What went wrong?

what went wrong?

ublock exists, no need for prl


its going back up

Market crash? Lol. Just buy high sell low.

It didn't realize you had the attention span of a toddler

Websites make 0 income with ublock enabled, that's the whole point brainlet

Tomorrow guys.

Whales accumulating, just wait until tomorrow, news incoming. I predict 6$ by saturday.

new logo and marketing right?

we went up a bazillion % since december you fucktard, did you buy at ATH a few days ago?

t. 8 cent hodler

continue here

This will get blocked by chrome.

dick head





>what went wrong?
WTF are you talking about?

he's a mad nopearler

FUDer copy paste from original thread here >


they will continue to make 0 profit when i write an extension that blocks this projects one line of code

>he really believe that normies are going to opt-out

son, stop

>write an extension
>user writes extension
>ex tension
PRL to $10 confirmed

Why? If you can continue to receive "free" content with next to no impact on your system and no need for ad spam, what's the downside?

lol you talking to fud bot copypasta

he doesn't understand that if this takes off, the majority of small the medium websites will be using this method of passive income over adverts

t. own several medium traffic websites

Nothing went wrong. Just dipping with the rest of the market. Buy now or be poor forever.

Shoulda purchased BAT

Ublock is hacker level stuff. People who have it don't even go on random bait sites that could use this.