If capitalism is part of human nature. Why does it have to be conditioned into children for them to believe it?
If capitalism is part of human nature. Why does it have to be conditioned into children for them to believe it?
le subtle troll hehe
>keeping what you create
>give away what you create
wow yeah great point op wonder which one of them is conditioned into human fucking nature
Your question is hollow. Human nature is all inclusive. If a beaver builds a damn we wouldn't suggest that it's unnatural. So when a human builds an atomic bomb or develops an economic system, why is it unnatural?
not Veeky Forums related, fuck off commie. What are you doing in this board? Go give all your money to poor people.
Because humans are capable of learning and making decisions, making it possible to teach them to make wrong decisions that will lead to their own demise. An irrational behaviour that no other creature is capable of doing.
Read some Ayn Rand
It's not part of human nature, but it deals with human nature better. Human nature is more communist WITHIN a tribe or group, like your family, friends, or team. Communism doesn't scale well because also it's in human nature to care less about strangers and compete with other groups. Capitalism so far has allowed us to be communist at the level of our own tribes, and to compete with other tribes in a way that isn't excessively violent and that ends up being productive for everyone.
Communism on the other hand has to break people from their nature, forcing them to care about strangers as much as their family, friends, neighbors, etc., and this can only be done by brainwashing people (possible, especially with women and pathetic pieces of shit like OP), or else by terrorizing them
communists should all be killed on sight
If flossing hurts when you first start, why is it good for your dental hygiene.
>this is usually followed by clapping and stuffing their facers with burgers
Ayn Rand is a fiction author dude.
A fiction author that produced a completely subjective fantasy narrative on which to construct a mode of thought called objectivism to sell books to dickheads who are literally too stupid to see the scam.
Ayn Rand was a Soviet Jewess.
wow, never thought about that. you totally changed my mind. I'm socialist nao.
>I'm posting pol-tier threads on a biz
>I'm so business oriented and capitalist
Fuck off ideologue. Discuss your economic history theories on pol, where it belongs. It is reportable.
>keeping what you create
I don't see a pattern here. Kids may hoard (capitalism), share (communism) or steal (anarchism) toys depending on their mood and whom they're interacting with. Sharing is quite natural but seldom selfless.
capitalism is the worst.
>Why does it have to be conditioned into children for them to believe it?
Have you been to a modern university in the western world? Hell, even fucking kindergarten is full of socialist propaganda in AMERICA of all places. Kill yourself.
Edgelord yurotrash communists have arrived. How's your shithole continent doing these days?
>durr if we dont all act like 3 year olds and punch each other in the face and throw shit on the walls we're not acting natural
The pig man in the picture is how commies see everyday people. That's how they see you right now, even before you've given them your time and support.
Unironic socialist reporting in.
Fidel did nothing wrong (durring the revolution)
It's not instinctive, in small tribes sharing works better because you can keep people accountable, and it stops one guy from starving because he got unlucky and fell off a tree or didn't find food for a week. For citys and society to work you need to give people an incentive to help people who likely won't meet again. So you trade instead of giving favours. Simple really...... But what would op do?
what mans said
yawn....slow day on the market huh lads?