BTC: 45'000 $
BTH: 15'000 $
ETH: 9000 $
LTC: 12 $
Guess the price of BTC, BTH, ETH, LTC by 31 december 2018
Doge- 1doge
BTC $36000
BCH $0.6
ETH $ 16000
LTC $300
btc - 2500
bch - 700
eth 12500
ltc 12
1, 6, 5, 2, 4, 3, 7
BTC: $500
BTH: $10
ETH: $200-300
LTC: $10
screencap this
BTC: $35,000
BCH: $5k
ETH: $5000
LTC: $1000
6, 2, 5, 1, 4, 3, 7
4 1 3 5 6 2 7
what about bitcoin private you cucking normie
Who gives a rats ass about those shit coins, once LINK takes off I will be balls deep in all of those filthy sluts
BTC: 4000 $
BTH: 500 $
ETH: 1500$
LTC: 10 $
BTC $3k
BCH: $7k
ETH: $10k
LTC: $1k
BTC will fall off the throne in 2018. It's inevitable. Slow af dinosaur tech that doesn't scale, Wraith protocol will probably release before LN ever does.
BTC: 100000
BTH: Bcash
ETH: 8000
LTC: 1000
Bitcoin Trash?
Why is the negress always last in these?
ETH truly is the safest bet, isn't it.
It's safer than safe, it's literally guarenteed
I hope anons here have 1 or more ETH stored, they're in for a surprise in the future
btc - 25k
eth - 18k
bch - 4k
ltc - 40
BTC: 54,893$
BCH: 13,000$
ETH: 7930$
LTC: 2340$
XMR: 9450$
SUB: 753$
XRB: 1164$
XRP: 3$
deluded no-litey
BTC: $0
BTH: $0
ETH: $1,000,000
LTC: $0
1 > 4 > 3 > 6 > 2 >>> 5
not interested in 7
This guy knows.
BTC 75k
BTH 21k
ETH 11k
6 2 4 5 1 3 7
NEO 1050$
btc 100k, bch $13k, eth 7k, ltc 1.5k
1 doge = 1 doge.
you all think litecoins is a shitcoin yet you think bch is any better? oo well thats fine let the price drop so i can buy it cheap again next time before it moons. it was so comfy buying that shit up at 50 bucks this november when yall were buying bch.
Wtf? I just bought 100k!
Bitcoin Legacy = $5000
Bitcoin = $8000
Ethereum = $2775
Litecoin = $425
We have a winner
LINK = $1000
BTC: 32000 $
BCH: 5000 $
ETH: 6000 $
LTC: 150 $
2, 5, 6, 4, 1, 3, 7
BTC 30k
BCH 6k
ETH 4k
LTC 800
forget these coins. real money will be made here
join them with them referral code 27g5h and enjoy the profits!
MFW people ITT actually think BTC is going to double or triple this year when it's well into its death throes already
nobody is going to use your shitcoin
Are pajeets even trying anymore?
r u me
>BTC: 11000 $
>BTH: 3800 $
>ETH: 5000 $
>LTC: 240 $
screencap this
BTC $0
BCH $0
ETH $0
LTC $0
BTC 40k
ETH 5k
LTC 680
BCH 3800
Pls be true
PRL 150 $
ya'll niggas overenthusiastic on ETH because of unit bias. if ETH has BTC supply, it's worth "7000 a coin" right now.
You are the only person itt who isn't a brainlet
BTC : 26000
BCH : defunct, only tradable on yobit and cryptopia
ETH : 1200
LTC : 560
BTC: 1000 $
BCH: 100 $
ETH: 15000 $
LTC: 1500 $
LINK: 1000 $
BTC 34k
ETH 5k
LTC 500
XMR 2200
TRX -17
XVG -55
Can a coin actually "die"? Even scamcoins still exist, traded between a few idiots waiting for it to magically moon or for whitewashing. Do you actually in a literal sense plug out the last cables or will the current amount always remain?
I wish that was true but I don't see anyone ready to take the torch.
Yeah that, if crypto marketcap surpasses USA GDP, kek.