
Shill me some very low cap coins that I can only get on Cryptopia

The website is a piece of shit which means more gains

Fuck off retard.

Can somebody please explain this new shitty meme I don’t understand?


Well it’s on eher delta also but fuck that


Obsidian. Check out new website Saturday

This is a legit question

AudioCoin (ADC)

Get in UFR faggot

Sumokoin. It's a better Monero with a 350x lower market cap. Not even exaggerating when I say it's gonna go up at least 50x in the next couple of months when people hear about it.


Got that
Already have, not fag

What do u buy with on there? LTC?

prl and ufr

transfer to ED and get SophiaTX. you'll thank me later.

Have these


Okay this is what I was looking for. Looks sexy


buy LUX and stay away from the UFR pajeet pnd

Already 4x my cash on UFR

PND up big today. Huge volume increase.

Ya, I don't trust that's about as generic as it gets

Check out UFR for quick 10x . Decentralized torrent ! How does it sound ?


I already said I'm 4x on UFR

you should email them to tell them to fix the bitcoin cash name. as the real bitcoin, it is insulting they are not using the correct name.

CHAN. it's the Veeky Forums coin rebranded to CHAN. already did a 100% the last 24 hours, will probably do another 200%.


>decentralized torrent
are you fucking kidding me

lol, no

Sounds like a piece of shit.

It's a good project but people need to really understand wtf they are talking about before shilling



CREA, still below 15 million with amazing potential

bittorrent is already a p2p protocol... its already completely decentralized and works fine without any token or extra incentive

I went with MSP and BIS.

LANA ..Small sell walls..Cheap as fuck @0.00000022 $20.00 investors can turn a profit