Last chance to invest in aXpire's ICO. Got a great team and huge clients lined up. Looking like good returns are possible on it.
ICO almost over
Ok im gonna listen to biz just onc me and only once. Just 1k though fuck you
Don't they hold your tokens until March or something? Bubble will 100% have popped by then
What is the website?
Is this true? What if the sale reaches its hardcap? And when can exchanges be expected?
Realistically, how long do we have before the sale runs out? Trying to make my DBC back before I jump ship.
Id say 3-5 hours guaranteed. Yes they thought the ico was gonna sell out by march 20 but it is WAY sooner so im assuming they will move forward quick. Also they confirmed tokens get to your wallets right after jco ends so we can assume we will get on ether or idex by next week
just bought a bag, how did I do Veeky Forums?
You won't regret it, dont let the FUD get to you they will fomo in when we hit 10$
Newfag here. Where do I buy? register, click purchase and send eth via any wallet. Provide them an address of MEW or metamask where they can send ur tokens
Make sure you leave time for slow as fuck BTC and ETH transfers
I laughed then I realized I bought 30k tokens.
Hey guys, it still hasn't confirmed my payment, yet it did initiate my purchase, how come?
The ICO finishes earlier than expected, on their telegram they said they will distribute after the ico finishes.
Unironically put in 40 eth.
>Don't they hold your tokens until March or something?
Nope, theyll distribute tokens faster due to ico phase ending quick. March was a safe estimate, if the ico didn’t sell quickly, but since ico is almost capped tokens will probably be sent to us very quick
Time differs for people, it took me a few hours and it is showing, just be patient.
This lmaooo we are fucked up mään
Me like ICOs. ICos = Free Money. INvested 80 bucks in that mark cuban piece of shit months ago. It did nothing. Project lead left. Pure shitcoin. Sold it at a small losss now it' went 10x. Lesson here, ICOs equal money now gimme gimme!
Over 80% is sold. I give it maximum of 12 hours before the sale ends.
When will it hit an exchange?
what's the contact address and decimals for the tokens?
Lamden took 3 days with roughly the same cap, aXp nearly sold out in half a day, jesus.
>Last chance to invest in aXpire's ICO. Got a great team and huge clients lined up. Looking like good returns are possible on it.
>easy 100x from here
>good returns are possible
In a matter of couple hours
Hasn't even been half a day yet bro, get in quick.
are they faggots going to kyc bullshit? i got fucked in the last ICO because of this.
Hope so, burgers and chinks dont deserve anything t b h f a m
I dont believe there is a KYC, don't quote me on it though.
No kyc, I'm burger and got in
whats KYC bullshit? Some sort of delay or exit scam?
Know Your Customers.
Essentially, you need to verify that you are the person buying the coins. Its for region locked ICOs.
they verify your identity and if you live in the USA or any other restricted country you will be refunded your ETH but they say no refunds in the terms of service so idk what happens.