If I put 1000 dollars in BAT and forget about it for a year, what will most likely what happen

If I put 1000 dollars in BAT and forget about it for a year, what will most likely what happen

>inb4 $1

Other urls found in this thread:


youll come back to nothing

probably 400 bucks

It'll like, go to $1 or some shit cuz like, you don't understand use case chad.

per token? or he'll come back to 400 bucks?

>hes still considering putting fiat into crypto
the ride is over user, did you really think fake internet money would last forever?

You'll have enough to buy a cup of coffee. Don't you know the purpose of this token?

$1 short term, 5 to 10 medium term.

You'll come back to a coinbase listing, $5+ BAT, and brave at an all time high in usage.

that's per token.

>1$ is against their own principles.

token never goes beyond $1, it is stated in the white paper

youll come back to whitepaper


you will have 1000$ duh

Well, practically, if you have more than 1000$ it kinda defeats the purpose of having 1000$. Just think about it for a sec, will you

Wiser words never spoken.

Please advise. I bought at 5490 sats... due to buy high sell low. How much lower should I wait for?

BAT will moon by end of month so just hold it. If you have more funds to spare you should DCA and buy more

measuring bat in sats is not a good start

USD motherfucker, can you speak it?



>he didnt read the whitepaper
you're gonna be real disappointed when you find out it wont go above $1

If it's true it won't rise over 1USD, it's way too expensive now.

Fucking lost my chances.

$1000 in Tio (TIOTOUR on ED now) will get you over a $100k in like 3 months, Coins suply is less than 450k, price is currently at $0.2, about to be listed on CMC. No. Not trying to shill anyone, DYOR. You're welcome

I think I might have to sell this coin just because of the $1 meme

thanks fags

It's a dumb meme. It was already over a dollar before the big dip. Buy now while it's low.

Don’t own the coin but these guys are lying

When I made this meme I underestimated how many people would take it seriously. I'm not sorry.

the meme doesn't even make sense. ok so let's say BAT is trading at $1 on binance. what the fuck do you think is going to happen next? the order book just shuts down and allows only sells below $1? if anyone actually believes this shit you should go huff raid, cut your dick off, and feed it to your sister in a bowl of spaghettios

lol meme? look at the numbers guy, its running out of growth room, quick maths

Why do you guys come into these threads with literally no knowledge about the coin? Just saying that makes it obvious you did zero research.

This faggot $1 meme was funny at first but now it's obnoxious. I'm sure even the pajeet are joining in on it. Anyway, you're going to do well if you hold.

do you know how big whales there are from the ICO? they will dump millions of BAT to keep the price at approximately $1

>It was already over a dollar before the big dip
But it wasn't tho?


Not sorry.

Why would they do that? Honestly curious


It is the purpose.

When is someone going to tweet Brendan and ask for clarification about why the purpose of this coin is to remain below $1.

My Veeky Forumsbrothers of the coin, you have BAT'd sense into me.

BAT being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?

it's the best model for maximum market penetraton, their whole ad marketplace is based on it


Why should the whales prioritize market penetration over the value of their holdings?

>He just put in 1000
>sell everything

don't even humor these pajeets giggling in their stained underwear making up these stupid tin foil theories

because they own stocks

also they want to sell ads on the marketplace

Canst thou begift me with a brief jog-under?

Is this fucking meme actually working?

BAT can be any price. It's priced by the market. FFS. It's going 10+ boyos

It's not just ads.

They're kryptonite to most people and and easy way to intro people to BAT/Brave.

Content is the kingmaker.

It's just boring at this point. Come up with some new memes!

It's causing FUD, driving prices below avg

content means nothing, brave is an ad exchange ad platform. end of story

did my research

>reading the public version of the whitepaper

soyboy, the actual 180-page thing with algorithms is accessible only to GitHub members. good luck getting in nowadays

Until content is behind a BAT paywall it will be.

There are a few non-US factors to take into account but I'm happy to hear more FUD

You're thinking of Tether (USDT)

>gee how will they ever divide bat up into units smaller than a dollar worth?

I wish I was as blissfully ignorant as these fellow BATmen. Unfortunately, bat will never rise above $1 as it defeats the propose of the entire proposal.

You're thinking of Tether (USDT)

>pump it over $1

bat is
1eth =6400 bat in the white paper

>brendan's vision

lul wish I got in that early. Got in late @ .72 but I genuinely believe in this shit. $50 EOY mother fuckers, it’s gonna pay for my degree and then some, and in the 2020’s I’ll be legally growing weed and rich as a mother fucker.

bottom of page 24 lol

>Posts this.
>ETH mooning and no link in price to BATs

FUD harder

BAT will be $50 eoy. $100 with coinbase listing.

That's the ICO price isn't it?

To prove my earlier point:


Welcome the Guardian - a normie paywall paper with huge reach.

Fingers crossed BAT stays below $1 a bit longer.

no FUD. I just bought more cuz of the sale.



>go all in on BAT
>initial huge gains

>some stupid fucking meme starts and the coin crashes



BAT is right where its supposed to be. In a week it will go absolutley nuclear pulling 100-200% daily.

This cup and handle has been forming for months. Anyone with a brain accumulated during the bottlm of the cup, and will again at the bottom of the handle.

Might as well sell at 62 cents because it will never be a dollar