Attention all newfags

Don’t fall for the Chainlink meme. People shilling this token have been in since the ICO. If you did any basic research on LINK, you would know that it’s not “gonna follow ETH’s footsteps in terms of price XD” I challenge all of you to find a screenshot or a thread in the archive of people having more than 50K ETH. Also, just look at how many tokens are circulation. If you can’t figure it out then wew lad. Hypothetically, if all the investors bought up all the link tokens in circulation and just held them, how would the node operators get paid? “b-b-but SIRgay has 350m tokens in reserve” even still, that just further proves my point that you’ll never see link over $500.

Salty nolinkers like (you) make me sick

LINK is seriously good technology that solves actual problems unlike most of the things on the top 100.

Bought at 3300 sats feelsgoodman

I’m not denying that. I’m just giving a heads up to the poor fucks who are desperate to not get their hopes up and think LINK will reach $1k because it’s mathematically impossible and not gonna happen lmao

oh no it won't 500x from here because OP said so. We'll just have to settle for a 50x or 100x

Still enough for me to have "Fuck you" level money

This. Hell i’d even settle for x25

Wow 500 dollars? Man I'll only have millions instead of tens of millions, what am I gonna do with myself OP jeez

Eh whatever. The kind of people that could fall for that probably bought Verge at the ATH..

Listen to this man. Sell your bags guys. Sell them all the way down. Ill even buy them for you. All of them you got. So just keep selling for the love of god.

What a fucking cry baby, he didn't get link at 15c kek

Sirgay was originally going to exit scam, but Veeky Forums made too many memes before he could. Now he is actually going to deliver entirely do to fear of being murdered by an autist.

Memed into reality

I’m not even trying to FUD just giving my fellow autists a reality check that it will never reach 1k.

Also you should be ashamed of yourself faggot, trying to scare new comers out of good money so whales can accumulate more, please kys

Nice of you to look out for the normies user. True samaritan. I mean surely you have no reason to keep the price down, right?

Nah not even normies just fellow retarded autists soyim

>giving a fuck about supply and ignoring % gains

We got a fuckin’ retard up in here fellas not like you didn’t know already tho desus’

>if all the investors bought up all the link tokens in circulation and just held them, how would the node operators get paid?
Lel. Link is divisible to 18 decimals, son.
A single Link token could be a billion dollars, and you could still pay someone one USD cent worth of Link.

>you’ll never see link over $500.
You have no idea what smart contracts are or do.
Chainlink is shaping up to be THE key to mainstream smart contracts, and this means the raw potential for Link is virtually limitless.

>implying that some of the faggots here that have over 300k link could potentially be worth trillions in the future
thanks for the laff famalam

LINK bag holders are truly the Rick&Morty fans of the crypto community.

They'll never get their trillions when they fall for dumb FUDs like yours

Uh i wouldn’t go that far

I will be worth 7 figures if it hits 100 dollar desu, I don't think anyone but the most delusional LINK marines expects 1000 dollars.

The level of FUD on LINK is really starting to ramp up just as the handle is forming. Must be a coincidence

If it only gets to half of your pessimistic price forecast i would have a supercar to drive for each day of the week. Is this supposed to be a reverse psychology shill?

Someone with 300k Link wouldn't even be half a billionaire even if Link hit $1000.
Also, nobody with hundreds of thousands of Link will continue to hodl all of them during the rise to hundreds of $ per token.

It is mathematically very possible. Not saying it will happen, but if you think it's "mathematically impossible", I would call you retarded.


What about it?

It’s not going to even hit $500. I mean i wish because i hold a considerable amount of link but it’ll never happen

What do you think is going to happen once institutions start locking down links for nodes? An industry and marketplace of link nodes will bloom from this as hoarding it will be insanely profitable. Link will literally allow you to print money.

It could very easily hit that if/when things pan out.

It's almost not even an exaggeration to say that the internet itself was merely a stepping stone towards achieving mainstream smart contracts.
And not only is the raw potential huge, but there is tremendous scalability too. By which I mean this is not an all or nothing deal at all.

>I mean i wish because i hold a considerable amount of link

There it is fellas. Pack this up, this fucking thread is over.

>allow you to print money

What incentive do you think staking will give you, brainlet? You don't even know what you fucking bought.

been seeing a lot of anti link shilling today...

link is a meme coin

meme magic is a powerful thing

That only means a big pump is coming

You all saw, he doesn't want to be healed. He doesn't want it!

somebody share a link dyor copypasta please

is it pronounced eye see oh or eye ko?

Then I should buy trx, right? Link is not trying to replace eth. Link is also essential for blockchain adoption. It won't reach 1k, but it can likely reach $50.

I believe in AssBlaster

Got a spare grand. Should I buy some link?

I don't care how much it rises, I'm just in it to stake a node.


That’s pretty gay 2bh


LINK, XLM, BAT, etc.. etc..

Wake up. Do your own research