We all know girls waste a ton of fucking money in stupid shit.
Pos what your GF does, Ill start:
>20€ a month in painting nails
We all know girls waste a ton of fucking money in stupid shit.
Pos what your GF does, Ill start:
>20€ a month in painting nails
made me buy her
>a kindle fire on which she reads soft porn smu novels
>big screen tv
>macbook pro
sex is frequent and good, i guess it is a bargain
Fancy dinners all the time
that looks fucking disgusting
most makeup and beauty products are nasty as fuck
Those fingers look plastic. You sure your gf isn't one of the sex dolls?
i want the normies to leave
if you arent a millionaire kissless virgin who got into crypto before 2017 you need to FUCK OFF
my ex is horrible with money, spends on the dumbest shit and has no idea how to budget. As soon as money enters her hand she spergs out and blows it. It's one of the many reasons I got rid of her.
My girl is actually awesome, knows I have money but don't like to spend it (it's all in crypto) and has no problem with it, we ride the bus together happily and she goes on foot with me to the supermarket, doesn't even complain.
Not her in the picture, just a random one from google
I got 5k profits cashed out and 10k in atm, is it enough to post here?
>sex is frequent and good
She gets sex, so you're even on that part.
What does she give you that warrant her getting those things?
Have wife. We live in a 2 bedroom apartment with a newborn, 2 150lb dogs (that she wanted and now I care for), and 2 cats. So space is an issue. A crib AND a basinet? Why not. 3 different swings for the baby? Umm ok. 3 bookshelves for the living room? The fuck? Hordes of clothes for the child that she wont even wear for another few months to a year? I can feel her doing this just so she can justify me spending more money I don't have to upsize to a larger place - "But we don't have any spaaaaaace."
>if you arent a millionaire kissless virgin who got into crypto before 2017 you
>tfw not a millionaire yet
I'm only 7% of the way there
She's paying for our trip around Europe right now so that's something.
Mine is getting bitcoin boobs next month.. bubble could burst tomorrow but my erection won't
I'm happy for you user
>spending money on 3DPD
You look like a spineless faggot that gonna complain that you did everything for her when she'll dump you.
my gfs amazing and wants to invest today. 5k usd. I already have money in shitcoins. I think eth is the future, but btc is about to go on a bullrun.
Is it smarter to put fiat into btc or eth at this point? if btc goes on a run like I think it will just sell for eth?
thanks just bought 100k
My wife ate ramen noodles, protein powder/bars and chicken with me for a year so that we could save money.
We have money now and she acts so happy every time I surprise he with sonic nuggies for dinner at her night shift.
every fucking item of food we buy needs to be organic
Fuck it's the worst. My gf just got fired and has $100 to her name and she goes out and buys $20 of makeup what the FUCK
Not my gf but my mother
>bathroom works
>still feels the need to restructure it completely
>car works
>still wants to change it
>tell her to invest her money
>"yeah, so I can lose it all"
Most women are hopeless
also stupid car shit that apparently needs to be done RIGHT NOW instead of putting the other thousand fucking things we have to pay for first
you made your bed in 2014, now lay on it
This faggot knows whats up.
LOL same here. And it's like double price
god women are fucking stupid
Brunch. Fucking brunch. Yeah, its fun once off when its bottomless and you get drunk.
But as a couple, its 40 fucking quid for eggs and some fucking toast. SOme orange juice? 4.50 for the shittiest glass.
I fucking hate brunch
good job user
why is your dick so towely?
i want to fucking burn whole foods to the ground. we legit spend $250 a week on fucking food, i used to spend like $70 a week when i was in college and i still bulked like a champ. now im fucking down to like 170lbs
>My wife ate ramen noodles, protein powder/bars and chicken with me for a year so that we could save money.
>gf and her family cost me $600 over Christmas
Fucking outrageous!
Now Valentine's is coming that's another $200 easy. Her birthday is another $200. This is not counting dates $50-150 on the weekends
Bitches are taking me to the cleaners. I'd rather be single but then I have sex
lmao brunch
bottomless is where its at
That's why I'm not getting a GF until I'm ready to have kids.
>mfw I make the gf pay for everything
>tfw she grabs the 5$ product instead of the 2$ product that is just next to it because it says its organic
furry dick
You're not ready to have kids if you're not ready to come to terms with equality since raising kids is more than just keeping a two person relationship working.
Trust me, I'm an experienced virgin neet with anger issues and a cute niece.
What a nightmare. How do you even walk in your own home with all that junk?
GF is horrible with money. She spends her salary (she earns more than I do) in one week and I have to budget my income so it lasts for the rest of the month.
On the real though spending your money on healthy food is an investment in itself. Also what the fuck is the point if we just keep eating garbage.
We could have gone cheaper with bulk rice (I did), but she needed something she liked and was comfortable with. Ramen. Chicken is good. I bought canned veggies too. She never had sweets for snacks. Just protein bars.
I still have charts for protein per dollar and calories per dollar at home for certain items.
>my face thinking about that time I bought sausages for 64 grams of protein per dollar
>$50 in crack every day
>$35 in condoms
>$5 at gas station for lighters and those little roses in the glass tubes
>$10 for cigs
i think i'm dating a crack whore
Holy FUCK do I know this feel. Fuck brunch and fuck coffee shops and their 6 dollar lates and 5 dollar muffins
>having a gf and being in a committed relationship in 2018
user i...
Did the "$35 in condoms" part tip you off?
>tfw bought into GF after the pump and dump
its not a good feel
you're....you're sad?
yeah you ever try to go back to eating cheap food after premium organic? Fucking growth hormones and corn make the meat taste sweet and the vegetables taste like water and no minerals.
I hope you're trole. You sound beta as shit. I will never why people like you are incapable of saying no or getting rid of useless shit.
normalfaggots are disgusting.
>gf relentlessly seeks out sales when grocery shopping
>buying a stick of lipstick was all she wanted for christmas
>constantly reminding me we need to cut down on spending and luxuries like eating out
I fucking married her.
>outrageous amounts on makeup, cosmetics
>subscriptions to stupid "fresh meals" bullshit where they mail you the ingredients once a week and you get the pleasure of making your own food
>i'm sure a whole bunch of other shit i'm not even aware of
luckily i'm not a cuck and my gf makes her own money so i'm not subsidizing her lifestyle
i thought dey wuz 4 me shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeet
I think that's a man, user
Hey man, I grew up poor too. But we need to upgrade our pleb diets.
whatever he's frugal
>thinking you need to commit to a girl to have sex and companionship
making fun of soyboys who bother committing to girls in current year
they all give up the milk for free
WAKE UP! if they're not a virgin when you meet them, there's no point in committing to them.
If men didn't cave to women so easily they would have already fallen back in line a long time ago
think of it in terms of trading, we've reached peak women, im waiting to buy them up on the dip (already happening)
My gf is the person who does these nails kek, she also worked 12 hour 7 day a week factory shifts.
This guy knows what's up.
Women are always testing men for weakness. If she can bully you, like she is now, she'll abandon you as soon as she gets her claws into a better man. You better start putting her in her place if you want to keep her.
women can be very superficial, especially at your mum's age. For your mother the best thing about refurbishing the bathroom isn't having a better functioning bathroom, it's being able to gossip with her friends about the work she's having done to the house, who she hired, what colour tiles she chose etc etc. The absolute climax for your mother is being able to show the finished product to her friends and them lavishing her with praises about the tastefully chosen cabinets.
My mum does sewing alterations for mostly women and it's interesting to listen to their gossip. When they're discussing overseas travels they don't talk about interesting aspects of the culture they visited or go into any detail about the sites or activities, it's always where did you stay? how long was the flight (that's so long!).
It's sad really, the middle-class middle-aged woman's life becomes a clit measuring competition.
I remember some time ago where I would always look for the cheapest food in the supermarket, where I always tried to maximize my money.
Where it would hurt me to pay 10cents more to have more convenience or better food.
Now looking back at it, this seems so stupid. 20 Dollars a month? What the fuck is that even, I buy into a stupid coin and lose thousands and just sell to make it back in a matter of hours.
Crypto ruined my sense for money
it's because their looks fade and you just notice the shit personalities
they were always there, it's just a lot more glaring when they turn ugly
Protip for you user but you gotta do every step exactly as i say.
>buy wife plane ticket or set up some get away shit for a couple of days.
>surprise her with flowers, a card, and a little note describing her get away.
>have mad sex and send her on her way
>get cats and all their shit, leave at shelter
>drive to next city or town over and drop off at shelter
>if tagged throw all shit out and drive to farm at least 25 miles away and throw them in the field
>take dogs and post on craigslist for free dogs
>If no takers in 1 day do the same as cats, bring them to a shelter and leave them there.
>take all childs glothes that arent needed (keep some for when they grow cause theyll shoot up real quick) and post for free on craigslist.
>single moms will nab that shit asap. Let them know youll have more for them as your kid grows
Now heres where you may need help.
>one room at a time
>take everything out and make two piles
>one for junk
>one for keep
>anything you havent touched in at least 3 months that is not needed toss
>rent carpet cleaner and clean your carpets/floor
>pick nice color to go with furniture and paint
>place furniture back in new way
>add frilly decorations n shit girls like
>do this with every room
>take everything in toss pile to dump
>come home crack a beer and wait for wife to come home
>before she gets excited about the place tell her you have a plan
>sacrifices needed to be made and if she trusts you theyll be for the better
>tell her you were sick if the mess and disorganization
>had an epiphany and want to move too
>but you realized if you wanted to move "life style" changes needed to happen
>tell her its a new clean leaf and youll get a dog when youre settled in the new place.
>deal with the 1 week of frustration
>lowkey show her this is your castle and youre sitting on the throne.
>if she doesnt get over it you have bigger problems
>if she does find your spine and reclaim it.
i got 600k and i dont give a fuck about my spending anymore. as long as its under $500 a day idgaf. my portfolio swings 100k in a day sometimes
This hit me when I was playing an app. It was something like $1 microtranscation for a way better experience and I was thinking I probably already made $500 since I started playing so might as well
>organic dishwashing liquid because normal stuff makes her hands too dry and smells funny
>organic laundry powder because normal stuff makes her skin itchy
>won't drink water out of plastic bottles, has to be from a glass bottle
>organic tea
>organic salt
>organic oil
>organic toothpaste
>wont buy clothes that arent 100% cotton because they make her skin itchy (but perfectly fine with wearing all my cheap ass clothes
>seedlings for garden have to be organic too because apparently growing them in our own fucking garden wasnt organic enough already
>organic candles because normal ones are full of 'toxic fumes'
>doesn't want to buy zip lock bags because doesn't like plastic
fuck lads we had a big argument this morning and im still fucking pissed off so just let me rant. i can understand organic meat and maybe vegies but for fucks sake this is going too far. our groceries bill is twice what it could be because of this
It is so bizarre, like in a dream. I feel like I will soon have to get waken up by losing a lot.
At the same time I don't want to pull money out, in order to make more money.
I'm kind of the opposite. I used to spent frugally and didn't give a shit about whether a meal was $10 or $20.
Since I started putting my measly money into Shitcoins, I'm always thinking, "If I only spend $10 that's $10 more I can put into ______" etc.
Probably still a terrible habit because in a way I'm gambling away any $$ I save.
This normies GTFO
>won't drink water out of plastic bottles, has to be from a glass bottle
fuck me that's a dealbreaker
If she likes it and it makes her feel good and is paying for it with her own money then whats the problem? Why are you making a thread just to hate on your gf. You absolute piece of shit. I hope she leaves you for a black nigger.
i pay hella money to save time
uber everywhere
order almost every meal in
pay for laundry service
time is $$$$$
because it's never just $20 a month.
>>won't drink water out of plastic bottles, has to be from a glass bottle
Xenoestrogens, faggot. Carcinogenic shit. Don't drink out of plastic bottles.
Go do a quick search for fda guide lines on the process of qualifying a product as organic. Truth be told there is none, they can make packaging green and call it organic no problem.
You're probably (almost definitely) right. I've just been thinking of all the inane bullshit I've listened to coming out of girls mouths which I've tolerated just because they're cute. Also dumb girls get a pass as long as they're cute but dumb women are absolutely intolerable.
my gf wasnt a virgin, should I dump her
I haven't been in a relationship for a year and this thread brought back PTSD. Fucking hell i don't know if I can bring myself to go through this again anons.
The last girl I dated expected me to shell out crazy amounts of dosh on a lot of superficial stuff for myself for the sake of appearances so that when we went out we could impress. In retrospect I should have gone along with it, but I was in that "I'll wear a t-shirt and jeans outside of work because I don't need to impress anybody" phase of life.
oh yeah because when i fill my old plastic water bottle up with fresh water and have finished it within 2 hours it's really going to fucking make a huge differrence
This is why gay male couples are 99% of the time way better off than normie couples, two male earners. plus guys can manage money and not impulse buy stupid shit.
A woman is a complete money sink, and just wait till you get divorced.
Are you saying such a superficial whore that you feel expected to dump that much cash on gifts... Wtf.
The point is to show her and get her freaked on the lies. If they lie about it being organic theres no way in hell theyre not lying about whats in it. Or frig buy a pack of seeds and tell her if she cares that much go make it all herself.
My gf dosent waste money in stupid shit now that I think about it
She's pretty good with her money
what do you think
no hymen no diamond dummy
why the fuck are guys committing to chicks that have fucked around
you're paying more for the milk that she gave to another dick for free
think of it in terms of trading, you're buying at a premium whereas the other guy just pumped and dumped her
and the only reason is because she thought she had to give it up quick and easy for the other guy whereas with you she knew she could force you to commit first
essentially any guy committing to a non-virgin is a cuck
However it's not too late to do the right thing user
I fuck women all the time and have rosters of them that are always looking to hang out with me, they eventually push for commitment after telling me about all their guy friends or about their jerk ex boyfriends that they lived with for 2 years
I just laugh at them when they push for commitment, it's insane the last year of dating every girl I've dated has given up the pussy on the first date. After I'm done with them I see them later with their boyfriend and just laugh at the fact that he committed to her
until tyrones suckin' um
What if I just fucked other girls? I wouldnt mind her being a non virgin if I got to fuck around. If she doesnt like it she can dip out, idc
My gf is vegan/organic waifu
don't care that everything that she wants is 5x the price, she is 5x more pretty than nowadays roastie sluts
If I had a girlfriend I really liked I wouldn't mind spending money on her...
I guess you get what you pay for
I feel sorry for the generation of lost roasties. What man in their right man would want to be a toxic dump. I'm waiting on my generation z cutie.
i spend this much on food and i live and eat alone
>tfw Veeky Forums life