantly FUDs cryptos. I’m too busy day trading and making money to link people to articles, tweets, updates, and clarifications that they can find themselves with just a little effort. Don’t believe me? Fine. Enjoy your pink wojacks.
Holy shit you don’t give up do you, Manvinder?
Why do people always fud ICX? Go fud Tron or some other shitcoin, ICON holders aren't so easily swayed
No sources then?
There must be other reasons for this coin to bleed so hard and for the market to be down today right faggots?
How can i give up if you faggots dont give any battle?
>you faggots dont give any battle
>There must be other reasons for this coin to bleed so hard and for the market to be down today right faggots?
The market is up a lot from last night. ICX is up 20% from its low. This coin isn’t even bleeding. It’s where it was on Monday essentially. Hardly bleeding.
Do you know how to read?
It doesnt mean that there will be no ban, ministry of justice can still fuck shit up. Play the russian roulette if you want tho.
No they can’t. They’re drafting a bill. A bill that will never pass in SK’s legislative body.
How long have you been living in korea?
Feeling fine fellow Icon Gang, thinking about picking up some more at this level.
Why can’t faggots like you just off yourselves? If you don’t like ICX, fine. But you know you do like ICX, so you come here on an anonymous Chinese cartoon forum to spread FUD, thinking that scaring a few NEETs will somehow sink the price and then you’ll be able to buy it on sale. I’ll never understand your way of thinking.
No you stupid pajeet. Do you know what the crypto task force is?
If they wanted to ban crypto they would already have done It in december when they started the legislation for KYC and taxes on crypto capital gains
All the big players in the task force are for regulation and not a full ban
Now fuck off
so, do we plan to depart anytime soon?
i think the fud needs to settle first. lots of people are still skeptical as indicated by the confrontation in this thread. after that then i think it will, but we need a very clear and unambiguous signal from SK that all is well first.
Haven't sold, holding strong with 3.5k icx.
> Wallivore edition
>It's down like 50 more cents today
boy i'm trying to be optimistic here but we gettin RAPED out there
don't worry bro i lost some of my beloved VEN trying to day trade. Well... my stack is a little smaller not a huge deal
But the 'dip' never came, it just stayed at a higher price. Now i have to buy back in expensive.
I will, never, quit day trading though. Doesn't matter how many mistakes i make. Addiction
Been a year in crypto, seen this alot. This is the time of year where people sell. Next year they're looking at the price and will tell all their colleagues how they held that coin when it was just 10 dollars. The others will not cause they actually quit their jobs like me.
Boredom really. I just set a stop-limit afew hours ago so I can play games and watch animu. I cheer the rising and falling minute candles candles on the screencast to my living room TV like a normie watches football.
>i'm trying to be optimistic here
>but we gettin RAPED out there
I agree that there is a bearish downtrend since yesterday. If the dip last night had never happened I believe we still would have seen the price correct down to this level. Look at the 30 min candles on binance to see what i mean. Very clear slope all day. I sat and watched most of it.
What needs to happen now is a catalyst. That catalyst is coming in less than 2 weeks. Sell now and try to buy back lower if you want, but I've been holding since before christmas for this and am not going anywhere. I am still up significantly on this coin so my risk tolerance here may be higher than others, but I am still optimistic about the scope of this project.
Which is more valuable? WAN or ICX?
So I just got a couple hundred of these coins.
Now the question is. Will it go up or down?
>This is the time of year where people sell
>been in crypto one year
>this is the time of year
>seen this a lot
What catalyst?
exactly. look at how it bounced back, its ticking bomb till we reach 20 usd now. expect the same ride like after the first pump, but a lil bit faster one.
Same. What we’re seeing now is not due to FUD. We shot up $3 in a day and now we’re back to what we’re at on Monday. I’m not going anywhere.
Just beware not to buy WAN off EtherDelta. That's a scam. WAN tokens haven't been released yet IIRC.
WAN isn’t listed yet. Could be any day though. Get ICX, WAN, and AION.
I just got some tokens from their ico. But on EtherDelta they also have TIO tokens that have nothing to do with the project. Kind of funny actually.
The mainnet is launching on the 24th of january. Lots of people have been holding for this. One week later they are having their first annual summit where more details and partners of the project will be released. These events I believe are what is responsible for the major price spikes we have seen since this was listed.
sorry, I meant, which is more likely to become more valuable?
I will add that these are the events that are scheduled. One that is not There is the speculation (but not confirmation) that there is a listing on a korean exchange that is imminent. The recent FUD needs to be unequivocally dispelled before people will start to buy based on this rumor however.
Lmao I kek'd. But it's true though. But I don't care sell whatever guys want.
Well that was obvious but i don't see it as a catalyst
If we are really entering a bear market with all this capital leaving even a mainnet won't change the game signifcantly
ICX has the most potential imo, but both are good.
Realistically, what's our eoy target? I'm considering leaving all of my ICX on a wallet, locking it up and leaving until December.
If you don’t want to worry about FUD, that would be the best choice. Guarantee at least 8x what it is now.
>that whitepaper
Read like something a highschooler wrote. There's no way this shitcoin isn't a P&D. Waiting for the mainnet and selling my bags to you lot.
I suppose it depends on how well it goes. Maybe they make more announcements. Maybe the Korean fud disappears and the trends reverse. I can totally understand why someone would be skeptical of buying rn. Last night was crazy. But like I said i've been holding this for a while so I am positioned pretty well for it.
And you might be right, it might not be the catalyst i hope it is. In which case the hope will be the summit on the 31st. Long term I see this going up from here.
It was also mentioned by their team in their telegram that they are having a hard time even sorting through all the partnership requests that they are receiving though I am having a hard time finding that source. Maybe someone else has it saved.
My holdings will be put onto a ledger and put in a fireproof safe I wont have access to for a year.
> It's a pump and dump
Watch the video it's not a pump and dump you autist
but what that being said
are you guys forgetting this shit was like U$6.90 last friday?
Yeah this is a long term hold. Even If the market fucking dies this is one of those projects that will live on. Just like with Google or Amazon after the bubble
We’re where we were at Monday. Calm down.
exactly my thinking