What happened
What happened
You know the answer: literally nothing. Which is a good thing I guess.
I'm not going to lie I don't even know why REQ went from $0.30 to $0.80 all of a sudden. I feel like $0.60 should be the current price.
Of course I'm not complaining since I hole 250k REQ but it's kinda weird how it randomly mooned without any reason.
Still going to be $10 EOY though.
EOY are you seriously? I think this coin will raise $10 in three months?
I don't think so. probably $3 in three months though.
I expect REQ to crash back to $0.60 over the next week and maybe moon back to $0.80 if the team announces a new partnership or something.
I expect it to go to $5 around mainnet launch and go to $8 when fiat gets added Q2 2018. And slowly grow with more stores adopting it to $10 EOY 2018.
Why should it reach $10 within 3 months?
>Why should it reach $10 within 3 months?
Why not? A literal shitcoin TRX had 17 billion cap. REQ is top 3 project in crypto.
This thing is going to the moon and beyond. How can people still FUD this thing when the team over-delivered so far. Ycombinator backing this, huuge REAL partnerships coming up and exchanges.
Don't want to shill too much, but this is one of few that will make it.
My expectation aswell
Seems that different coins attract different kinds of people.
Don't think it's the kind of coin that attracts moon shitcoiners that expect 100x over 2 weeks, they are busy with scam coins
Keep holding and buying the dips, we are in the early phase. 3 months in crypto is fucking long so dont miss this releases
The guys that bought in at 4 cents dumped on your ass.
I didnt
I didn't as well. It's just that $1.17 price was unwarranted and came out of nowhere. I am here to hold for the long term.
yes I sold 25k req. still holding 175k more. I just want to buy some shitcoins. REQ is solid.
Honestly how did you all discover REQ at 4cents?
I personally was too late to participate in the ICO and got lucky that REQ dropped below ICO price so I could scoop it up. It was an ALT bearmarket back then so a lot of people doubted in it. Everyone that read whitepapers could see that REQ was legit.
Seems like a legit tactic but there are so many ICOs and tons of whitepapers to read thats frustrating
Not really reading a whitepaper is like 10-20 minutes of your time and I try to read as much as possible about them.
I have been doing it since march 2017 and I'll be a millionaire if REQ hits $4 so I'd say it's worth it to deepen yourself in the coins. Might look not worth it especially if you are beginning and don't have a lot of capital yet. But this is the way to make that capital in the first place.
REQ was on binance below ICO price for a few weeks. ICO was .0002 eth and it went down to .00014 on binance for quite some time well eth was like 400$ or whatever
ETH was $260 at the time. BTC was doing some forking and rapidly approaching the 10k mark so every alt bled to pour money into BTC.
the truth? REQ got fudded on biz.
srs. I learned about REQ at 3 cents on BIZ.
some angry ico investors came here to tell us
they sold at -40% ico price.
me and other fellow bizvestors picked up these cheap bags. now we sell em for 30x.
I bought at 0.08 first saw it being shilled on Veeky Forums. Read the whitepaper and concept, loved it. Institutional backers like Y Combinator helped me decide to make my portfolio 50% REQ. I'm still up huge and haven't sold any, don't plan on it either for a while. Not even panicking at all Req usually does sideways/downtrends after a moon then shoots up again.
Awesome, wish i did the same.
i just got in at 0.25 with a relative small amount
What would you all suggest buying right now? Like something undiscovered with a solid plan
No. Just wait a little longer and they will beg you to take it for free. This shit is done.
If I'd known that I wouldn't be all-in in REQ right now and buy that instead.
Just hold REQ until mainnet releases and look at new ICOs or freshly released products and read their whitepapers.
i bought 200 bucks worth at .05 cents and it mooned real fucking hard and now is slowly correcting.
whats the problem OP? did you fomo?
dont ever fomo buddy. just hold your bags and hope we see req at 3 dollars in a few months.
So $10 req is no possible?
Only 12.5k here bought at 0.04. I’m a poorfag. But the gains are nice so far. Will hodl long term
Of course it's possible. Probably even likely if you look at EOY 2018.
It's just that there is no objective reason for it to reach $10 within 3 months which is why I said that that wouldn't happen.
It can still reach $10 within 3 months due to subjective reasons like random people buying REQ for no reason other than FOMO or some other uneducated reason.
If the bull market continues, heck scrap that, if the market doesn't crash, REQ will reach AT LEAST $25-30 EoY. If they deliver the working product they say they will, I honestly think this shit could go to prices you might laugh at right now.
Except when it moons, it does attract the moonkid investors. This shit is currently 15x from early November. With mainnet and inevitable exchanges, it can easily 15x again before Q2 ends
That will be $125k at the end of 2018. A fortune in poorfag nations.
Didn’t dump. Not a retard
True that. But will hold longer as EOY 18. Aiming for 2019/2020. Hopefully I have 500k until then. I wish you all the luck!!
I was late to the party and bought at 0.81 because it was said to be a good product.
>Aiming for 2019/2020
That's my boy. Don't forget to take a little profit along the way.
Yes make sure to take some profit out. There is a genuine chance the bubble could pop at any moment after all.
I think 2018 is relatively save but 2019-2020 would be far more risky.
Buy the dip!!